GW Previews New 10th Edition 40k & AoS Releases Coming After Leviathan

coming-soon-warhammer-40k-after-leviathanGW just previewed new 10th Edition 40k index datasheet cards, mission packs, points, and even new Age of Sigmar releases coming after Leviathan this summer!

Games Workshop has revealed all the new releases coming post-Leviathan release!

Warhammer 40,000: Leviathan Box Pre-Order: SOLD OUT

Get yours for less from these retailers:| Amazon | Dicehead Games | Bazooka Games | Frontline Gaming | Element Games (UK) | or | eBay | Games Workshop’s Store

Warhammer 40,000: Leviathan has sold out on, but don’t worry – speak to your local Warhammer store or independent stockist to find out how you can still secure a copy. Boxes will land on shelves on Saturday, the 24th of June, so there are still plenty of opportunities to get yours! (edited) 

The Leviathan pre-order has already sold out, but you may still be able to get it from your local store on June 24th, or even pre-order directly from them!

leviathan boxall

This humongous box contains 72 new miniatures split between the Space Marines and the Tyranids.

Post-Levithan Upcoming Releases Announced

9th warhammer 40k banner

10th Edition Faction Index Cards

On Warhammer Community, we’ll be publishing all the remaining datasheets for the other factions, as well as all the points at the end of the week – after you’ve had time to digest all those hundreds of datasheets.

On Warhammer Community, we’ll be publishing all the remaining datasheets for the other factions, as well as all the points at the end of the week – after you’ve had time to digest all those hundreds of datasheets.

With points on the way, we should have a near-perfect picture of what the 10th edition will look like for list building!

Additionally, while these physical cards will drop soon after Leviathan for purchase, you can get the rules digitally online for free as we have already seen the ones for Tyranids and Space Marines.


Tyrannic War Crusade Supplement

Tyrannic War CrusadeAlong with competitive missions, players can experience a more narrative experience via the Crusade Campaigns thanks to an upcoming Tyrannic War Crusade Supplement!

Chapter Approved Leviathan Mission Deck

ca leviathan mission deck

Additionally, this new Mission deck will also be landing shortly after Leviathan’s release for anyone who likes the cards as game-aids along with the new index cards.


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Generals Handbook 2023-2024

general's handbook 23-24

Right after the big 10th Edition launch, Age of Sigmar players will also get their yearly Generals Handbook promising new rules for matched play amongst a snowbound landscape theme.

And just as a reminder… As seen from Warhammer Fest, heres the roadmap for AoS

AoS Book Roadmap 2023

Harbingers is the first book of a series. We’ve checked with the auguries, who have provided a roadmap of what the future holds for the Age of Sigmar.

With the massive build-up of Cities of Sigmar, it will finally release in Autumn! The Dawnbringers series looks to also wrap up by the end of this year, with a book on each Grand Alliance. Plus, the Cities of Sigmar are finally getting their initial release as well.

Always remember to vote with your hobby dollars when it comes to huge releases like these, as your local game store could probably use your business right now!

Click Here For The Price & Value of the Leviathan Starter Box 

What do you think of all the new Leviathan 10th Edition Starter Box releases that are on the way?

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