More new Warhammer releases are on the way another fun GW Online Preview event is coming Saturday- here’s what we may see…
What could the next GW Preview be? Let’s take a look at the clues from Warhammer Community and what releases we still haven’t seen yet…
There will be plenty more Warhammer 40,000 content to look forward to as well, and even a new mega-preview next weekend! Here’s a hint at what it’s about…
Catch all the latest news from the preview here on from 2pm (BST) on Saturday the 17th of October. You can also follow the live preview on from 1.45pm (BST)
Gridiron leads us to believe its probably something to do with Blood Bowl, but they did confirm that there would be some 40k as well. Let’s break down all we know right now and speculate some on what the new previews may bring!
August Preview: Shadow, Iron, & Broken Realms
Six games were included in the preview back in August. Ranging from Horus Heresy to Necromunda, to the Age of Sigmar. This was the largest scope of a Preview yet as most of the time they only focus on maybe 2 or 3 games, not 6.
You can check out our roundup of the preview here. In terms of what we have yet to see released we have these bad boys here:
Grid-Iron (Blood Bowl) Possible Previews
Back in August GW confirmed that the 3rd edition of Blood Bowl was on the way.
We first saw images of a 3rd Edition Blood Bowl making the rounds in August. It was then followed up by Warhammer Community giving everyone full pictures of the models and more.
… and now we can announce that 2020 is set to join those mighty dates etched into the annals of glory.
Hours of playtesting and feedback from many of the best players in the world have gone into crafting the very best edition of Blood Bowl to date – putting into practice more than 30 years of game development. At its heart, it’s the same Blood Bowl you all know and love, but polished to perfection to improve the gaming experience for everyone.
A first look at the cover art for the new Blood Bowl starter box set shows what looks like Orc against the Bogenhafen Barons, we’ll be taking a closer look at those Imperials on the left in just a minute.
The rules team has added new tactical depth to the game both on and off the field. You can expect enhancements to core mechanics like passing, alongside campaign elements such as injuries, experience, and spending those all-important Star Player Points.
Taking a closer look at some of the Bogenhafen Barons, they’re absolutely decked out in detail too!
If you want a closer look at the team, Warhammer TV also dropped a video preview on their YouTube channel:
There Will Be 40k As Well…
We are almost to Black Friday season (crazy huh?) and that means potentially more bundle sets coming for the holidays.
We did a full breakdown of the savings of last year’s boxes here, but remember that GW also dropped the Sisters of Battle Army box and two back to back Psychic Awakening books as well on Black Friday and Dec 6th as well.
So we could also get more news about future supplements or even a hint at the next set of full codexes…
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What do you think the Preview will be about? What will be shown off? If there anything you are hoping for?
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