Again though, these are rumors so take them with as much salt as you need, especially considering they are for Eldar…
RUMORS: Tons of New Eldar 40k Rules & Models Coming Soon!
It has been written in the scrolls that Eldar will eventually get more than one new model at a time. When will that time be now? Soon! There have been rumblings pointing towards multiple models and a new book. If this is true, we could see some of all of this hopefully in 2022…
First up, we saw a bloody hand rumor engine, that looked an awful lot like an Avatar, then more recently there has been artwork from recent Kill Team releases with new-looking models, and of course all the official previews.
So what’s waiting for you in the pages of this massive new 200-page codex? Let’s start with new ways to build the mixed-faction Aeldari armies of your dreams. Their race may be in decline, but they’re full of vibrant factions who can be called on for aid.
As well as rules for Asuryani Aeldari (that’s craftworlds to me and you), this new codex also has rules for fielding Harlequins – we’ll have more info on adding these deadly clowns to your armies later in the week. We saw the first Corsairs miniature at LVO, and you can also include them in an army. You can even dedicate yourself to the Aeldari god of death and take a Ynnari army – all using the same codex!
Even by looking at the spine of the book, we can tell that this codex is going to be a big one! Plus it looks like the Eldar sub-factions won’t get separate books/supplements? Honestly, that might not be a bad thing having all the rules in one place!
What The New Plastic Eldar Avatar Was Thought To Look Like
Here’s Mark Gibbons’s artwork for the Avatar and honestly it’s pretty awesome. Since GW has been loving to put minis on the base (like primaris lieutenants) this makes even more sense. There have been rumors floating around for a while now about a new Eldar Avatar miniature, and while we like the old one, we would love for it to look more like the picture above.
Much like with the other minis updated from his art, they keep true to the old model, but just make them way cooler.
These rumors (and composite image above) come from Aeldari Warhammer 40k Discord, which you can sign up for here.
When you look at these two pictures side by side, it really looks like this could easily be the model. The blood effects on the old one are, shall we say, old. When compared to his artwork, the Rumor Engine looks so much more like his piece.
Speaking of a reveal, here is what may be the star of the Games Workshop New Years Day 2022 Preview, the New Eldar Avatar looks absolutely stunning!
New Plastic 40k Eldar Avatar Model
Glorgious (misspelled on purpose), this new model looks like GW replicated the 80s with today’s technology and it is stunning!
Next up spotted on Reddit and promptly removed, were these images from the LVO 2022 preview:
So it looks like the Avatar will not only have a helmeted head but also a bare one that has some serious Night Elves vibes. Also, note the axe version of the Wailing Doom as well as a sword.
Not only does the new kit come with three head options, it also has three weapons; in addition, the new Avatar is adorned with the runes from a number of different Craftworld Aspects, creating a truly customizable monster to add to your Craftworlds army
The flames seem to also be separate bits that can be placed on the base. As far as price goes, the Forge World version currently goes for $110, so this one may be priced similarly…
It still looks like we have seen all the options for the new Eldar Avatar though, however, his base is for sure the biggest yet, perhaps 110mm round.
It looks to be at least 3 guardians wide, which appear to be in 32mm and not 27mm bases when you compare them to the Space Marine Bladeguard in the lower right frame. All that of course is just speculation on the sizes from the images we have currently.
RUMORS: New Eldar Avatar Rules & Stat Line Are Hot
As seen in the Christmas Leaks on discord, these new rules rumors for the Eldar Avatar are definitely exciting to read.
Keeping the 4++ is nice plus the halving of damage and other Eldar rules will let him stay alive longer. Then, getting two types of attacks will make it more versatile, overall. Plus, d6+2 damage is nothing to overlook! He can kill tanks and other big guys super easily with 14 S and 7 attacks!
Again, his points will be depending on the rest of the rules in the book, so hard to judge that but he is expensive.
With the artwork and teaser looked at, we had a pretty good idea it would be similar. With rumored rules, we also had an idea of how hed function, but now let’s check out the actual spotted model and datasheet!
New Avatar of Khaine Datasheet & Model Spotted
Originally seen on Reddit, this blurry datasheet features the model and the full rules page! So let’s dive in and see what we can get from it.
Starting out with the model image in the top left, we can match up all the teaser video screen caps to more or less confirm this as legit! The fire/armor image looks like it was his knee, with everything else being pretty obvious.
Additionally, all of the rumored rules from the Christmas Eldar leaks above for the new Eldar Avatar also look 100% correct, which means it was a pretty reliable source after all!
If you aren’t familiar with the old rules, We’ve also got that for you right here:
Just by comparing the sheer size of the sheet, we can see that the Avatar of Khaine re-work/update is a big one, getting a ton of added power!
For an extra 70 points (rumored to be 270 from above), he sees upgrades across his entire statline, with everything getting better (except the WS and BS which were already at 2+)
His ranged attack gets a huge power boost and gains a very similar effect to Mortarion’s pistol getting a “shoot over” effect damaging models to passes over. Which thanks to the upgraded stats of the attack, make it much, much better overall.
As for melee, he gets a two-profile option for focused and multi-target attacks. The focused hit has a base of 7 attacks at 14S, -5 AP, and averages 5 damage, making it ridiculously strong. While the sweep has 14 attacks at 7S, -2 AP, 2 damage, making for an easy space marine squad wiper with each wound removing a full model.
His old 5+ invulnerable save has been upgraded to a 4+, but now ALSO reduces damage by half! His auras were also slightly changed, now “moral tests” just ignore modifiers instead of auto-passing, which is fine. While his re-roll charge aura was reduced to 6″ range. Both auras of course also only affect CORE units, as with every other updated factions’ auras. He also gained an explosion on 6s when destroyed which is fine, and on the theme for the violent departure of the Avatar.
Lastly, there is a new downside, which restricts him to not being able to take a Warlord Trait or Relic, which seems completely fair seeing as this guy just got upgraded all the way up to a mini-Mortarion for a fraction of the cost!
GW Reveals New 40k Eldar Avatar Rules
The new stat line is pretty sweet and it looks like the spotted datasheet above got it exactly. So that means the decaying wounds profiles are probably also pretty close to correct. With better stats all around, the new model is bound to make some lists and do some damage!
Sweating already? That’s not just the heat emanating from his blistering body. The Wailing Doom – or Suin Daellae, for the Aeldari amongst you – is the Avatar’s signature weapon. With its edge honed by Vaul and its balance tested by Asuryan, all three forms of this divine weapon are thirsty for blood.
At strength 7, even the sweeping blow will smash through some high armor units, not to mention it will get it double attacks! Then the Piercing Strike will get it so much strength AP and an insane amount of damage. Enough to tear through pretty much anything.
Shooting Attack
Of course, nothing in combat is guaranteed, so why not soften up your opponents with a bit of cheeky pre-combat shooting? The Wailing Doom isn’t limited to hacking and slashing – it can fire a 12” column of searing flame that hits any unit it touches.
If you can get this across 2-3 tanks or big models, this will do some insane damage. Especially considering you don’t have to make additional hit rolls, just make the one and you’re good to go.
Molten Form
None of this would be worth much if the Avatar crumpled before withering firepower. Unfortunately for his opponents, this molten metal embodiment of war has a 2+ save, a 4+ invulnerable save, and halves all incoming damage.
With the good saves and halving damage, let’s hope you’ll be able to get this monster close before it takes too much damage!
Next up, there is new artwork on some of the Kill Team Octarius freebies featuring Eldar. These look very much like new Rangers and that makes sense with what some industry insiders have told us: a new kill Team box with redesigned Eldar models inside.
Turns out they are new Corsair models after the LVO 2022 reveal. Plus, we’ve heard some rumblings of new Harlequin models as well that may also be coming in some sort of Kill Team offering as well.
Corsairs Leaks
If you ever wanted to make a full corsair pirate list led by the prodigal Prince Yriel (who may have a bit of a shadow looming over him) these new 40k rules rumors are for you! These come from the Christmas Leaks, and a lot of them have become true, so be sure to check them out if you want to see what else could be on the way!
It also seems like there will also be changes in how farseers and warlocks are fielded overall now in Eldar lists. Now, it’s all coming true, so some pretty good rumors if you ask us!
We’ve seen plenty of armies getting new models first in Kill Team, so this wouldn’t surprise us to see some of the releases go that way. A little unfortunate here for Harlequins that the new unit mentioned is this and not also something separate. Still, new stuff is always good! Now, let’s check out all the new models!
Kill Team Corsairs
The newest addition to the Warhammer 40k: Kill Team line is a classic faction of miniatures, the Corsairs.
The Corsair featured here is absolutely dripping in both Drukhari and Eldar flavor, and we highly anticipate his crew’s entry to the Kill Team scene.
We had heard the rumors of new corsair models for Eldar coming in a Kill Team box, and this looks to be it.
GW Reveals Eldar Kill Team Voidscarred Corsairs
This glorious new plastic kit contains a host of options – as with the other kill teams released so far, such as the Ork Kommandos and Veteran Guardsmen – allowing you to build a dizzying array of individual fighters. For example, the Starstorm Duellist is a prideful pirate packing a pair of powerful pistols – and unlike the clumsy landlubbers in other kill teams, they can even blast away at Engagement Range thanks to their Quick on the Trigger ability.
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They have a ton of options and will just make for a really cool squad! It would be nice if you get more than one of each weapon option because, for a 40k game, they may prove hard to equip.
The Corsairs will first be available in the forthcoming Kill Team: Nachmund boxed set, which continues the narrative of the current Warhammer 40,000 season. As we hinted on Monday, Corsairs will also have rules in the truly comprehensive Codex: Aeldari.
While they look dope for sure, here is hoping we don’t have to wait as many months for this to come out on its own as we did with the Orks and DKoK.
The wide variety of weapons is really cool and they all look pretty awesome and perfectly in-between Eldar and Drukhari, plus even have a Wraith Cannon!
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- War walkers still in codex – datasheet later
- Wraithlords Elites
- At least three brand new units will be released in 2023, not aspects (corsairs, and quin unit hint)
- Warlock Skyrunners don’t gain additional powers from more models in the unit
The rumor also went on to say the reveal was imminent, so perhaps we’ll see them as a separate kit (outside of a Kill Team expansion) for purchase in 2023?
So first up is the Christmas Advent calendar-style Eldar rumors leak itself. If you’re hankering to know what each day will bring, keep this list in mind! We’re not exactly sure how they will show something like stratagems, but we’ll see soon enough. We’re probably the most excited about day 23 and seeing anything for that new Avatar model.
Still, if this is all true, there are going to be a lot of new units and the army will be seeing a ton of changes.
As with any rumor, take it with as much salt as you need. This disclaimer states that the book isn’t done yet and everything is coming from the playtest.
It’s also interesting to think about the fact that they may have had an Eldar model release ready for years…
We’ve been seeing rumors for new models (especially Aspect Warriors), so we don’t see any reason they couldn’t see an update this big. If you’ve been dreaming of an Eldar update, this is basically as good as it’s going to get. It would be a little sad to not see an Asurmen update because that model needs one seriously badly.
Eldar vs Chaos Battle Box Set Rumors
If this is true, it means the Eldar will most likely see a release sort of like the Black Templars or Orks, with a full month plus of staggered releases. Either way, with Eldar getting 3 new units in the rumored battle box set and Chaos grabbing 2, this will be one of the most anticipated boxes of the year.
Lastly, the timeframe for everything has been sketchy as of late, so who knows when it will actually hit in 2022.
Eldar Ranger Jetbikes Shroud Runners
If this is true, these new Eldar Rander Shourd Runner Jetbikes seem very strong. A mix of unique rules, buffed weapons, and of course signature mobility, mean this new tool might be able to help push the faction back into competitive relevance. Reliable ballistic skill, unique cover rules, and a relatively low cost all seem too good to be true! We just have to wait and see.
New Eldar Yriel & Full Corsair Pirate Army Rules
If you ever wanted to make a full corsair pirate list led by the prodigal Prince Yriel (who may have a bit of a shadow looming over him) these new 40k rules rumors are for you!
It also seems like there will also be changes in how farseers and warlocks are fielded overall now in Eldar lists. Plus with the new Ranger kits look for them to be hot now too.
New Eldar Battle Focus & Psychic Powers Rules for 40k
Well if this rumored rule for Battle focus doesn’t change then it looks like it will become useful once again for sure. Hopefully, there is clarity about what kind of move it will be so that players will know if they can do it after deepstriking or not.
No other big changes are rumored to the rest of the powers from the looks of it either.
RUMORS: New Eldar Reserve & Surviviabilty 40k Rules for 9th Edition
Honestly, some of this may sound a little too good to be true. Exploding 6’s is always good and may make shoving sub-par units through the webway better, as opposed to other things. That being said when you look at all these rules together, seems like it may make for a lot of similar gameplay if true…
Buyer beware on these rumors 100%
New Ynnari Army Wide 40k Rules & Composition
Always fighting first is sure to kick up some opinions with players, but at the end of the day, it may only matter if you can stack buffs on them to make them death blenders.
New ‘Miracle Dice’ 40k Rules For Craftworlds Eldar
Well, this one may be a little ‘too much’ even for a rumor, but it is a mechanic that at least two 40k armies out there have. In the case of Tzeentch, they cast a lot of spells, so it’s possible Eldar could get it too we suppose. Eldar Miracle Dice? Add salt to this one for sure.
Previous rumors have spoken of a new Harlequins unit that possibly would come in a Kill Team box. These rumors if true may give the Harlequins a bit more on the survivability side, that they have previously been lacking.
New Eldar 40k Secondaries For Scoring Objectives
Interesting that this rumor indicates an increase in Warp Charge psychic action each time you do it. If that is the case it seems like perhaps other similar ones may get NERFed when the Chapter Approved GT book comes out for 2022.
The board positions one is perhaps poorly worded, however by the looks of it they already may have figured that whatever the new rules for Rangers are, it may have been easy to score.
Eldar Craftworlds 40k Faction Rules Ulthwe & More
Unfortunately, some Eldar Craftworlds haven’t really seen a lot of play in 8th and 9th editions! perhaps these new Eldar Craftworlds rules will make taking them more viable!
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We really love seeing Iyanden on the tabletop, as the colors contrast each other so well! Saim-hann may just be a very easy choice for a lot of players as well with all these Jetbike rumors out there too.
New Eldar Wraithguard & Wraithblades 40k Rules Slap
Speaking of Iyanden, these rumors seem to suggest a few improvements to these shadowy undead automontons. First is more attack opportunities with about the same damage overall. Shooting seems to be a tad bit better and perhaps even allowed in combat as well, which is just bananas if that Wraithguard rules weapon profile is true.
The big question is will they still be -1 to hit for moving their heavy weapons around?
Eldar Wave Serpent Buffed With New 40k Rules
Well, these rumored Eldar Wave Serpent 40k rules while seeming a bit on the wish list side makes a lot of sense. Currently, it reduces damage by one to one, so it’s possible they could change its rules to wound on a 4+. Getting a 5++ and making the Eldar Wave Serpent still reduce damage is bold but not unheard of rules wise.
New Eldar Autarch 40k Rules Not That Tight
Okay so in theory there is a good baseline for improvement here over the current Eldar Autarch rules. However, these rumored rules just are not that tight. Now they do seem to indicate that additional rules will make the Eldar Autarch a ‘melee monster’ but of course that remains to be seen right now.
Maybe we’re missing something. You can have all the attacks in the world, but unless Eldar gets more strength buff rules, and have more protection from attack backs their fey frames will never be “melee monsters’. Eldar Autarch models especially need these sorts of new rules as they tend to want to lead from the front, but can’t.
Eldar Guardians & Dire Avengers 40k Rules Buffs
If these new rules are true looks like Eldar Guardians gained an extra 6″ of range which probably is better overall honestly. We had seen glimpses of what looked like new fusion and chainblade bits too so perhaps Storm Guardians may rise up to see some play soon with new ‘assault’ buffs. Also, a change in save of 5+ to 4+ may also end up making a huge difference against non-MEQ armies as well.
New Eldar Vehicle Weapon 40k Rules Are More Deadly
Well, the Falcon pulse lance surely slaps if these rumored Eldar vehicle weapon rules are true- d3+3 damage is more than respectable. The question is what will the profile be for the Eldar Hornet whose Pulse Laser is currently S7 -2AP D2, which is about average these days.
Shuriken stays in line with day 16’s rumors, and the Scatter laser can put out 12 total shots when taken in tandem which is more than enough to clear out chaff given Eldar’s current ability to modify dice rolls.
Finally, the Eldar Bright Lance may shine (get it?) once again as well with these vehicle weapon rules rumors if the points keep it fieldable en masse.
Eldar Aspect Warrior, Phoenix Lord & Exarch 40k Rules
Interesting rumors for sure which may have more implications for Asurman, and perhaps how he may or may not continue to buff other aspect warriors now. Phoenix Lords always seemed to be underpowered in the invul department too, so if they are getting a blanket save now we may see a lot more of them hit the tables in the near future.
Aspect warriors as well always needed “a little bit more” to make them worth taking outside of rangers for the most part in lists. So here’s hoping for the accuracy of these rumors.
New Eldar Warp Spiders & Swooping Hawk 40k Rules
For those of you out there clamoring for some better hitting power for the Aspect Warriors, these new 40k rules rumors offer a glimmer of hope! While abusive in the past, there look to be some changes coming for the Swooping Hawk Grenade packs- plus an exceptional S4 on their swords. All Eldar ever seemed to want was some strength 4 in combat, so this could mean things like Striking Scorpions may be even better soon as well!
Warp Spiders may see some changes coming to their shooting weapons, and also get a bit more cagey perhaps doing similar work on the table as Eldar Rangers in the future. Both of these units look even better if Day 18’s rumors also come true as well.
New Eldar Battlefield Roles 40k Rules
Welp, who had money on all of this? If even one of these turns out to be true it can have pretty big ramifications for how Eldar Army lists are constructed in the future. There are a couple of precedents too for the swap in Ranger spots with the new Shroud Runners units if you compare them to the Space Marine codex.
Warlocks getting full smite too is pretty interesting. They could be a mini-mortal wound machine now, and free up Farseers to do the heave casting living for the rest of the army.
New Eldar Howling Banshees & Striking Scorpion 40k Rules
Maybe these are the new aspect warrior rumors you have been waiting for? So for real strength 4 base really ups the power level of all the aspects 100% plus with a rumored blanket save, as extra bonuses like exploding 6’s to hit and striking last for their opponents both these aspects are looking very well positioned in 9th!
These new 4ok rules rumors for Striking Scorpions and Howling banshees are some of the spiciest we’ve seen so far, and we hope they are true!
New Eldar Heavy Support 40k Weapon Rules & NERFS
So some pluses and some minuses if this pans out. First of all the Night Spinnerhaving a bigger punch in the AP department may be huge and see them in a lot of lists going forward. Fire Prisms are in a similar place, but maybe not auto-include as much due to the points, and the fact that the opponents will have to dedicate resources to dealing with them.
New Eldar Avatar Rules & Stat Line Are Hot so Far!
Taking away the 4++ seems pretty annoying but hopefully, the halving of damage and other Eldar rules will let him stay alive longer. Then, getting two types of attacks will make it more versatile, overall. Plus, d6+2 damage is nothing to overlook! He can kill tanks and other big guys super easily with 14 S and 7 attacks!
Again, his points will be depending on the rest of the rules in the book, so hard to judge that but he is expensive.
Eldar Corsairs, Harlequins & Squats Coming to Kill Team!
We’ve seen plenty of armies getting new models first in Kill Team, so this wouldn’t surprise us to see some of the releases go that way. A little unfortunate here for Harlequins that the new unit mentioned is this and not also something separate. Still, new stuff is always good!
We’ve been hearing Squats rumors for a while now, so this doesn’t surprise us too much! If you want to see what the previous rumors are, check them out here!
New Eldar Aeldari Craftworlds Plastic Miniatures: Eldritch Omens
A few of the latest rumor engines and some of these leaks were just revealed with the new Eldritch Omens box set preview for Chaos and Eldar.
The Asuryani get nine all-new miniatures comprising Autarch Ghaelyn’s Saim-Hann force, including the Autarch herself.
Perhaps the more highly anticipated half of this box set are all the new Eldar Aeldari Craftworlds miniatures, but that Warpsmith for Chaos is looking hot too!
Eldar Autarch Plastic Miniature: Eldritch Omens
This kit has plenty of options, allowing you to build the Autarch of your dreams, with three head options, two torso variants, and certain other still-secret options! In terms of weapons, you get a star glaive or a scorpion chainsword in one hand, and your pick of four ranged weapons in the other. Not only that, the weapons and upgrades are cross-compatible with the existing Autarch model.
These were the options we saw when they first announced the model in the Eldritch Omens box (they also confirmed you will get all the options in that box for this model).
The new miniature comes with options to equip your Autarch with a Howling Banshee mask, a regular helmet, or a bare head, as well as a choice of male and female torsos.
You can also take a Warp Spider jump generator along with either a star glaive or a Scorpion chainsword. For those who prefer to slay their enemies from a distance, you also have options to take a shuriken pistol, Reaper launcher, Dragon fusion gun, or death spinner
This is a really cool idea it all just comes down to how easy you can magnetize or interchange the parts. Still, it is nice to have more options than fewer! With how many options this and the Guardians kit have, it bodes well for all the releases to have a lot of options and bits.
Phew! That’s a lot of options. Plus, this new model is fully compatible with the existing Autarch kit, giving you even more modelling choices.
If you have a few unbuilt Autarch kits lying around, then at this point it would probably be worth it to wait on building them. Or if you have already built yours, hopefully, you saved the bits somewhere!
Eldar Rangers Plastic Miniatures: Eldritch Omens
Equipped with long rifles and cameleoline cloaks which let them obscure themselves from enemy units, Rangers are the Craftworlds’ forward scouts.
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Another Eldar staple has gotten new miniatures, this time the Rangers! Also included in the kit is a little icon of Kurnous, the god of the hunt. We would expect to see these models to be on the same 28mm bases that were included with the Howling Banshees when they were released in the fall of 2019.
Eldar Plastic Shroud Runners Miniatures: Eldritch Omens
Some of them prefer to zoom around the battlefield on Shroud Runners, which are Raptor jetbikes with a two-man crew – a Ranger pilot with a partner riding pillion.
Wow, what a cool concept!
We had seen these rumored recently in day 4 of the Eldar Leaks on Discord, but wow the miniatures do not disappoint either! Let’s start with the rumors:
Eldar Ranger Jetbikes Shroud Runners Rumors:
If this is true, these new Eldar Ranger Shourd Runner Jetbikes seem very strong. A mix of unique rules, buffed weapons, and of course signature mobility, mean this new tool might be able to help push the faction back into competitive relevance.
Reliable ballistic skill, unique cover rules, and a relatively low cost all seem too good to be true! We just have to wait and see as we know the models themselves are coming for sure now!
New 40k Plastic Eldar & Storm Guardians Kit Revealed
A mainstay kit for the Eldar is finally being reworked and you’ll actually be able to build either Eldar Guardian Defenders or Storm Guardians. They even previewed a new type of platform for your Storm Guardians that will keep them protected from enemy fire.
Warhammer Community unveiled the new models with some insight into all the options. The article is also called the Path of the Preview, so with a name like that, we expect many more reveals before we see the Eldar codex.
New Plastic Eldar Guardians Kit Revealed by GW!
The last time we saw a new Guardian, it was dead on the base of Lelith, so this is a serious step in the right direction!
The last time we saw a new Guardian, it was dead on the base of Lelith, so this is a serious step in the right direction!
The old Guardian squad has given us many years of faithful service, but this new kit improves upon these veteran miniatures, providing more dynamic poses and more choices of weapons, heads, and bodies.
Finally, new models with plenty of options!
The new models look really sweet and they kept the older style but gave them a new feel. The poses are much more dynamic, they have way more options, and actually, look like something from this decade. Let’s just hope the legs aren’t two parts, as that is so frustrating to build. Still, even if they are two parts, we don’t care because Eldar needs these models so badly!
They can also be made as Storm Guardians, so there will probably be tons and tons of bits in this kit.
Storm Guardians
The new kit includes options to make either a squad of Guardian Defenders (including a heavy weapon platform) or a squad of Storm Guardians, with a new addition for the latter – a Serpent’s Scale Platform. The latter deflects incoming fire, allowing your squad to stroll nonchalantly across the battlefield before slicing their way through the younger races of the galaxy.
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These are super dynamic and obviously have a lot of options with power swords, chainswords, grenades, and weapons. Plus they are grabbing a new platform that will keep them protected from incoming fire.
New 40k Eldar Dark Reapers Kit Revealed!
Continuing our stroll along the Path of the Preview ahead of a massive wave of upcoming Aeldari releases, we see some updated Aspect Warriors in beautiful, crisp, clean, plastic glory. Witness the grimmest, creepiest heavy hitters of them all.
It’s awesome to see just how many kits they are revamping for Eldar, considering most are decades old, it only makes sense!
The kit comes with four warriors and an Exarch, as well as a Dark Reaper shrine – a representation of the god Khaine as he is perceived by these grim Aspect Warriors.
The new figures look pretty sweet and they really kept the feel of the old ones but updated them to the current game. Considering so many people have used these over the years, we’ll have to see what kind of rules they get.
Dark Reaper Kit Bits Options
The Exarch has a choice of heads and a massive four weapon options, including the classic Reaper launcher, a three-tipped tempest missile launcher, an Aeldari missile launcher and a shuriken cannon.
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For the first time, you’ll also find unhelmeted options for each warrior for use in Ynnari armies. They still retain their iconic range-finder fins, so they’re just as good at taking down their marks.
We’re always for more bits and options! We’ll have to see if you can magnetize the parts easily as well so you can get the most out of each kit! Lastly, they mention next Monday will have more previews, so keep your eyes peeled for even more Eldar!
New Plastic 40k Eldar Warlocks
Warlocks are Aeldari seers who have previously walked the Path of the Warrior and so find it easier to develop psychic powers suited to battle. These versatile psykers can join your army as individual Characters or form a full conclave to assist your Farseers, bolster your warhost, and wreak havoc on the foe.
The new plastic models look pretty sweet, but like with all the kits, they have really kept the Eldar feel but updated the minis to the new times.
These Warlocks come as a pair and can each be assembled with or without helmets, just like the new Guardian kit – great news if you don’t want your warriors to end up with helmet hair.
It’s always nice to get more minis in a set, let’s just hope the price doesn’t get too high for the pair. If they stay at the normal price for a single character, then we’d be all about it.
Multi-Part Kit
You can build each Warlock with the choice of a shuriken pistol or an open hand, ready to unleash a mystic curse – or perhaps ask the craftworld’s barkeep to produce two drinks. The kit also contains one witchblade and one singing spear, allowing you to assemble a veritable Seer Council of distinct models.
It looks like with most of the new Eldar kits, they will be making the new plastic Warlock a multi-part kit with hand, head, and weapon options.
New Plastic Maugan Ra & Shining Spears Jetbikes
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Maugan Ra, the Harvester of Souls also makes an appearance with a brand new model. Like many of the newer Aeldari characters, he steadies himself on ruins, ready to spread death from afar.
As you can see, the progenitor of the Dark Reapers is packed with skeletal detail in his first-ever plastic incarnation.
New Plastic Eldar Shining Spears Jetbikes
Like the other upcoming Aspect Warriors, these Shining Spears are packed with options and can be assembled with or without helmets for an army of Ynnari. One can be built as an Exarch with a powerful star lance or paragon sabre, and a shuriken cannon slung below his ride.
The last addition to the new Eldar lineup in the preview is a set of Shining Spears. The new kit is entirely plastic, and the riders come equipped with never-before-seen helmets.
The Preview Team made a specific note to say that this is NOT all of the new Eldar miniatures to be released, so keep an eye out for more in the future.
More New Eldar Codex Rules & Pictures Spotted!
More new pictures from the upcoming Eldar codex, and rules datasheets have been spotted for key units, like the Wave Serpent and Banshees.
Before we get into these new Eldar Codex rules rumors, again, some of these could be fake, but since they are rumors we can’t know for sure 100% either way. however, a lot of them are starting to match up with rumors from the holidays.
New Objectives
This one is worded very strangely, so there is a chance this is fake, but we can’t know for sure. However, getting points for getting off psychic powers is never a bad thing!
This is an interesting secondary objective for the Eldar because you want to be destroying enemy units anyway! Then it goes with the theme of both melee and shooting-focused Aspect Warriors. If you get all three you’ll get 4 points which aren’t too bad but might be hard to do both in one turn.
New 40k Harlequins Rules & Eldar Army-Wide Rules Spotted!
The biggest thing for Harlequins is on the bottom right, you can include one Patrol Detachment of Harlequins in an army without getting rid of your single faction need.
Who is feeling lucky? These new overall rules for the Harlequins are looking pretty interesting indeed.
The Light characterization will never let your units be hit by anything better than 4+ when 12″ away which is really sweet! Then even when they advance they count as remaining stationary, so again, quite strong.
Next, the Warlord Trait will let you Heroically Intervene within 6″ can be huge and really take your opponent by surprise, then if you get the charge or intervention off, you’ll also be grabbing +1 Strength. Adding 3″ inches to both your auras and Psychic Powers is also really strong, as 9″ Arua buffs are just always going to be strong.
Lastly, the Stratagem will basically let most of your units get out of range of most charges, a 6″ move ain’t no joke!
You have to decide between light, twilight, and dark. Dark will let you make attacks with models that died if they haven’t attacked yet. Then they get another AP on all their melee attacks. The Ghoulmask is like the DE relic, but much better because it also removes ObSec from units within 3″. The Warlord trait for adding Mortals on a 5+ and not 6 is another pretty awesome trait.
Twilight rules start with adding attacks when any form of charges are done and then you get an additional 2″ on pile-ins and consolidations. Next, your warlord can really help you gain a lot of extra CP over the course of the game.
The Twilight Fang is interesting because it gets stronger as the game goes on, however, Harlequins have often been an Alpha Strike type list, so we’re not sure how much play it will see. The Stratagem though is really strong because Harlequins get so many attacks, meaning you should be rolling plenty of 6’s that will just wound automatically, which should help with their low strength.
Codex Supplement Craftworld Altansar
These rules were spotted on Reddit and have pretty much everything inside, minus some lore. The poster did say there are about 8 pages of lore, so if you love the Craftworld White Dwarf 473 might be worth the pickup!
While this doesn’t help their shooting, getting an extra AP in basically the first round of every combat is pretty nice. Then, your units will be harder to run off the battlefield, which just makes sense as they are grim survivors!
Master of Rune Warding can be really strong as your Warlord will get two Deny the Witch tests and gets to reroll all tests. So if you’re up against a psychic heavy army, this is a great way to go. However, A Beacon of Light in the Darkness is super strong. It will let a unit shoot and still perform actions, which is always the problem with actions.
Not only that, but then you can also Advance or Fall Back and still do actions. Just gives you a lot of flexibility for getting your objectives. Then Weaver of the Blade Storm gives one core unit the ability to skip rolling for wounds. If you have a ton of shots coming through, this could be really strong.
There are some pretty decent ones here but the most important might be the Withering Volleys strat. Increasing the AP of all your Reaper Launchers is super strong against the right targets, however, when you do it with Dark Reapers, it will cost 2 CP.
Using this on three Warwalkers for 1 CP with Missile Launchers could also be super devastating. As you’ll get a ton of shots powered up for only 1 CP. The other really interesting one is Defiant to the Last. This will let any unit gain Objective Secured, so it could really take your opponent by surprise and grab you those extra objectives.
Saviour Stone is really cool as it lets you get the Strands of Fate rolls you actually want! While it only changes one dice, if you really need a certain roll, this should get it for you. Emblem of the Broken Chain is also pretty strong when you really need to get that charge in.
All The Craftworlds 40k Rules For Eldar Codex Spotted
Here are all the new Craftsworlds rules from the Eldar Codex for Ulthwe, Biel-Tan, Saim-Hann, Iyanden, Alatioc, and creating custom ones as well that were spotted on Reddit.
While there were a lot more rules in the supplement codex for Altansar, the Craftworlds ones in the new Eldar Codex are only one page each. You can click on the gallery above to see all the rules for each of the Craftworlds on their respective pages.
Ulthwe Craftworld Rules:
Ulthwe craftworld has always been strong with their use of Psychic powers, and these new rules definitely reflect that. Plus eligible models will now get a 6+ invulnerable and a 5+ feel no pain save which is pretty stellar- but on low toughness, models may not be as effective.
Iyanden Craftworld Rules
We have already seen great new rules abilities for Wraith models, which probably explains why the Iyanden Craftworlds rule is a little underwhelming at first glance. However considering for the most part thier armies may be mostly high toughness with saves like the Ulthwe have already, the AP abilities for Iyanden above start to become more beneficial at the macro play level.
Saim-Hann Craftworld Rules
Some of the more tricksy of the Eldar, Saim-Hann craftsworld rules will specialize in charges from the looks of it. How that will shake out overall remains to be seen, as the Eldar really never have been good at that phase of the game with the majority of their models.
However now that they have access to Harlequins, and Ynnari in the same book, that may change and Saim-Hann may see more of the tabletop in 9th Edition.
Biel-Tan Craftworld Rules
So for sure, the re-roll to hit is nice for the Biel-Tan craftworld rule, but the Battle Focus is yet to be seen were afraid. We have seen when Battle Focus is severely hampered in terrain, so the jury is still out on this one. However, the re-roll hit rolls trait on any Biel-Tan core can perhaps splash around a bit more than the standard re-roll 1’s rule.
Alaitoc Craftworld Rules
Alaitoc has always had strong fieldcraft rules for their craftworld the problem is they didn’t always line up well with the edition of Warhammer 40k. This time around though it may be different, it seems like their rules will benefit the more stealthier units for sure. However, perhaps taking the bigger ones instead and benefiting from these stealth style rules would be the icing on the cake ability-wise.
Custom Craftworld Rules
So like we saw with the Tau there will always be restrictions to the custom or DIY chapter / Craftworld / Septs rules because of previous abuse. However, these custom rules seem to give you a lot of the same abilities as the names Eldar Craftworld ones, just without some of the traits etc.
You can check out all of the full rules for each of the Eldar Craftworlds as well as the custom ones above.
New Eldar 40k Battle Focus Rules
This rule, which you’ll also find liberally sprinkled throughout the codex, is a bit of a game-changer. Aeldari are awash with Assault weapons, from shuriken catapults to fusion guns, and Battle Focus not only allows you to fire these light and deadly guns without penalty after dashing into range, it also adds Pistols to the mix – like the vicious shuriken pistols wielded by Storm Guardians.
What of those fleet-footed fighters equipped with weightier weaponry? Even heavily armed Aeldari are known for being nimble, and prefer to pack a punch instead of taking one. With Battle Focus, your glass cannons* can now unload a salvo of death, then dart away from retaliation.
Counting as Remaining Stationary with assault and pistol weapons is pretty cool when you advance. It will let you run into position and still fire with precision. However, the bigger rule is probably the second one. Being able to do a free move with (we assume) a large part of the army after shooting is really sweet.
Even though you can fail and roll a 1 (well you don’t fail but moving one inch probably won’t get you much) but if you roll on average you’ll be able to get your units back into cover pretty easily.
The only issue with this is the fact this might really slow the game down if every turn you are doing this on 80% of your units. Also, just remember, you can’t use this to get closer to a charge.
Editor’s note: We’ve heard that this is -3″ through terrain. This is huge because the main use of it will be to get your units back into terrain and cover. Obviously, you can still move closer to objectives and such, but not much through terrain as your average move will be .5″ through terrain. So we’re not sure how impactful this will end up being.
Eldar Strands of Fate Rules
This was the rumor we saw as a part of the big Christmas Leaks. It looks like they got this one pretty close (they even got the name right), so that might mean the rumors are a good place to look if you want to see what else is coming. As if they get some stuff right, other rumors must have some validity.
Your manipulations of fate begin at the start of each battle round, so you can access the Farseers’ meddling** throughout every turn. Choose wisely when picking which dice to retain, but don’t hesitate to use them – the future is always changing, and any leftover dice won’t carry over to the next battle round.
This is a pretty strong mechanic as you’ll be getting a lot of free 6’s (hopefully) every round. Just remember, it’s not the number you actually roll, it always counts as a six but can only be used on the corresponding number above. This can be really clutch for everything and when you need to make a roll, just throw one of these out.
However, you can only manipulate one of each type per round, so use them wisely and don’t throw them away!
Eldritch Omens Box 40k Rules Datasheets
With the Eldritch Omens box review and rules previews aplenty from Games Workshop, we can get a better picture of what all the new rules are looking like for these two factions going forward.
Starting with the Eldar 40k rules datasheets from the Eldrich Omens box set, the Autarch basically is a brand new unit! From their previous 2 weapon loadout, they know have access to 8 different choices that each provide different benefits and functions to completely change the dynamic of the model in the list.
All of the Wargear options are similarly sweet with some great options changing the model to a completely new one. Not to mention they are perfectly on theme! As was expected, the aura was changed to only affect CORE units, but that’s the same for every new and updated faction for 9th edition.
All in all, this new Autarch looks fantastic.
Eldar Eldritch Omens 40k Rules Datasheets
Next up, the new ranger bikes look pretty nice as well. Decent stats and a huge 16″ move make this pretty attractive for any list needing a little more mobility. The weapons have great range, however, with minimal AP, this seems to be mostly intended for chip damage or targeting lower armor save models.
As for the abilities, Ride The Wind gives a free guaranteed 6″ advance, making it even better and running all over the board. The ability to gain cover with their Cloak is nice but is obviously board and terrain dependent.
In general, being more elusive is always a good thing. Swift Scouts is another great ability to let these models get a solid 9″ pre-game move to get a free headstart.
Plus dont forget they have Battle focus and Strands of Fate as well.
When compared to the jetbikes, the sheet is very similar with obviously fewer wounds and toughness (as they usually do with bikes). The 2+ BS is really nice and the ability to shoot characters will make them super strong and quite annoying.
Then the ability to actually do mortals on 6’s will help out and if you get lucky, you’ll grab a few. Next, the wargear gives them Dense Cover for a large part of the game, and once per game you can inflict mortals or make the charge much harder.
Then with the Ranger Cloak, they will be getting an additional 1 to their saving throw, so when combined with the Gloom Field, they will have much more survivability than the 5+ save suggests.
Just like the Autarch and Shroud Runners they also have Battle Focus. This allows them to move after shooting, which can be super annoying for the enemy, especially considering how many units we think will get it.
Wraithknight Rules
These are pretty hard to read as it almost looks like someone blew up a tiny screenshot for the Eldar Wraithknight rules (or purposefully blurred one). To us, that looks like 22 Wounds, and a 3+ save. The Heavy Wraithcannon looks to be Heavy D3 with d3+6 Damage and the ability to deal Mortals and a 6+ Invulnerable save (maybe, hard to see the number).
The good news is this image seems to match the previous Wraithknight Eldar datasheet rules already spotted for 9th Edition here. Now let’s check out all the confirmed rules.
New Eldar Wraithknight 40k Rules Revealed by GW
Their legendary robustness is reflected by a new ability that reduces incoming damage from enemy attacks.
Reducing damage is never a bad thing! With 22 wounds and a 3+ save, a 5+ Invuln, and this, let’s hope it will make it through some serious enemy firepower.
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As if that weren’t enough, the Wraithknight’s agility means that they can dance between incoming attacks. In the past, you’d have to decide between the protection of a scattershield or adding another devastating weapon. Now, you can have the best of both worlds. Don’t worry if you’re a fan of the scattershield, though – if you include one of these defensive devices, you can boost your invulnerable save to 4+.
It’s nice you can still grab the 4+ Invuln, as there are plenty of high AP weapons out there.
Those new abilities will help you march across the battlefield with impunity, so you can chop things up with your titanic ghostglave. It now has a choice of profiles, meaning you can sweep aside weaker opponents or strike down bigger scarier targets.
Both profiles are really powerful, the first one with -4 AP and 6D should be able to cut down big vehicles and monsters. Then, the sweep attack will just smash through pretty much all infantry with 15 attacks and D3.
The suncannon was always pretty good at killing armoured infantry, but it’s now upgraded to the sweet spot of Damage 3. That means that even elite or durable infantry such as Custodian Guard and Plague Marines will quiver at the sight of it. At Strength 8, it can vaporise medium-sized vehicles in a single volley.
With Blast and 2D6 shots at S8, -3 AP, and D3, this is a serious weapon! On average you should be getting 7 shots, so really good at killing tanks or infantry.
Warlock 40k Rule Datasheets
If this is right it looks like the new Eldar Warlocks rules datasheets will be 2 wounds and be able to have a single power. Then it looks like for every Farseer in your army you can take one of these without taking up an army slot. Lastly, we see a 4+ Invuln save here as well.
Yncarne 40k Eldar Rule Datasheets
This one is the hardest to read, so we’re not going to take too many guesses. However, the Harlequins all look like they will have a 4+ invuln, can do a similar thing with ignoring cover, and will be reducing the enemy’s hit roll in combat.
Visarch 40k Rule Datasheets
First, it looks like you can return a model destroyed within 6 inches of this to life with one wound on a 4+. That could be super insane when you think about it says just Aeldari, not core models. Then, if it’s a character, they get an extra attack for the rest of the game. Then, you won’t be able to shoot Yvraine as long as a model is within 3 inches.
The D-Cannon can target units that are not in LoS, then on top of that, the weapon does a mortal on every wound roll of a 6. Plus, the strength and damage overall are super high.
40k Eldar Rumors Howling Banshees
They got some decent buffs here with enough damage and Ap to hopefully take out some models in cc, especially with the addition to the wound roll and Strength 4 on the charge.
So should be hitting and wounding on 3’s against most units. Then, with the advance and charge rule, you should be able to get them in combat quickly.
These new Eldar rules datasheets seem to confirm the rumored -1 to hit rule rumors along with a fight last mechanic, and there even seems to be something in there about turning off overwatch as well.
Wraithguard & Wraithblades
Wraithcannons are definitely better now with S10 and D3+3, they should be able to mow down units when they get close. Then, you can even shoot into melee with those cannons!
Now though, they do have some downsides, no fallback and shoot for free, no Wraith Fists, and from the looks of it, D-Scythes have to roll to hit. Plus the D-scythes cannot be shot in combat as you can never shoot a blast weapon in combat unless they change that somehow.
They will be getting 5 (maybe 10?) attacks each. That number is hard to read, but man, if they get 10 attacks each, they will be truly insane combat monsters.
We’ll have to wait for better pics to tell for sure, but once again it looks like the Eldar rumors were true for their abilities.
40k Eldar Rules Corsairs & Wave Serpent Weapons
Crystal Matrix is getting a pretty sizeable buff and Serpent Shield is also getting better with a 5++ and no wounds on 1-3. Then Spirit stones are also updated.
Spicy New 40k Eldar Fire Dragons Rules
Let’s look at the transcription:
Burning Heat
With the benefit of centuries of experience, there is no foe this Exarch cannot identify the weakness of, coordinating the fire of their warriors into overwhelming surges of targeted heat.
While this unit contains a Fire Dragon Exarch model, each time a model in this unit makes a ranged attack that targets a unit within 9″, if a hit is scored, that attack automatically wounds the target.
Dragon’s Bite
Those familiar with the Dragon of Aeldari myth know that while its fire was deadly, those who drew close exposed themselves to its equally dangerous bite.
Each time this unit’s Fire Dragon Exarch model makes a ranged attack that targets a Vehicle or Monster unit that is within half range when this unit is selected to shoot:
- If that attack is made with a Dragon fusion gun or firepike, add 2 to the Damage characteristic of that attack.
- If that attack is made with a Dragon’s breath flamer, add 1 to the Damage characteristic of that attack, and when resolving that attack, you can re-roll the wound roll.
They will be about as glass cannon as you can get with just a 5++ and 1 wound. Still, with these rules, if you can get them into range, they will burn through pretty much anything. Wounding with everything within 9″ is insane. Especially if you have the flamers as all you have to do is roll how many shots you get and bam, you’re done.
Then, adding 2 to the damage is also pretty crazy as this will basically guarantee that they kill anything. As the Fusion Guns will most likely be D6+4 Damage! Each could do 10 wounds.
RUMORS: 40k Eldar Corsairs Rules
Since we know Harlequins will be in the book for sure, let’s check out the rumors and rules we’ve seen so far for them and the Corsairs!
The corsairs can take their version of a DE blaster (same profile) a DE Shredder and a ton of weapons. However, it looks like they removed Brace of Pistols, but they may be able to take and shoot two pistols? We don’t know quite yet. Other than that it looks like a 4+ Invuln and just a lot of cool weapon options.
Harlequins Troupe & Master
- Troupe Master eldar datasheets revealed showing huge amounts of weapon info (see above)
- Choreographer of war gives reroll 1 on wound aura
- Different harlequin weapons now give special keywords to the model/unit
- Three abilities with info on another page (core abilities?) Harlequins Panoply, Luck of the Laughing God, Rising
- Crescendo
- Luck gives free rerolls
- Still 4++
- Fusion pistol new D6+2, no limit on taking them
- All melee +1S AP2 D2
- Each of their weapons have a related stratagem
- One will give mortal wounds on 6s (likely kiss)
- One of the other two will ignore invulns
- New Masque system complete with WL trait, relic and Strat
- Can give advance and shoot, as well as attack before removing model in melee
- Shuriken Cannon shown on starweaver datasheet (only shown weapon profile)
Death Jester Rules
A very blurry image, but if you try you can definitely make out what you need to see. It also appears that you can upgrade your Death Jester and/or a Troupe Master to have a “pivotal role” as well via these rules:
Talk about exploding 6’s that Harvester of Sorrow role has the potential to literally make it rain death on some unfortunate target with a little luck. Plus wounding on 2’s is always nice when you are low strength as well for the Troupe Master.
Solitaire Rules
In a world with very few 3+ invulnerable saves, this may be worth a note or three- see what we did there? Restricted to one, and banished from taking wargear or a trait, the Solitaire is going to have to rely on special rules, one of the pivotal roles below, and his blitz attack to get the job done in 9th edition from the looks of it.
GW Previews New Mixed Eldar & Harlequin Faction Rules
Neatly sidestepping the constraints of mission packs, this rule allows you to add a Detachment of Harlequins to any Aeldari army, as if a poised Patrol of perilous pierrots had put in an unexpected appearance on the battlefield.
Importantly, including a band of Harlequins in a Travelling Players Detachment will not prevent you from using Battle-forged rules, such as Power From Pain for Drukhari, special secondary objectives, or the new army-wide Asuryani special rules.
GW may have put the squash on mixed-faction lists, however, Eldar is a clear example of a faction where the lore really does support mixed lists. This new rule helps to make the faction a ridiculously diverse and fine-tuned roster that anyone can play with a huge variety in play style. It will be interesting if there’s still an incentive for running old-fashioned “mono-faction” lists or if Eldar soup is the future, picking and choosing the best parts of each sub-faction to make one Voltron super-list.
Eldar Shuriken Cannon Rules
Yes, that’s right – it’s Damage 2! Take that, Space Marines, with your power armour and your extra organs and your two Wounds!
Moving from Assualt to Heavy is a little annoying but the increase in AP and Damage is pretty nice. Now you don’t always have to roll 6’s to get any AP and the heavier version actually deals 2 damage, so this shooting into a Marine squadron can really have an impact.
But just what is that mysterious Shuriken rule tucked away in the corner? Well, it’s how your guns can get that all-important Armour Penetration – perfect for seeing whether Space Marines really do know no fear.
You will still get more AP on 6’s, so at least they kept that rule in. You’ll still have the same overall AP on 6’s, but better in general with the minus 1.
We also had seen that new bonus rumored before in the Christmas Eldar rules leaks from below that look to be more and more true every day!
New Harlequin Weapons Rules
Now, let’s check out the new Eldar Harlequins weapon rules and Stratagems.
Each variant gives the model that carries it a different keyword, which can be triggered with Stratagems to really unlock the devastating impact of these unconventional weapons.
If you ask us, this actually makes things more complicated than just keeping three profiles as now you’ll have to remember to use the Stratagems instead of them just being built-in effects.
Speaking of which, let’s look at the stratagems you can use now for these:
The Harlequin’s kiss contains a monofilament wire that unravels inside its victim, turning their insides into soup (not that the Aeldari would know anything about something as prosaic as soup). This horrific outcome is represented by the Kiss of Death Stratagem.
This gives you chances for Mortal Wounds and with how many attacks you are bound to have, you should be getting a decent number of MWs for sure.
No less terrifying is the Harlequin’s caress – a wrist-mounted phase-field generator that allows its bearer to reach inside an enemy’s armour. With the Oblivion’s Caress Stratagem, it even allows you to bypass invulnerable saves.
This is pretty strong against certain armies as you will be punching through all Invulnerable saves. That probably makes sense why this is 2 CP instead of 1.
Finally, there’s the Harlequin’s embrace, which surrounds an enemy with a monofilament wire that contracts, slicing them into pieces – perfect for feeding to Yvraine’s Gyrinx. Send your whole Troupe in for a group hug with A Deadly Embrace.
This isn’t anything too crazy, but you should be able to get off a few extra mortals with it. Just to note, you can use this and either of the other two in a turn if you wanted.
Haywire Cannon
It’s not just the Harlequins’ close-combat weapons that have been refreshed in the Aeldari codex. We’ve already seen what the shuriken cannon can do, but the haywire cannon on the Voidweaver is now so devastating that these fast-moving skimmers will tear through enemy tank squadrons.
This is pretty similar to before and is just great at destroying tanks with the possibility for tons of mortals.
New Eldar Guardians 40k Rules & Stats Are Here!
Warhammer Community unveiled the new Eldar Guardians 40k rules along with what their Serpent Shield can do. Let’s check out the rumors and the new kit, then get into the new rules!
Guardian armour is tougher. This reactive thermoplas mesh now grants its wearer a respectable 4+ Save characteristic – without compromising the flexibility they need to pull off acrobatic Battle Focus moves.
An increase to their save is obviously pretty nice, and they will be able to make the D6″ move after they shoot. As we said before, they are giving it to almost every unit it seems and this might really slow things down as you will have to shoot, and then move again.
It’s a cool mechanic, just wondering how long each turn will take with basically 2 movement phases.
Likewise, the humble shuriken catapults taken to battle by Guardian Defenders are more deadly than before. On top of the Shuriken ability we showed off earlier, these elegant armaments now have longer range and more reliable Armour Penetration – someone’s clearly sharpened the shurikens.
Added range and a guaranteed AP are pretty nice. It might not seem insane right up front, but a buff to weapons and save at once can be really strong. As they can get -3 AP as well.
But just what is that mysterious Shuriken rule tucked away in the corner? Well, it’s how your guns can get that all-important Armour Penetration – perfect for seeing whether Space Marines really do know no fear.
You will still get more AP on 6’s, so at least they kept that rule in. You’ll still have the same overall AP on 6’s, but better in general with the minus 1.
In fact, while they’re defending these objectives, both varieties get a neat bonus to help them drive off the warriors of lesser civilizations.
This is actually pretty sweet as they will be getting rerolls to hit, whether you want to Storm in and take it away in melee, or sit back and shoot your enemy off their own!
Serpent Shield
Combined with their upgraded armour and the probability-twisting powers of the Strands of Fate special rule, these Serpent Scale Platforms can ensure each squad reaches its objective unscathed, ready for a deadly charge. Sufficiently large units can even bring two along for the trip, in case one suffers an unfortunate mishap along the way.
The 5+ is actually really nice, and the mini Transhuman will also really help considering they are only T3. Meaning you should be able to get into range more often, but if they put a ton of fire into 1W models, we’re not sure how much it will change their survivability.
New Eldar Stratagem
While most craftworlds train their Guardians as a conscript militia, drawn from artists and artisans in times of war, Ulthwé maintains theirs as a standing army, guided by powerful Warlocks. This imparts the famed Black Guardians with discipline and skill far in excess of their part-time comrades.
If you use this in conjunction with them being on an objective, they should basically hit with everything. As they should be hitting on 2’s and rerolling ones. Especially for 1 CP, it could really make a difference as you want as many shots as you can get for those 6’s to wound for the extra 2 AP.
New Eldar Maugan Ra Rules
As the founder of the Dark Reaper Aspect Shrine, this ghoulish warrior embodies the inevitability of death – many of his victims bite the dust before they even catch sight of his macabre visage. That’s kind of a shame, because Maugan Ra is dressed to kill. Just look at his new miniature, with its ragged pitch-black robes and baroque, bony armor.
With six shots at Strength 7, plus a devastating crop of mortal wounds, Maugan Ra is the bane of elite squads – and can even pose a nasty threat to enemy Vehicles and Monsters. And despite the Maugetar’s outrageous size, this fearsome Phoenix Lord still benefits from the Battle Focus ability, allowing him to strike hard before fading away like a ghost.
They have really focused him on killing swaths of 2 wound infantry. Then, you’re bound to roll at least one six, and with Battle Focus, he can shoot and then make a D6″ move for free.
It’s pretty easy to get a single character back into hiding, so pretty sweet. In combat, he’ll also be able to dish out some damage with +2 Strength, -2 AP, and 2 Damage.
Special Rules
On top of that, his ghastly presence is so intimidating that each foe he scythes down counts as two kills for Morale purposes. The Maugetar’s decapitating shurikens and foe-reaping blade can force even the most courageous warriors to double-check their funeral arrangements.
This is really strong and just makes him that much better at killing infantry. Even if you manage to kill three Marines, for example, they will count as having three died. Meaning even with high leadership, there’s a good chance they could fail.
Maugan Ra is among the most favoured of Khaine’s warriors, embodying the war god’s nature as a Destroyer. Such paragons aren’t easy to kill – on top of the mighty 2+ Save offered by his ominous armour, he also has a 4+ invulnerable save, and cannot lose more than 3 wounds in each phase.
With a 2+ save and a 4+ Invuln, he will be fairly tough. Then, he will be impossible to kill in one phase, meaning in shooting it would take at least two turns of targeting to kill him. Pretty interesting rule overall, and that confirms at least one of the Phoenix lords will have a 4+ from the rumor above.
New Eldar Phoenix Lord Abilities & Auras
Pop a unit or two of Dark Reapers on an objective in your territory and enjoy a leadership boost while you rain down death from afar upon your enemies.
The leadership is nice, but the really good thing is the Ob Sec. As you can just put them and Maugan next to each other and have Ob Sec on your backline.
It’s not just Maugan Ra who gets a rule like this – all of his Phoenix Lord pals have something similar. Asurmen* and his Dire Avengers can advance to the midfield, merrily cutting down foes with their Avenger shuriken catapults before claiming an objective. What’s more, each of the six gets a substantial boost to their stats, befitting their status as mythical exemplars of war.
We also heard rumors about Asurmen getting a new model, so let’s hope so! He will probably buff either the number of shots they get or maybe just their wound and hit rolls. Then from the sound of it, they will also be getting Objective Secured around him as well.
Similarly, Baharroth and the Swooping Hawks can swoop down (the clue’s in their name) and claim objectives deep into enemy territory, while Karandras and the Striking Scorpions can ambush unsuspecting opponents before claiming an objective.
Next, Swooping Hawks will probably get some special Deep Strike rule and Striking Scorpions will get maybe something like Mandrakes have. Then, both will also get Ob Sec from the sounds of it when close to their Phoenix Lords.
Corsairs 40k Rules Rumors
If you ever wanted to make a full corsair pirate list led by the prodigal Prince Yriel (who may have a bit of a shadow looming over him) these new 40k rules rumors are for you! These come from the Christmas Leaks, and a lot of them have become true, so be sure to check them out if you want to see what else could be on the way!
It also seems like there will also be changes in how farseers and warlocks are fielded overall now in Eldar lists. Now, it’s all coming true, so some pretty good rumors if you ask us!
We’ve seen plenty of armies getting new models first in Kill Team, so this wouldn’t surprise us to see some of the releases go that way. A little unfortunate here for Harlequins that the new unit mentioned is this and not also something separate. Still, new stuff is always good!
First up, it looks like Corsairs will be split into two different units, with Voidreavers being a troop choice and the Voidscarred being elite.
They have some interesting options but there are a few weaknesses. First, they don’t get Core or Craftworld keywords. Then, they can’t fill mandatory slots, unless you play a full pirate army.
So this makes us think they will grab an HQ choice as well. So then maybe if you go full Corsair, you’ll also get some cool special rules. Then, being able to get both Drukhari and Eldar weapons, makes them flexible and with both keywords, you can probably take them in both armies.
However, it doesn’t look like you can mix or match weapons, you either have to go all rifles, or power swords and pistols. They can get pretty shooty with 2 Blasters and 1 Wraithcannon per 10 models.
You can mix and match weapons (not sure if it will be actually strong though) and they have 3 attacks base. However, they then get some better special rules and specialists. You can get a Shade Runner who gets more attacks and does mortals when charging.
The Soul Weaver saves basically one Corsair every turn, which is pretty nice. Then, the Way Seeker is a mini Warlock of sorts. The not suffering Perils is nice, and the Witch staff isn’t bad. This is basically an auto-include, especially if you can run them in Drukhari.
It will give you some psychic powers where you normally have none and it won’t take away your battleforged status!
Eldar Prince Yriel 40k Rules
Now, thanks to his life as a corsair prince, Yriel’s strategic skills are sharpened to a razor edge, and he commands his army with the acumen of an Autarch. In fact, his Path of Command ability is more expansive than usual, affecting units with the Anhrathe keyword in addition to the usual Core.
Getting rerolls for things that are not core is pretty sweet and this lets you really benefit with both Iyanden and the Corsairs.
Hit and run raids are a corsair speciality, using raw speed to strike with overwhelming force, and Yriel’s ability is not limited to the Anhrathe, and everyone from aspect warriors to the Wraithguard can hitch a ride with the Prince of Corsairs. The Aeldari have an arsenal of powerful close-range weapons, and getting to deploy them within arm’s length of their targets makes for a potent advantage.
This will let you keep tons of units in reserves and plays into the idea of a fast strike force. Again, it will be for both Iyandem and Corsairs, which will allow you to make some pretty cool armies and battle plans.
If his skills stopped at being a brilliant tactician, Yriel would be dangerous enough, but command is far from his only talent. When a Tyranid hive fleet came to his former home, the Outcast Prince returned as a whirlwind of death, sweeping aside the largest of monsters with the Spear of Twilight. And to this day, he can still put a shift in with it.
We don’t have his full stats, so this weapon looks quite strong, but there will be a big difference depending on his Strength and number of attacks. Either way though, 2x Strength, -3AP, and 3 Damage is strong no matter what.
Eldar Aspect Warriors 40k rules
We’ve pretty much seen this in a few of the posts, still, getting a 5+ Invuln save on all the Aspect Warriors is pretty sweet.
Dire Avengers, whose usual job is to defend key points on the battlefield, will particularly appreciate their new level of durability. The scions of Asurmen can also hit back much harder than before, owing to the vicious new Avenger shuriken catapults.
With Assualt 3 and a base -2 AP, they might actually be able to dish out the damage, especially when the Shuriken weapons give them an additional -2 AP, which would bring it to -4 and cut through almost any armor.
Fire Warriors also get a new rules preview for their signature weapon, the fusion gun!
These white-hot atomic blasters now have the extra Strength they need to evaporate the toughest tank armour – and unlike the crude melta weapons of less civilised factions, they fire at full potency no matter how far away the target is.
Giving them the extra strength will let them wound most things on a 3 or 2 now, and then if it’s a vehicle or monster, you’ll also be re-rolling the 1’s to wound. If they get their shots through, they are going to do some serious damage!
Last but not least Warp Spiders got a new rules buff for their Death Spinner gun as well.
This is honestly a huge buff, as they will go from 2 shots to an average of 3.5 each and gain -2 AP along with Blast. This could really let them deep strike in, and actually tear apart a unit.
However, they are still Damage 1 weapons, but against something like other T3 units, they will really tear them apart.
Eldar Howling Banshees Abilities
We’ve pretty much seen this in a few of the posts, still, getting a 5+ Invuln save on all the Aspect Warriors is pretty sweet.
These ritual war helms are equipped with psychosonic amplifiers, which augment the wearer’s battle cry into a harrowing aural assault. The shriek-that-kills disorientates and paralyses the enemy, even causing lasting damage to their nervous system.* Put simply, targets of a charge cannot fire Overwatch or Set to Defend – presumably too agonised trying to muffle the caterwauling.
This is a pretty classic ability, so it’s nice to see it make a comeback!
Whirling Death makes these dynamic warriors even more potent on the charge – with their Banshee blades bringing their attacks up to Strength 4, they’ll be wounding even Space Marines on a roll of 3+, and utterly shredding through ceramite. Not too shabby for a unit that already has three attacks per model.
With S4 and the +1 to wound, they should be wounding most units on a 3 or 2 a turn they charge. Meaning you might actually get way more wounds through than ever before. Plus, as long as they keep decent AP, they will really dish out the damage!
Then, on top of that, the enemy will be at -1 to hit them and striking last, so they should be much more survivable than ever before as well.
Other than that though, we think Eldar players will be happy so far with this tidal wave of news and rumors for all things Aeldari. Use the links below to check out our other coverage:
- 2021 ‘Eldar & Chaos Advent Calendar’ Previews From GW
- RUMORS: Huge List of New ‘Christmas’ Eldar Models & Rules
- More Eldar Rules & Model Rumors for 2022
All the Newest GW Model & Rules Previews
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