RUMORS: Big Changes On the Way For Warhammer 40k in 2023

Balance-Datasheet-marine-chapter-approvedThere looks to be some seriously big changes on the way for Warhammer 40k in 2023 from the balance dataslate!

Before we go further, these are rumors! So take them with as much salt as you need because nothing is ever 100% fact before GW confirms it. However, these appear to be pretty legit, as there is even some drama behind how they were leaked, but we’ll focus on the new information for now.

If these are real, Games Workshop is really taking the axe to some effective units and changing up the game of Warhammer 40k in 2023. Let’s check it out!

RUMORS: Big Changes On the Way For Warhammer 40k in 2023

chaos daemons codex new 9th edition rules how to playThe write-up of these changes was spotted on the Competetive 40k Facebook Group.

These come from a fairly reliable set of sources. BUT it’s a digital update, so GW could tweak it whenever they want.
This is also not everything.  You’ve likely heard rumors of harlequins getting nerfed (-1 to their invul), which I believe to be true due to where it’s coming from.

If it is from a digital source, GW can easily change whatever, so keep that in mind.  Here are the rumors about the upcoming changes in the Warhammer 40k Balance Dataslate for 2023:

Sisters of Battle:

  • Lose AoC (Armour of Contempt
  • Minor secondary nerfs
  • +2 on Rets/Zeph/Repentia
  • Mild nerfs to characters


  • ObSec on Terminators


  • Vast point decreases 10-20% discounts on virtually all non-infantry units
  • Kataphrons get core

Grey Knights:

  • ~10% reduction on most infantry
  • -2 to strikes and interceptors
  • -10 to Apoth
  • -15 to Draigo
  • -5 to Terminators
  • -10 to Chappy
  • -5 to Librarian 
  •  All guns are free


  • Lose AoC
  • Gain sticky objectives
  • Major point decreases to almost everything including free wargear almost everywhere


  • Flamers no longer auto-hit
  • -4 to Flesh Hounds
  • -10 to Skull Cannon
  • -5 to Crushers
  • -1 to Pinks
  • -20 to GUO/Rotigus
  • -10 to Beasts, -2ppm to PBs
  • -5 to drones

Chaos Space Marines:

  • No AoC
  • Terminators points increase
  • Better secondaries

Death Guard:

  • -2 on marines
  • -5 on MBH
  • -5/-10 on most elite characters
  • Free weapon on Blight Drone
  • Land Raider is down in points


Thousand Sons:

  • Wrath of Magnus is kill
  • +2 on SOT
  • Vortex Beast -10

Genestealer Cults:

  • Bikes +3
  • Abberants -3
  • Most characters are down ~10%

Leagues of Votann:

  • About a 5% increase on most units


  • Nobz have cheaper weapons.


  • Points increase to Crisis Suits and Commanders


  • Overrun is core-only
  • Spore Mines cost reinforcement points
  • Most competitive units got a 10-40% increase

Leagues-of-Votann-Codex-book-rules-no-title army lists These are some pretty insane changes! It looks like they are taking the most recent meta heavily into account here. However, one noticeable thing, Space Marines finally getting points decreases. We thought they would be greatly reduced in points when the new codex comes out. So this could be GW ramping up to the new book a bit, perhaps…

Next, most armies get a decent amount of changes, but the ones right in the middle of the pack aren’t hit or buffed too hard. Flamers get NERFed, which they need, AdMech is finally getting a big buff, and Grey Knights also getting some love too, from the looks of it.

For now, though, let’s compare this to the latest Warhammer 40k meta, according to Games Workshop!

The Warhammer 40k Meta Going Into 2023

This breakdown comes from Warhammer Community.

Warhammer 40k Meta 2023As you can see, Space Marines are way down along with Admech. From the looks of the rumors, they will get some big buffs in terms of points. Tzeentch is obviously getting a ton of NERFs, and Leagues are also getting more increases.

Most of the armies in the middle are just getting small adjustments that make sense. Lastly, Death Guard and Grey Knights are getting some nice buffs, and hopefully, they can climb from the 45% win rate.

Overall though, just interesting to see the changes compared to the Warhammer 40k meta leading into 2023!

Check out the latest Warhammer 40k rumors for the rest of the 9th and even 10th Edition, new releases, and more!

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Games Workshop bits from preview models that we should watch out for. Click on the gallery above to see dozens of Rumor Engines with new models still to be revealed!

    All the Latest Warhammer Rules & Model Rumors

    What do you think of the changes? Are you excited about the new 2023 Warhammer 40k Balance Dataslate rumors?

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