RUMORS: More New Imperial Guard 40k Rules Doctrines & Units

imperial-guard-rumors-roadmapNew rules rumors for the Imperial Guard 40k codex cover doctrines, which units are staying and leaving, and more…

The rule rumors have been flowing for the upcoming Imperial Guard codex, but like with all rumors, take these with as much salt as you need. Especially because some of these have giant ramifications for the army, so don’t get too excited or disappointed until GW confirms them.

These are just the latest round of rumors; if you want to see all everything we’ve seen so far, click here to check them all out here! For now, though, let’s check out the latest round of rumors.

RUMORS: New Imperial Guard Doctrines, 40k Rules & Units

These rules rumors for the Imperial Guard 40k codex come from Reddit, and look to support previous rumors…

Imperial Guard rumors

So, quite a lot to get into here; first, conscripts and veterans are gone (which we heard rumblings of before). This is huge for a lot of armies out there and could really change the complexion of a bunch of armies.

We’re not exactly sure why they want to get rid of the conscripts, but there’s a chance you can use a stratagem (or maybe just in the book) where you can still take giant squads but of just regular troops. The veterans make more sense as the Cadians are supposed to be more specialized, so they are all sort of like veterans. Then, you also kind of have Scions moving into that role of being elites.

Tempestus Scions Command

Next, nothing too crazy about officers being warlords (as it makes some thematic sense), Hammer of the Emperor remains, and you can still take Scions as troops if they are their own detachment.

Now, onto doctrines (we also assume there might be more than this). Blitz Division and Bombardiers are probably the most interesting. Getting to deploy into your opponent’s zone is really cool, and then getting +1 to hit on all your artillery is really sweet, as you could easily have a cheap squad with a vox caster just sit by them.

Then, moving and shooting heavy weapons without penalty is nice and lastly, disembarking after moving could have some really cool shenanigans. The last set is pretty much things we have seen, so nothing too crazy.

So with that said: let’s check out how these stack up with some recent rumors for the new Imperial Guard codex.


RUMORS: New 40k Imperial Guard Catachan, Scions & Krieg Rules

Armies-on-Parade-Lore-40k-Imperial-Guard title hor

These were supposedly from the GSC Discord by “the same guys as previous leaks” (as posted on B&C; edited for grammar)

  • You won’t be running pure cadians (of course you could) You will be able to mix and match different regiments into one force.
  • Your army bonus doesn’t care that half is Catachan and the other Krieg; you’ll still get your army rule.
  • The only benefit in running, say, a unit of Catachan is to use a strat like “vicious traps.”
  • In the enemy charge phase, spend X cp When a unit is charged and is in terrain, roll a d6 +1 if the unit is Catachans or guerrillas +1 if the unit has a melta mine +1 if Sly Marbo is on the battlefield.
    • On a 2-5, the enemy unit suffers d3 mortal wounds. On a 6+, the enemy unit suffers 2d3 mortal wounds.
  • The Command Squad is now the HQ (Exceptions being Commissars and Special Characters)
  • You don’t get individual characters leading
  • Field Ordinance Battery Choices
    • Bombast field gun
    • Heavy lascannon
    • Malleus rocket launcher
  • Scions range is now 24″ get the regiments bonus and also 6’s to hit score additional hits
  • Veteran Squads and Special Weapon squads are gone from the book, and Infantry squads lose access to heavy weapons but gain a second special weapon slot.
  • New Guard Combat Patrol:
    • Cadian Shock Troops 
    • Field ordinance battery 
    • Armored Sentinel 
    • Cadian Command Squad

There are a lot of takeaways here. First, there was a new heavy weapon squad, which as we know now, the Field Ordinance Battery is a completely new kit on a 100mm base.

cadian army box set imperial guard ordnance battery field

Second is the supposed configuration of the new Imperial Guard Combat Patrol box that looks to perhaps be all new models if you believe our CSI-type breakdown of the leaked new model image from early 2022.

Last seems to be some cool rules that won’t penalize you for mixing and matching regiments in your armies!

Either way, the Imperial Guard looks to be getting a slew of new models that may also satiate the discerning treadhead.  Dope new rules would be a fantastic pairing to have as well in their upcoming codex.

Check out the latest rumors about the rest of the 9th and 10th Edition Warhammer 40k rumors for new releases, including the next 40k Primarch, Space Marines, and more!

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Games Workshop bits from preview models that we should watch out for. Click on the gallery above to see dozens of Rumor Engines with new models still to be revealed!

All the Newest GW Model & Rules Previews

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