RUMORS: New Codex Chaos Space Marines Legion Rules

chaos rumors new wal hor warhammer games workshopMore rumors for Chaos Space Marines are here, and this time it’s for legion rules and unit changes-  check out what we’ve seen so far!

Obviously, these are rumors, so take them with as much salt as you need. However, with the book on the horizon, there are bound to be some pretty strong leaks out there.

These come from Bolter and Chainsword and they usually do pretty well when it comes to the rumor side of things. Let’s check out the Eldritch Omens box set release date rumors, then check out all the new stuff.

Eldritch Omens Release Date Rumors

Eldar vs Chaos Space Marines Eldritch Omens Battle Box Set

Also found in the book is a new Theatre of War – Goliath Down, which offers a warband of plucky Aeldari underdogs all the cunning Ruses they’ll need to evade, sabotage, and destroy the enemy’s biggest threats… such as D’vok’s frenzied Forgefiend. 

Eldritch Omens is due to hit pre-order in February, and our pre-order weekend promise will ensure that anyone who orders a copy that weekend is guaranteed to get one. 

The new box set has a release date of February 12th. This works out great if you want to spend your Valentine’s Day building new Eldar and Chaos this year!

RUMORS: New Codex Chaos Space Marines Legion Rules

  • chaos khorne walpaperCSM doctrine:
  • Exact same thing as SM, except replace +1AP with exploding 6s (unmodified hits)
  • Icons:
    vengeance +1 CA
    wrath +1ap melee
    flame +1ap shooting
    excess +1 to hit melee
    despair 6s to hit = autowound
  • All legions are getting 6 WT, 8 relics & 8 stratagems

Chaos Traitor Legion Rules Rumors:

  • Legion traits: NL
    -2LD & -1CA @ 9”
    +1 to advance & +1 to charges
    When using a pistol/assault/melee vs below half strength unit or LD 6 and below = +1 to wound
  • IW
    Ignores cover
    Reduce ap1/2 by 1
    Heavy/grenade vs vehicules/buildings/units in cover = +1 to wound
  • Word Bearers
    Charges/HI = reroll hits
    5+++ vs MW
    When using a pistol/assault/melee = 6s to wound cause 1MW (capped @ 3MW per unit)
  • Black Legion
    ignore CA
    +1 to hit when charge or shoot closest unit
    rapid fire/assault/pistol = exploding 5s (hit)
    EC (4chain leak, not from my sources)
  • World Eaters
    Not in the codex (queue surprised music)

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What else is in the book

They have a way of consistently hitting on 2s (even with thunder hammers)

hor of space marine and chaos wal header

Datasheet info:

  • Chosen 3w can use TH
  • Mutilators no longer in the book
  • Warp Talon 2w, lost cancel overwatch, gained no fallback, 5a (these are total with claws)
  • Raptors still have the -1LD aura +2a
  • Obliterators
    Can shoot units that are in engagement range with them (like Wraithguard)
    in melee, they have powerfists without the -1 to hit
    3 different shooting profiles
  • Havocs exactly the same as right now but 2w
  • Stratagems something to ignore invuls (4chan leak, so take with a grain of salt, leak said EC chosen could destroy Custodes hitting with TH on a 2+ and with strat ignore invul saves)  NL deepstrike strat for jump packs, DS turn 1 NL vox scream disables AURAS
  • Other: IW Ectoplasma Forgefiend can hit on 2+ and does flat 4 damage
  • New Cultist unit HQ
  • New Mutant Cultists

Wow some of those are super spicy, and some are not. Either way, we know new Chaos Space Marines, and most likely some rules, are on the way with Eldritch Omens, question is what else will we see for the followers of the dark gods after that?

Here’s all the latest on the upcoming rules updates and points changes for Warhammer 40k.

All the Newest GW Model & Rules Previews

What do you want to see in an update? Do you think these new Chaos Space Marines Codex legion rules and rumors are true?

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