Sea Elves, Fate of Slaanesh, & New 40k Tau LATEST

daemonette close up chaos demon hor wal

Come get the latest news and product happenings from the upcoming T’au releases to Daughters of Khaine. Plus the fate of Slaanesh, Sea Elves, and more!

There was a lot of news across the hobby this weekend. We’re seeing new releases from Forge World, Black Library, and all sorts of news related to 40k, Age of Sigmar, and Star Wars: Legion.  So enjoy our recap of the all the coverage you may have missed!

RUMOR: T’au Release Date & Prices Revealed

tau fire warrior hor walToday we’re getting a look at a new rumor that just popped up claiming to be the release date and prices for the upcoming T’au faction.

New Space Wolves Releases & More From Forge World

space wolves walpaper wulfen hor

We’re seeing new Space Wolves models and upgrades for pre-order now from Forge World. Plus new Custodes reinforcements are on the way over the next few weeks.

GW Previews More Daughters of Khaine Rules

morathi serpent

More previews of the upcoming Daughters of Khaine battletome are here. Come check out the latest rules preview for Age of Sigmar.

Confirmed: T’au, Khaine, & Terrain Coming In March!

tau huge wal horiz

Games Workshop just gave us a look at the upcoming releases for Age of Sigmar and T’au in March. Come take a look at everything that will be on the way soon!

Fate of Slaanesh, & Sea Elves Revealed For AoS

slaanesh cultist 1

The big news this morning is about the disappearance of Slaanesh, Sea Aelfs, and the Daughters of Khaine in the Age of Sigmar. Check this one out:

New Daughters of Khaine & Morathi Minis SPOTTED!

morathi daughters of khaine

Today we’re getting a special look at the new Daughters of Khaine minis, and both Morathi models, that are on display at Warhammer World.

Latest Novels Incoming From The Black Library

Luckas the Trickster book

Even more titles from The Black Library are now out for pre-order. Come see what’s new this week on the lore side of things from Games Workshop.

March White Dwarf Reveals New Necromunda Rules

Genestealer CultWe got a preview of the March White Dwarf from Games Workshop, and included in it was a look at some new Necromunda rules for the Genestealer Cult Gang.

FFG Previews New Legion Speeder Bikes

Star Wars Legion Wal HorFantasy Flight Games is keeping the Star Wars: Legion previews rolling today with a closer look at the 74-Z Speeder Bikes. Come take a look!

GW Reveals Next Week’s New AoS Releases

gw store shot wal horGames Workshop just gave us a preview of next week’s pre-orders. We’re seeing more Daughters of Khaine releases and new terrain both for Age of Sigmar!

So there it is! There was all sorts of news and new product releases that are on the way for a number of games soon. Make sure you go back and check out all the things you may have missed over the weekend.

xenos codex

Latest News & Rumors from Games Workshop