Orks Latest: What Is GW Working On Next?

By Wesley Floyd | June 26th, 2018 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News

ork warboss hor wal

Orks on are the way for 40k, but the question what could GW be working on next for them? Take a look at the latest hobby updates.

Orks, Genestealer Cults, and Space Wolves were confirmed by GW less than a month ago, but just as we saw with the Imperial Knights it could be up to 3 months from now till they hit store shelves!

In fact, most people expect the Ork codex around August or September per the latest rumors:

New Orks August/September, then wolves following shortly. genestealers around the new year. Sisters Q3 2019 and thats 50/50.

Orks only have a few viable units right now, mostly being Boyz and Tankbustas.   WIll new models come out with the codex? What do the Rumor Engine bits go to?

Let’s dig in:

Orks Latest: What Is GW Working on?

Ghazghkul & The Walker
It’s about time that Orks get some love. They’ve been around for years and do have a decent list of units to pick from. But they deserve a few new units sprinkled into their army. Ghazghkul won’t be a new unit but could be getting a new model. If the rumor is true, then Gork and Mork leveled him up to become the Prime Ork.

Ghazghkull orks hor wal

Chapter Master Valrak gave everyone a heads up on his Youtube Channel of what could be coming.

I’ve been sent some information regarding Orks and their upcoming codex for 8th Edtion. Apparently, they will be getting new kits and a big push with the new story. Now I’ve personally heard that Prime Orks are going to be a thing for them, remember, bring your SALT!

A few months back, people started hearing that Orks may be getting Primaris-equivalent units and that they would be called “Prime Orks”. From industry Rumormongers, the only Prime Ork will be a new Ghazghkul model. People are expecting him to be about Robbie G size if this rumor is true. But take this with a grain of salt.

Now we have this Walker to talk about in case you missed it.Orks Latest: What Is GW Working On Next? walkers conversion

Hobbyists zoomed in on this image in the preview and it quickly became the basis for more Ork release speculation in this, the “year of the Xenos“.

You probably saw this floating around on the internet a while back. Originally spotted in a White Dwarf magazine, people thought that a new Deff Dread-type of Walker was coming out.

Sadly enough it’s just a really awesome conversion done by Dan Harden From Games Workshop. As of today, there actually haven’t been any confirmed announcements or images released of new units for Orks. Everyone is waiting with baited breath and hoping some love goes their way.

Who’s Chompa’s?

Calling all Ork Experts: Latest Rumor Engine

 Looks like a mouth full of teef. Is there an Ork expert around to give us their opinion of this set of chompers?

Obviously, the people want everything we talked about above already. but let’s check out this set of teeth. This was spotted in a Rumor Engine and it points to Orks over any other faction we can think of. Some are saying it could be a Squig or Squiggoth unit while others are saying it could be a snippet of the new Ghazghkull model.

One commenter said “Looking at the picture, I would say a Squig, but I know we’re due a new Ghaz model. If it is a new Ghaz model, it has to be big. Those teeth are much bigger than my ghaz model.”

New Ork Weapon?

rumor engine 6-19-18

It looks like there may be some kind of strap or piping connecting to the handle. So could this be just a new Burna model?

Another Rumor Engine bit was spotted that we think looks like a Burna. Some people think that it’s to “clean” to be an Ork piece. But that handle looks a little similar to the Rokkit Launcha.

rokkit launcha

Could this be a new weapon for a Tankbusta? Maybe a new kind of special weapon for a Kommando squad? Maybe we were heading in the wrong direction with it entirely. Could it actually be a lever on top of some kind of Orkish Walker? Warhammer Community has been notorious for flipping those images around so that idea may not be too far-fetched.

Ork players are getting a little antsy now that GW has confirmed the Ork Codex. (we just don’t know when it’ll be available) but judging by the way Codexes are going, Orks are in a very good spot. Power creep was not kind to Orks in 7th edition.

Now that Orks are one of the last to get their codex and with they way power creep has been going, they could finally be a top army. It will all depend on where GW decides to take the faction.

What new units do Orks need? Would you rather have Ghazghkul be the only Prime Ork or have multiple Primaris-equivalent units?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group. 

codex orks space wolves

Latest rumors on Warhammer 40k