Top Alternative Miniatures Brands to Forge World

alternatives to forge worldHere are some of the best alternative Forge World resin miniatures brands and companies out there that won’t make your wallet cry.

Take a look at our top premium quality miniature alternative companies and brands to Forge World that doesn’t increase their costs substantially for consumers purchasing their products in their own currencies. They all have real value these days along with actual QC controls and customer service that won’t take weeks to reply back to you.

Top Alternative Miniature Brands to Forge World

You may even find that you like these models better for Warhammer conversions and proxies!

Creature Caster

Creature Caster is known for high-quality resin miniatures that resemble models and units from multiple different games. They always provide stunning models and the best part is that you can buy their models in several different currencies for local delivery as well. They might be most known for their insane daemons but recently have really been adding a lot more to the line.

Check out some of their most recent figures.

hunter and retinue

Hunter and Retinue

Engines of Annihilation 6

Engines of Annihilation

Void Elemental 5Void Elemental

For a close-up look at Creature Caster’s quality, check out their Void Elemental model, another one of my personal Top 5 minis of all time.



Artel “W” offers a HUGE selection of miniatures that can be used as Forge World replacements or even out of print models that are almost impossible to find.

Let’s look at a few.


The Captive Unleashed model would be absolutely perfect for a Daemonhost replacement.



A ton of Imperial Guard models were essentially taken out of existence. You can still start your favorite Guard faction using this model as a commander.

Warchanters 4They also have a ton of Eldar alternatives and for much cheaper! Especially if you want a lot of Warlocks and Farseers without spending a fortune.

Ork Boyz band 6They also do things like this Orc band that are just fun and would make for awesome display pieces.

Be sure to check out their site for something that you’re looking for. Their selection is massive.

EDITOR’S NOTE: Keep in mind that the views and actions of the Russian Government do not reflect the views of manufacturers such as Artel W.

Iron Wolf Minis

ironwolf minisIron Wolf Minis is a resin-casting alternate bit upgrade source for your Knights. From Space Wolves-themed upgrades all the way to Custodes, you can make your Knights one-of-a-kind.

They are the resin side of Gadgets Plus, and are expanding to fit the whole catalog of minis into their resin casts store!

Wargame Exclusive

wargame exclusive

Next up, we have Wargame Exclusive. This brand is perfect for finding the replacement models you can’t find anywhere else or if you don’t want to burn a hole in your wallet.

alt mephiston

Take that named Librarian in your Blood Angels Chapter to a whole new level with the Imperial Death Lord.

wargame exclusive 2

Like we’ve said before, Forge World likes to put some of their bits on Last Chance to Buy, and once they’re gone, who knows how long it’ll take before they’re back? Wargame Exclusive keeps the great alternative bits and models in stock for you to flesh out your army exactly how you want.


They also have a ton of Tau alternatives, so if you’ve been fretting over getting new minis for the faction, they are the place to look!

Imperial templar Brothers

Not only that, but any time a new faction gets updated, they always have some amazing alternatives to make your army stand out.

If you were wanting to get a breakdown of some more models they offer, check out this video.

Taro Modelmaker

Taro ModelmakerIf you are looking for some fresh upgrades for your next Knight project, check out these bits from the hobby maniacs at Taro Modelmaker!

Tau Commander Battlesuit Fusion arms 2


death knight of kreig 3


Santa Head feature r

Check out Rob’s video below for what to expect from these amazing bits!


boom Gnaws feature rKromlech is the more “fun” side to miniature detailing. They have great quality figures with uniqueness you can’t find anywhere else. Take a look at some of their products.

Click Here To Get Your Eternus Assault Armor!

Orktober Kromlech 3


odyssian knight


Wizard's Workshop full


Imperial Crusader 5

They have a really great line of faction-specific Primaris bits, that you can either build an entire army with or just spice up your current marines!

Watch this video to get an idea of what you’ll find inside the box you order!

Pop Goes the Monkey

pop goes the monkey 1

This website is unique as it specializes in offering custom bits rather than entire models.

pop goes the monkey 2



Deathwatch Bits


sword templars kit


Blight Shroud TerminatorsEven though they are known for bits, they do have amazing full model kits! If you’ve already got most of your army together, spice things up and add that extra level of detail by using these bits. You could even go with a custom look from their unique offers.

Designer David Brumby

Resin bits and kits 5Dakka Krooza Ork Orc Battle Fortress Battle Wagon

Resin bits and kitsThey have everything to offer from tank bits to terrain to full vehicles! they have a ton of cool stuff that are perfect Orks, Space Marines, and so much more. We’ll cover some of our favorites, but obviously, they have way more than this!

Resin bits and kits 3As you can see, they have just an insane number of pieces on there, as this is just a small sampling of what they have to offer.

Resin bits and kits 9Orc Morks Wrath Battle Wagon

The Best Alternatives to Forge World Miniatures

There are a lot more companies out there that don’t get the spotlight they deserve. Try some of these brands and see how far your hobby dollars go there. You may find out that you like these models and bits better than the original!

Have you bought from these companies before as alternates to Forge World? What’s your favorite model offered by one of the brands above?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, or our new Discord server, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today! 

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