There Isn’t Going to be a Warhammer: The Old World Starter Set

Warhammer-Old-World-bretonnia-tomb-kingsIt looks like the rumors are true, and there isn’t going to be a Warhammer: The Old World starter box set, at least not yet.

At this point, it feels like it’s been a really long time since GW announced Old World would be coming way back in 2019. So, after nearly four years, we know the game is on the way soon, but it might come with some disappointment. 

We heard rumors about this idea, and after the reveals at Warhammer Fest, it looks like they are coming true. While there will probably be army starter boxes, we won’t be seeing anything like we are for 10th Edition.

warhammer the old worldIn case you missed the past Warhammer Old World announcements, we’ve included them here:

There Isn’t Going to be a Warhammer: The Old World Starter Set

old world necrosphinxWhen asked about the starter set in the Warhammer Fest Old World Q&A session following the streamed preview, Games Workshop presenter Eddie Eccles said there will be products that “make it easy” for people to jump into the game.

Eccles went on to mention that every faction in the new game will get some new plastic kits, and old plastic kits will return to production, along with some Forge World resin kits, and even some metal models.

For now, it looks more like a hodgepodge of models and not huge starter releases. Considering he never once mentioned a starter set and some “intro” kits, we expect every faction will get something similar to a Vanguard box. 

They also revealed Tomb Kings and Bretonnians will get books and models first, but again, it appears we will not receive a big starter set for the two factions.

Warhammer Old World Square Base Size 2

Eccles also mentioned that just like 10th Edition Warhammer 40k, rules will be available online for every army that was present in eighth edition Warhammer Fantasy that debuted back in 2010.

While the lack of a new starter set isn’t great news, it does dovetail with the recent rumors we’ve seen, but they did, however, mention a “launch box.”

So let’s look at what has been rumored so far.

RUMORS: Warhammer Old World Release Date Details & Kits

These come from Faeit 212.

Warhammer The Old World will be just (like Epic) a small release. We get the Launch Box, Rulebook, the Compendium, and an Accessories Pack for returnee Players. 

They want to fill the “40 Years of Warhammer” topic without blunders. Then, bigger releases in Early 2024 before they go “all in” with Warhammer Age of Sigmar…

Tomb Kings Weapons 3First up, a launch box is not the same as a starter; this could easily be a box for each faction (like the army starters with the rules), and with Eddie’s reluctance to say starter, it’s hard to think this will be a big release. This timeframe actually makes sense (with the 40k/AoS cycle), as they are trying to keep the 40 years of Warhammer going, with 10th, and possibly Epic (according to these rumors), and finally, Old World.

Late 2023 really is the only place the game could fit into the release cycle unless they double up with AoS in 2024, and that doesn’t seem likely. As Warhammer 40k 10th Edition is taking up the summer slot, and even if the Epic rumors are true (and it is revealed at Warhammer Fest), that only covers a small amount of time and leaves a big slot without a huge game release. However, a Luanch box is not really the same as a

Tomb Kings WeaponsWe know the three-year cycle GW likes to do with AoS and 40k, and Sigmar is next in line for a new edition. If they follow the cycle they have since its release, 2024 will be all about AoS.

Plus, in theory, Games Workshop has been hinting at a smaller release for the Old World as they have really only talked about a few factions, most notably, Bretonnians, Tomb Kings, Empire, Cathay, and Kislev. There has been some talk about the Orks, and Dwarves, but not nearly as much as the other armies.

warhammer the old world

In case you missed the past Warhammer Old World announcements, we’ve included them above.

All the Latest on Warhammer Old World!

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