Warhammer The Old World Models, New Releases, & Rumors

Warhammer The Old World new models minaituresHere’s the latest on the new Warhammer The Old World game, including all the models, release dates, and rumors so far!

Warhammer The Old World is a tabletop miniature wargame that takes place in a fantasy world full of magic, and epic battles. Best of all the game is set in a medieval world that is inspired by the events and characters of the Warhammer Fantasy Battles game. 


Warhammer The Old World Models, New Releases, & Rumors

warhammer old world logo

In this article, we will discuss what’s new in the game, including the return of Dwarfs, Orcs, Forge World miniatures, new resculpts, base sizes, and more. We will also take a look at the Forces of Fantasy and Ravening Hordes rulebooks, which cover the model and unit rules for all nine factions in the game.

Here is the compiled list of all the new models available for Warhammer The Old World, both previewed and released with links to where you can buy yours!

Warhammer The Old World Base Sizes Guide

bases warhammer the old world

Games Workshop has released a Warhammer The Old World base sizes guide; check out what is changing and what models need rebasing. Read More

Latest Previews: Dwarfs Return to The Old World With a New King & Old Favs

dwarves old worldTons of miniatures are returning to Warhammer the Old World for the Dwarfs, along with a new king, a Slayer Lord, and Bugman!

Read More Here!


Warhammer: The Old World Rules & References

The Old World Rulebook, Forces of Fantasy, and Ravening Hordes

Warhammer: The Old World Rulebook $70 CA$85 €55 £42.50

Click on these links to order yours for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Bazooka Games | Frontline Gaming | Element Games (UK) | eBay | or | Games Workshop’s Store

old world rule book

The rulebook will also be available separately. This weighty 352-page tome features over 70 pages of background on the World of Legend, plus Core and Advanced rules for the game, an explanation of the Winds of Magic and rules for casting spells, a gallery of armies painted by the ’Eavy Metal studio, and rules for building armies and setting up your battlefields. It will also be released as a digital ePub version for easy access to rules on the go.

A huge rulebook is a requirement when it is for an entire game/world reboot! This thing is massive and will surely be full of great lore and art. Oh, and, of course, the rules to play.  Fortunately, you get the Warhammer The Old World Rulebook in both the army box sets at launch. For those who just want the rules, it will be sold separately as well.

Forces of Fantasy $50 CA$60 €40 £30, and Ravening Hordes $50 CA$60 €40 £30

Click on these links to order yours for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Bazooka Games | Frontline Gaming | Element Games (UK) | eBay | or | Games Workshop’s Store

Old World faction rule books

Rules for all nine factions in the game will be available at launch, in one of two tomes covering the forces of Good and Evil – Forces of Fantasy and Ravening Hordes respectively.

Forces of Fantasy is a 192-page book available in hardback and ePub formats covering five factions: the Dwarfen Mountain Holds, the Empire of Man, the Kingdom of Bretonnia, the Wood Elf Realms, and the High Elf Realms.  

Each army gets an introduction, a gallery of miniatures, a grand army composition list, a complete set of unit profiles (so you’ll have no need for a separate army book to play), special rules, magic items, and unique spells.

Ravening Hordes contains all your Evil factions – it’s a 160-page hardback book or ePub containing similar material for the Orc and Goblin Tribes, the Warriors of Chaos, the Beastmen Brayherds, and the Tomb Kings of Khemri.

You’ll need the main Warhammer: The Old World rulebook to use either book.

This time around, what is essentially the Grand Alliances are grouped into two rulebooks.  From the looks of it,  you’ll need one of these depending on if you are more “good” or “evil” inclined. Some of you may remember Ravening Hordes. It was the stop-gap set of points and rules GW would publish at the launch of new editions of Warhammer Fantasy as well.

Warhammer The Old World launch looks slightly different, though. While it has new compilation versions of the army books, they are also putting out something a bit new…

Arcane Journals: $27 CA$32 €22 £16

Click on these links to order yours for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Bazooka Games | Frontline Gaming | Element Games (UK) | eBay | or | Games Workshop’s Store

old world arcane journals

In addition to these hefty hardback books, there are the Arcane Journals – softback books for each faction that expand it all out with history, heraldry, maps, special characters (including a certain undead emperor), magic items, spells, a historical scenario, and thematic Armies of Infamy which let you select armies of very different compositions. 

For instance, Arcane Journal: Kingdoms of Bretonnia has rules for armies of Bretonnian Exiles and Errantry Crusades, while Arcane Journal: Tomb Kings of Khemri  provides the Nehekharan Royal Host and the Mortuary Cults. It is important to know that you don’t require an Arcane Journal to play your chosen faction – all the units and army rules are contained in Ravening Hordes or Forces of Fantasy – but they do provide a trove of extra options and extra depth for discerning generals.

The Arcane Journals for the Kingdom of Bretonnia and Tomb Kings of Khemri will arrive at launch alongside their army releases, with those for other factions following in the future.

On top of the Core rulebook and Army List books, each faction will have this sort of expansion book. These also don’t come with the Warhammer The Old World launch army boxes. However, you still get the massive core rulebook.

Now, it appears that purchasing your army’s fluff and lore will cost extra. But those books will also contain the rules for their Army lists, which is nice.  You may want to pick up the Grand Alliance book (Forces of Fantasy or Ravening Hordes) and these faction-specific Arcane Journals to get everything for your faction.

Warhammer: The Old World Dice Set $42 €34 £26, Lore of Magic Reference Cards Common Magic Items Reference Cards $38 CA$48 €31.50 £24 (each) Card Sleeves $18 CA$24 €14.50 £12

Warhammer The Old World Dice Set, Lore of Magic Reference Cards, Common Magic Items Reference Cards, and Card Sleeves

If you want to keep your dice in-theme for the World of Legend, but don’t command Bretonnians or Tomb Kings, the Warhammer: The Old World Dice Set is for you. Crafted with a pearlescent blue swirl and gold ink, they have the iconic hammer Ghal-Maraz in place of the six on the 18 D6s. The set also includes a scatter dice and an artillery dice.

The two Warhammer: The Old World Reference Card packs give you an easy way to keep track of your common magic items – usable by any army in the game – and spell lores as you play. The Common Magic Items set includes 56 cards, and the Lores of Magic set has 56 cards covering eight lores of magic. You can also protect your cards with a set of 50 sleeves featuring the Warhammer: The Old World logo on the backs.

Warhammer The Old World MTO Models

warhammer the old world banner

 Here are the details for all the Tomb Kings and Bretonnia MTO miniatures, such as Bretonnian Lord on Pegasus, Bretonnian Lords & Battle Standard Bearer on Warhorses, Bretonnian Paladins on Foot, Damsels of the Lady, Tomb Kings, and Liche Priests and Battle Standard Bearers.

Bretonnian Lord on Pegasus

Bretonnian Lord on Pegasus

Lead your Pegasus Knights in the manner they deserve with this mighty Bretonnian Lord coming in hot. This imperious character was first released as a hero in the late 90s, and may be armed either with a sword or a lance.

The classic lord returns! Even better, it should match up with the other pegasus knights you might be playing in Warhammer the Old World!

Bretonnian Lords & Battle Standard Bearer on Warhorses

Bretonnian Lords and Battle Standard Bearer on Warhorses

This trio of mighty heroes were first released in 2004. Sold separately, one is armed with a lance, one a great weapon, while one bears a resplendent standard aloft. Their horses are plastic.

These knights are iconic and honestly don’t look too bad after all these years! It’s impressive that they’ve still held up!

Bretonnian Paladins on Foot

Bretonnian Paladins on Foot

This gaggle of knights on foot are here to do two things: add variety to your infantry regiments, and drop the jaws of collectors. The feller with the hound crest is a Knight of the Realm (sold individually), while the hero with the dragon crest is a Grail Knight (sold individually). The other two are Questing Knights, sold as a pair. All four date back to the early to mid 90s, though the Knight with the golden crest is the oldest, making his first appearance in the original Warhammer Quest. 

If some smaller on-foot knights are more your speed, these have a very retro-style size and pose to them all.

Damsels of the Lady

Damsels of the Lady

The Knights aren’t having all the fun – these two Damsels are here to sling spells and lead an army of aristocratic hoodlums in prayer to the Lady of the Lake. They come as a pair, and were first released in the mid 90s.

Bretonnia wouldn’t be the same without the influence of The Lady, and now you can field them without paying a premium on the secondary market.

Tomb Kings 

Tomb Kings

These two Tomb Kings are sold separately. One comes with a hand weapon and shield, while the other gestures imperiously as he brandishes a great weapon. They were both originally released (we think!) in 2003.

Tomb Kings wanted their namesake lord again, and now you can get it for yourself, too!

Liche Priests and Battle Standard Bearers

Liche Priests and Battle Standard Bearers

Also hailing from the original Tomb Kings release way back in 2003, these sets of Liche Priests and Battle Standard Bearers come in pairs. Each pack contains one mounted character and one on foot, with plastic skeletal steeds.

Remember that these will all only be available for a limited time – until 8am GMT on the 5th of February.

If you’re a fan of Warhammer The Old World and you’re looking to relive the glory days or start rebuilding your favorite army, these miniatures are only available for a limited time, so be sure to get them if you want them.

Orc & Goblin Tribes Arrive for Warhammer Old World

Here is the latest for the new Orcs and Goblins releases, including the Army Battalion Box Set for Warhammer The Old World, along with the order schedule of what will be normal stock and what will be Made To Order (MTO).

Orc & Goblin Tribes Battalion Value & Pricing

Is this Worth It & Value orcs and goblins army box warhammer old world

Don’t miss the latest value and pricing breakdown in the new Warhammer The Old World Orcs & Goblins Army Battalion Box! Read More Here!

Orc & Goblin Tribes Battalion Retail Price: $170 CAD$200 €130 £100

Click on these links to order yours for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Bazooka Games | Frontline Gaming | Element Games (UK) | eBay | or | Games Workshop’s Store

Orc & Goblin Tribes Battalion

This boxed set contains 73 multipart plastic Citadel Miniatures:

– 2x Orc Boar Chariots
– 31x Orc Boyz
– 40x Goblins
– 1x Orc Transfer Sheet
– 1x Goblin Transfer Sheet

All models come with their appropriate bases.

Start a fresh Warhammer the Old World army with this great selection of classic models!

Black Orc Bigboss Direct From Warhammer Webstore Only $36 CAD$45

Black Orc Bigboss

This kit contains 10 resin components, and 1x Citadel 30mm Square Base.

As a new character, this model looks great and will fit right at home with the classic models in the lineup.

Orc Warboss on Wyvern Direct From Warhammer Webstore Only $78 CAD$96

Orc Warboss on Wyvern

This kit contains 13 resin components, 2 plastic components, and 1x Citadel 50x100mm Rectangular Base.

Troll Hag Direct From Warhammer Webstore Only $93 CAD$116

Troll Hag

This kit contains 10 resin components, and 1x Citadel 60x100mm Rectangular Base.

Orc and Night Goblin Command Sets Pre-Order Direct From Warhammer Webstore Only $70 CAD$87

Orc and Night Goblin Command Sets

These two groups of August Orc and Night Goblin personages are sure to set any discerning Waaagh! apart from the riff-raff. The first set of two miniatures comprises a bulky Orc Warboss with a great weapon and an Orc Bigboss proudly holding a battle standard, while the second set includes three miniatures – a Night Goblin Warboss on a Giant Cave Squig, a Night Goblin Bigboss with a battle standard, and a Night Goblin Shaman who’s either having a very good time or a very bad one. They are all made of Forge World resin.

These resin miniatures are perfect to help your legions stand apart.

Classic Orc & Goblin Tribes Pre-Order in Metal Direct From Warhammer Webstore Only

  • Orc Shaman $15 CAD$18
  • Orc Big ‘Uns Command $35 CAD$41.50

Classic Orcs in Metal

Three further classic Orc sets are returning in metal – the Orc Big ‘Uns, Orc Big ‘Uns Command, and the Orc Shaman with Bone Staff (whom many argue is the genesis of the modern Warhammer Orc). The first of these packs contains five Orc Big ‘Uns in three different designs, while the second comprises a Boss, Standard Bearer, Musician, and a paper banner. The third comes alone.

Classic Goblins in Plastic and Metal Direct From Warhammer Webstore Only

  • Night Goblin Shamans $32 CAD$36
  • Goblin Bosses $32 CAD$36
  • Goblin Shamans $18 CAD$24
  • Goblin Nasty Skulker $25 CAD$30
  • Goblin Wolf Rider Bosses $35 CAD$40
  • Goblin Wolf Chariot $40 CAD$50

Classic Goblins in Plastic and Metal



Classic Goblins in Plastic and Metal 2

Seven classic packs of Goblins also return! In metal, there are packs of four Night Goblin Bosses, three Night Goblin Shamans, three Goblin Bosses, two Goblin Shamans, and three Goblin Nasty Skulkers. In metal with plastic wolves, there’s also a pack of two Goblin Wolf Rider Bosses, and the Goblin Wolf Chariot – the chariot also has plastic wheels and a selection of paper banners.

Some iconic (and hilarious sculpts) Goblins are also returning alongside their Orc overlords this week!

Classic Orc and Goblin Gubbinz in Metal Direct From Warhammer Webstore Only

  • Common Trolls $40 CAD$50
  • Badlands Ogre Bulls $110 CAD$130
  • Snotlings $50 CAD$60
  • Goblin Rock Lobber $40 CAD$50
  • Goblin Bolt Throwa $40 CAD$50
  • Goblin Doom Diver Catapult $50 CAD$60
  • Snotling Pump Wagon $40 CAD$50


Classic Orc and Goblin Gubbinz in Metal

The green tide continues with seven additional packs of returning classics, again in metal. That’s a pack of two Common Trolls, five Badlands Ogre Bulls including a standard bearer and paper banner, four bases worth of Snotlings, a Goblin Rock Lobber with three crew and an Orc Bully, a Goblin Bolt Throwa with three crew, a Goblin Doom Diver Catapult with three crew, and a Snotling Pump Wagon.

Possibly the greatest Fantasy model ever made, the Doom Diver catapult joins the lineup as a metal kit! If you haven’t seen it yet, be sure to check out how they work in the Total War video game lobbin’ goblins!

Giant $78 CAD$96 & Bonegrinder Giant $230 CAD$285  Direct From Warhammer Webstore Only

Giant and Bonegrinder Giant

Two Giants return in Forge World resin – one remastered brute, and the other standing tall as one of the largest miniatures in the Old World. The first of these Giants was formerly made of metal, and comes with two head options. The second, the Bonegrinder Giant, is a towering model with an awesome profile to match, detailed in the new Arcane Journal.

Next to each other, we can see the huge upscale that took place from metal to Forge World resin, but even the smaller Giant still has a clear place in this army!

Goblin Shaman $29 CAD$34 

Goblin Shaman

This kit comprises five plastic components, and comes with a Citadel 25mm Square Base. It includes a Citadel 20mm Square Base with sculpted scenic features, not meant for game use

Goblin Mobs $80 CAD$95 €62.50 £47.5

Goblin Mobs

This kit contains 460 plastic components and 40x Citadel 25mm Square Bases. Also included is a Warhammer: The Old World Goblin transfer sheet, with 84 transfers to decorate your army.

Night Goblin Mob $80 CAD$95 €62.50 £47.50

Night Goblin Mob and Goblin Wolf Rider Mob

This kit contains 484 plastic components and 40x Citadel 25mm Square Bases. Also included is a Warhammer: The Old World Goblin transfer sheet, with 84 transfers to decorate your army.

Arcane Journal: Orc & Goblin Tribes Retail Price: $27 CAD$32 €21 £16

Click on these links to order yours for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Bazooka Games | Frontline Gaming | Element Games (UK) | eBay | or | Games Workshop’s Store

Arcane Journal Orc & Goblin Tribes

Within this 48-page supplement book, you will find:

History of the Badlands – A closer look at the rough, arid landscape that the Orcs & Goblin Tribes call home.

A Waaagh! Abroad – Follow in the tracks of a Nomadic Waaagh! Warboss as he loots and burns his way through the Border Princes and beyond, as well as a narrative scenario that features a classic mountain pass ambush.

Heroes of Legend – Background and rules for two infamous characters: Kiknik Toofsnatcha and Ogdruz Swampdigga.

Armies of Infamy – Rules to field two unique Orc & Goblin Armies of Infamy: Nomadic Waaagh! And Troll Hordes.

This is an expansion to Warhammer: The Old World

New rules never tire! This book will help give you more freedom and options in the way you play with your Orcs & Goblin tribes miniatures.

Orc & Goblin Tribes Orc Shamans Direct From Warhammer Webstore Only $45 CAD$55

Orc & Goblin Tribes Orc Shamans

This kit contains 8 metal components, 2 plastic components, 1x Citadel 30mm Square Base, and 1x 30x50mm Rectangle Base.

Orc Mobs Retail Price: $80 CAD$95 €62.50 £47.50 

Orc Mobs and Black Orc Mobs

Orc Mobs are the lifeblood of a Waaagh!, and this classic multi-part plastic kit lets you build 40 of them split into two units – one with two hand weapons, and the other with warbows. Then if you’re looking for a more durable unit to anchor your battleline, the returning box of 20 Black Orcs offers up a full unit command and a variety of hand weapons, great weapons, and shields to make your mobs dead ‘ard and killy.




Black Orc Mobs Retail Price: $80 CAD$95 €62.50 £47.50

Orc Mobs and Black Orc Mobs 2

As one of the most iconic Ork units, hobbyists can play true Black Orcs again!

Orc Boar Boyz Retail Price: $60 CAD$75 €50 £37.50 

Orc Boar Boyz and Boar Chariots

This kit contains 182 plastic components, and 10x Citadel 30mm x 60mm Rectangular Bases. Also includes 1x Orc Transfer Sheet containing 75x high-quality waterslide transfers for you to further decorate your models.

Boar Chariots Retail Price: $80 CAD$95 €62.50 £47.50

Orc Boar Boyz and Boar Chariots 2

This kit contains 82 plastic components, and 2x Citadel 50mm x 100mm Rectangular Bases.

Get your classic cavalry minis for the Orc faction in the Old World with these options.

Goblin Wolf Rider Mob Retail Price: $60 CAD$75 €50 £37.50

Click on these links to order yours for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Bazooka Games | Frontline Gaming | Element Games (UK) | eBay | or | Games Workshop’s Store

Night Goblin Mob and Goblin Wolf Rider Mob 2

The kit includes a variety of different shield designs, jerkin-clad torsos, sneering heads, quivers, and weapon arms, all of which are interchangeable

Marauder Giant Direct From Warhammer Webstore Only $80 CAD$100

Marauder Giant(old box; GW didn’t have the new pics on the teaser)

This is a classic miniature that is getting re-released for the first time in a long time!

Orc & Goblin Tribes Dice $42 CAD $53 €34 £26 and Cards $27 CAD$32 (Cards Direct From Warhammer Webstore)

Orc & Goblin Tribes Dice and Cards

The Orc & Goblin Tribes dice set contains 20 six-sided dice cast in green and red, including 18 regular d6 dice with the faction logo on the six face, one Artillery dice, and one Scatter dice. The card pack contains 36 reference cards, including Magic Weapons, Magic Armour, Talismans, Magic Standards, Enchanted Items, Arcane Items, Useful Rules, the Lore of Gork and the Lore of Mork.

MTO Orc Offerings Direct From Warhammer Webstore

  • Marauder Giant
  • Stone Trolls
  • Orc on Wyvern
  • River Trolls
  • Black Orc Boss

Orcs MTO

MTO is a decent way to get older miniatures. However, your order may not arrive for up to 180 days.

Kingdom of Bretonnia Miniature Releases

Warhammer: The Old World Core Set – Kingdom of Bretonnia Edition Retail Price: $255 CA$310 €205 £155

Click on these links to order yours for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Bazooka Games | Frontline Gaming | Element Games (UK) | eBay | or | Games Workshop’s Store

the Old World Core Set – Kingdom of Bretonnia Edition Warhammer The Old World Pricing

This boxed set contains 76 multipart plastic Citadel Miniatures:

– 1x Lord of Bretonnia on Royal Pegasus
– 12x Bretonnian Knights of the Realm
– 36x Bretonnian Men-at-Arms
– 24x Bretonnian Peasant Bowmen with 2x Defence Stakes bases
– 3x Bretonnian Pegasus Knights

It also contains the following rules, and gaming accessories:

– 1x 352-page Warhammer: The Old World Rulebook
– 1x 16-page Kingdoms of Bretonnia Edition Construction Guide & Introductory Muster List
– 1x 4-page Warhammer: The Old World Reference Sheet
– 1x Bretonnian Transfer Sheet containing 176 transfers
– 20x six-sided D6 dice
– 1x six-sided scatter dice
– 2x 18 red plastic measuring sticks
– 3x weapon templates in translucent orange plastic

All models come with their appropriate bases. These miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assembly

Bretonnia is here to defend the world of the living against the onslaught of the undead!

Bretonnian Army Launch Box Set Pricing & Value

Warhammer The Old World Bretonnia launch box 1Don’t miss the wild pricing, value, and savings we may see with the new Bretonnian Army Launch Box for Warhammer the Old World. Read More

Battle Standard Bearer on Royal Pegasus Retail Price: $65 CA$80 €55 £40

Click on these links to order yours for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Bazooka Games | Frontline Gaming | Element Games (UK) | eBay | or | Games Workshop’s Store

Battle Standard Bearer on Royal Pegasus

This multipart plastic kit builds one Battle Standard Bearer on Royal Pegasus, an inspiring character for your Kingdom of Bretonnia army. Armed with a hand weapon, shield, and heavy armour, and mounted on their Royal Pegasus, they can get stuck in with your forward charge, inspiring nearby soldiers. You’ll find two different head options for the mount, a standard head and one with extra armour.

This kit contains 43 plastic components, a Citadel 50mm Square Base, and a Bretonnian Transfer Sheet. This miniature is supplied unpainted and requires assembly

As one of Bretonnia’s specials, it only makes sense that this mini gets a great new mini for the reboot.

Pegasus Knights Retail Price: $60 CA$75 €45 £37.50

Click on these links to order yours for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Bazooka Games | Frontline Gaming | Element Games (UK) | eBay | or | Games Workshop’s Store

Pegasus Knights

This multipart plastic kit builds three Pegasus Knights, an elite unit for your Kingdom of Bretonnia army. Heavily armoured, and armed with lances, as well as swords and shields, they hit hard on the charge. Their flying mounts ensure you’ll have more opportunities to pit them against targets where they’ll do the most damage, making them a game-winning unit in any Bretonnian army.

This kit contains 51 plastic components, and comes with 3x Citadel 40mm by 60mm Rectangular Bases, 3x Large Flying Stems, and 3x Small Flying Bases. Also included is a Bretonnia Transfer Sheet featuring 176 transfers with which to personalise your Pegasus Knights.

These miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assembly

Grail Knights and Grail Knights Command $60 CA$70 (each)

Grail Knights and Grail Knights Command Warhammer The Old World Pricing

Some Bretonnian Knights are marked by the Lady and embark upon a quest to find and drink from the Grail. If they succeed, they are forever changed, granted super-human prowess.

The Grail Knights kit contains three metal Grail Knights with plastic horses, enough for a small unit. The Grail Knights Command group gives you a champion, musician and banner to lead your heroes.

Battle Pilgrims $80 CA$100 and Grail Reliquae $65 CA$80 

Battle Pilgrims and Grail Reliquae

Wherever Grail Knights travel, they are followed by bands of dedicated pilgrims who worship them as living avatars of the Lady. When the knights go to war, so do these Battle Pilgrims. When a Grail Knights falls in battle, the pilgrims venerate their corpse, carrying it aloft to spur all who see it to the heights of valour. 

The Battle Pilgrims kit consists of 12 metal Battle Pilgrims, with nine different models, three of which are included twice. The Grail Reliquae kit contains seven metal models – six Battle Pilgrims and the Reliquae itself. Additional Battle Pilgrims can be added to this unit to help defend the Reliquae.

Mounted Yeomen $75 CA$90 and Mounted Yeomen Command $60 CA$70 

Mounted Yeomen and Mounted Yeomen Command

Yeoman have reached one of the highest ranks to which a Bretonnian peasant can aspire – trusted servants, head gaolers, militia sergeants, who are even granted the right to ride to war on sturdy draught horses. They’re tasked with scouting ahead of the main force and guarding the inglorious flanks.

The Mounted Yeomen kit comprises five metal models on plastic horses. The Mounted Yeomen Command kit includes three metal models – a Warden, a standard bearer and a musician – on plastic horses. 

Handmaiden of the Lady $36 CA$45 

Handmaiden of the Lady

This kit contains 10 resin components, and comes with a Citadel 25mm Square Base. This miniature is supplied unpainted and requires assembly

Battle Standard Bearer on Foot and Mounted $83 CA$102 

Battle Standard Bearer on Foot and Mounted

This kit contains 19 resin components and comes with a Citadel 25mm Square Base, and a Citadel 30mm x 60mm Rectangular Base. These miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assembly

Questing Knight Paladin with Great Weapon $36 CA$45 

Questing Knight Paladin with Great Weapon

This kit contains 9 resin components, and comes with a Citadel 25mm Square Base. This miniature is supplied unpainted and requires assembly

As a super sick, new mini, this character is spewing personality and power. It’s probably not a bad mini for other games, either!

Knights of the Realm on Foot Retail Price: $60 CAD$75 €50 £37.50

Click on these links to order yours for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Bazooka Games | Frontline Gaming | Element Games (UK) | eBay | or | Games Workshop’s Store

Knights of the Realm on Foot

The Knights of the Realm are minor nobles sworn to protect the fiefdom of their duke. Some prefer to charge into combat on foot, wielding either two-handed halberds or hand weapons and shields. This box builds 20 Knights of the Realm on foot armed with either a halberd or the classic sword-and-shield combo, and enough parts to create two command groups if you prefer two blocks of 10 knights.

Lord with Great Weapon Direct Only From GW Webstore Only: $25 CAD$30 

Lord with Great Weapon

This kit contains three metal components, and comes with 2x Citadel 25mm Square Bases.

This miniature is supplied unpainted and requires assembly

Knights of the Realm Retail Price: $60 CAD$75 €50 £37.50

Click on these links to order yours for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Bazooka Games | Frontline Gaming | Element Games (UK) | eBay | or | Games Workshop’s Store

Knights of the Realm

This kit contains 180 plastic components, 12x Citadel 30x60mm Rectangular Bases, and a Bretonnian Transfer Sheet containing 176 high-quality waterslide transfers.

These miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assembly

Bretonnia wouldn’t be the same without its cavalry!

Kingdom of Bretonnia Returning Metals Direct Only From GW Webstore

  • Prophetess of the Lady $50 CAD$60
  • Squires $40 CAD$50
  • Squires Command $32 CAD$36
  • Questing Knights $60 CAD$70
  • Questing Knights Command $60 CAD$70
  • Trebuchet $78 CAD$96


Kingdom of Bretonnia Returning Metals 1

Plenty of Kingdom of Bretonnia metal kits are returning in metal. These include the Bretonnian Squires and Squires Command, and Questing Knights and their Command, brandishing two-handed swords. 

Kingdom of Bretonnia Returning Metals 2

Two Prophetesses of the Lady are also coming in metal, alongside the Green Knight, the ultimate paragon of virtue, sacred protector of Bretonnia, and one of the best miniatures of all time.

With some extremely iconic models, seeing so many good returning models is great.

Kingdom of Bretonnia Reference Cards $27 CA$32 €21 £16 and Dice $42 €34 £26

Kingdom of Bretonnia Reference Cards and Dice

Bretonnian armies will be full of magic items and Knightly Virtues, and the best way to keep them straight in battle is with this handy set of 36 reference cards covering all the unique magic items, spells, and Knightly Virtues from Forces of Fantasy. 

You can also get a set of 18 metallic silver swirl dice with the iconic fleur de lys replacing the 6 – perfect for gaining the Lady’s favour – which also includes similarly coloured scatter and artillery dice. 

Learn the rules more smoothly and roll in style with these two supplemental products.

Lady Élisse Duchaard Retail Price: $65 CAD$80

Click on these links to order yours for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Bazooka Games | Frontline Gaming | Element Games (UK) | eBay | or | Games Workshop’s Store

Lady Élisse Duchaard

This kit contains 12 resin components, and 1x Citadel 40mm by 60mm Rectangular Base.

As a new miniature to lead your Bretonnia forces, this is a fantastic new addition to their lineup for hobbyists.

Kingdom of Bretonnia Lord on Royal Pegasus Retail Price: $65 CAD$80

Click on these links to order yours for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Bazooka Games | Frontline Gaming | Element Games (UK) | eBay | or | Games Workshop’s Store

Kingdom of Bretonnia Lord on Royal Pegasus

This kit contains 52 plastic components, 1x Citadel 50mm Square Base, and a Bretonnian Transfer Sheet containing 176 high-quality waterslide transfers.

Pick up this returning mini in their own box set, making it easier to find than before!

Kingdom of Bretonnia Men at Arms Retail Price: $80 CAD$95 €62.50 £47.50

Click on these links to order yours for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Bazooka Games | Frontline Gaming | Element Games (UK) | eBay | or | Games Workshop’s Store

Kingdom of Bretonnia Men at Arms

This kit contains 308 plastic components, 36x Citadel 25mm Square Bases, and a Bretonnian Transfer Sheet containing 176 high-quality waterslide transfers.

As Bretonnia’s main infantry unit, generals will most likely need at least a few of these iconic Men at Arms.

Kingdom of Bretonnia Peasant Bowmen Retail Price: $80 CAD$95 €62.50 £47.50

Click on these links to order yours for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Bazooka Games | Frontline Gaming | Element Games (UK) | eBay | or | Games Workshop’s Store

Kingdom of Bretonnia Peasant Bowmen

This kit contains 223 plastic components, 36x Citadel 25mm Square Bases, 4x Citadel 25x100mm Rectangular Bases, and a Bretonnian Transfer Sheet containing 176 high-quality waterslide transfers.

Fill in your Bretonnian ranged units to pepper enemies with this unit of Bowmen.

Tomb Kings of Khemri Miniature Releases:

Not wanting to be outdone by the self-important short-lived mortals of Bretonnia, the venal and power-hungry royalty of Khemri have a handful of other new miniatures up their sandy sleeves.

Warhammer: The Old World Core Set – Tomb Kings of Khemri Edition Retail Price: $290 CA$350 €235 £175

Click on these links to order yours for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Bazooka Games | Frontline Gaming | Element Games (UK) | eBay | or | Games Workshop’s Store

The Old World Core Set – Tomb Kings of Khemri Edition Warhammer The Old World Pricing

This boxed set contains 93 multipart plastic Citadel Minatures:

– 1x Liche Priest on Necrolith Bone Dragon
– 1x Tomb King
– 40x Skeleton Warriors
– 32x Skeleton Archers
– 16x Skeleton Horsemen
– 3x Skeleton Chariots

It also contains the following rules, and gaming accessories:

– 1x 352-page Warhammer: The Old World Rulebook
– 1x 24-page Tomb Kings of Khemri Edition Construction Guide & Introductory Army List
– 1x 4-page Warhammer: The Old World Reference Sheet
– 20x six-sided D6 dice
– 1x six-sided scatter dice
– 2x 18 red plastic measuring sticks
– 3x weapon templates in translucent orange plastic

All models come with their appropriate bases. These miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assembly

Pillage the world and claim revenge on all who live with the return of the Tomb Kings!

Tomb Kings Army Launch Box Value is Pretty Shocking

tomb kings launch box
Don’t miss the wild value and pricing we may see with the new Tomb Kings Army Launch Box for Warhammer the Old World. Read More

Tomb Guard Retail Price: $80 CA$95 €65 £47.50

Click on these links to order yours for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Bazooka Games | Frontline Gaming | Element Games (UK) | eBay | or | Games Workshop’s Store

Tomb Guard Warhammer The Old World Pricing

The kit includes a wide variety of different skeletal heads, shield designs, poses, bony torsos, and weapon arms, all of which are entirely interchangeable – so you can ensure your undead phalanx looks totally unique, no matter how large it grows.

This kit contains 176 plastic components, and comes with 20x Citadel 25mm Square Bases. These miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assembly

Sepulchral Stalkers Retail Price: $60 CA$75 €45 £37.50

Click on these links to order yours for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Bazooka Games | Frontline Gaming | Element Games (UK) | eBay | or | Games Workshop’s Store

Sepulchral Stalkers Warhammer The Old World Pricing

This kit can alternatively build three Necropolis Knights, elite skeletons mounted atop Necroserpent constructs.

This kit comprises 94 plastic components, and comes with 3x Citadel 50x100mm Rectangular Bases. These miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assembly

Necrosphinx Retail Price: $75 CA$90 €60 £45

Click on these links to order yours for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Bazooka Games | Frontline Gaming | Element Games (UK) | eBay | or | Games Workshop’s Store

Necrosphinx Warhammer The Old World Pricing

This multipart plastic kit builds a Necrosphinx, a colossal living statue for the Tomb Kings of Khemri. The Necrosphinx offers a choice of blade-arm and forelimb poses for scything and trampling its foes, and can be built with a bladed tail or venomous stinger. You can further customise your construct with a variety of head options – a regal death mask or giant skull, crowned by a choice of different ornaments.

This kit also includes a Tomb King, who can be assembled on foot with a separate base. The kit can alternatively build a Khemrian Warsphinx, a guardian construct that carries a war-howdah into battle.

This kit comprises 88 plastic components, and comes with 1x Citadel 25mm Square Base, and 1x Citadel 60x100mm Rectangular Base. These miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assembly

Necrosphinx - khemrian warsphinx Warhammer The Old World Pricing

The Tomb Spinx is a super iconic miniature with two options to boot! This is a fantastic one to see again!

Settra the Imperishable $60 CA$70 

Settra the Imperishable

This kit contains 27 metal and plastic components, and comes with a Citadel 100mm by 150mm Rectangular Base. This miniature is supplied unpainted and requires assembly


Liche Priest $15 CA$18 

Liche Priest

This kit contains 2 metal components, and comes with a Citadel 25mm Square Slotta Base. This miniature is supplied unpainted and requires assembly

Ushabti $85 CA$100 


This kit contains 6 metal components, and comes with 3x Citadel 40mm Square Bases. These miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assembly

Tomb King $36 CA$45 

Tomb King

This kit contains 6 resin components, and comes with a Citadel 25mm Square Base. This miniature is supplied unpainted and requires assembly

As a model previewed long ago, it’s great to see him finally coming out!

Battle Standard Bearer $36 CA$45 

Battle Standard Bearer

This kit contains 8 resin components, and comes with a Citadel 25mm Square Base. This miniature is supplied unpainted and requires assembly

Tomb Swarms $56 CA$70 

Tomb Swarms

This kit contains 18 resin components, and comes with 3x Citadel 40mm Square Bases. These miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assembly

As one of the coolest “monster” units, this is definitely a dope redesign.

Tomb King on Necrolith Bone Dragon Retail Price: $100 CAD$120 €80 £60

Click on these links to order yours for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Bazooka Games | Frontline Gaming | Element Games (UK) | eBay | or | Games Workshop’s Store

Tomb King on Necrolith Bone Dragon

If this kit is used to build a Liche Priest on Necrolith Bone Dragon, the Tomb King model can instead be assembled separately on foot, armed with a flail and using the additional base provided. The kit includes a shield arm and alternative cloak for building the monarch in this way.

This kit contains 96 plastic components, 1x Citadel 100x150mm Rectangular Base, and 1x Citadel 25mm Square Base. This miniature is supplied unpainted and requires assembly

Pick up this amazing mini for a huge challenge and a great centerpiece.

Nekaph, Emissary of Settra $41 CAD$50 Direct Only From GW Webstore 

Nekaph, Emissary of Settra 1

This kit contains eight resin components, and a Citadel 25mm Square Base. This miniature is supplied unpainted and requires assembly

Pick up this new character as its own release to match up with your own Settra mini.

Tomb Kings of Khemri Returning Plastics Warriors Retail Price: $80 CAD$95 €62.50 £47.50

Click on these links to order yours for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Bazooka Games | Frontline Gaming | Element Games (UK) | eBay | or | Games Workshop’s Store

Tomb Kings of Khemri Returning Plastics 1

Swell the ranks of your reanimated armies and take over the Old World in plastic with these returning kits. The Skeleton Warriors box contains 36 miniatures which can either be built as Skeleton Warriors or Skeleton Archers, and includes command retinue options for standard bearers, champions, and musicians.

Horsemen Retail Price: $60 CAD $75 €50 £37.50 / Chariots Retail Price: $80 CAD$95 €62.50 £47.50

Click on these links to order yours for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Bazooka Games | Frontline Gaming | Element Games (UK) | eBay | or | Games Workshop’s Store

Tomb Kings of Khemri Returning Plastics 2

The Skeleton Horsemen box contains 16 miniatures which can be built as Skeleton Horsemen or Skeleton Horse Archers, plus relevant command units. Finally, the Skeleton Chariots box contains three boney vehicles with options including a champion, a standard bearer, and a musician.

Tomb Kings of Khemri Returning Metals Online Direct Only From GW Webstore

  • Tomb King on Chariot $45 CAD$55
  • Necrotect $15 CAD$18
  • Prince Apophas $18 CAD$24

Tomb Kings of Khemri Returning Metals

Three Tomb Kings units are returning in metal: the special character Prince Apophas, a whip-wielding Necrotect, and a Tomb King on Chariot, which combines a metal miniature with a plastic Chariot.

Tomb Kings of Khemri Resin Remasters Direct Only From GW Webstore

  • Tomb Scorpion $39 CAD$48
  • Emissary of Settra $41 CAD$50
  • Screaming Skull Catapult $59 CAD$72


Tomb Kings of Khemri Resin Remasters

Further classics are returning in Forge World resin with remastered elements. The Tomb Scorpion and Screaming Skull Catapult have both been changed to make them easier to build, with clearer details sculpted onto the catapult. The Carrion also return as a set of three miniatures – two of which were previously available, with one new pose designed to match the originals.

With some fantastic returning models in metal, plastic, and resin Tomb Kings seem to have a little bit of everything this week.

Tomb Kings of Khemri Reference Cards $27 CA$32 €21 £16 and Dice $42 €34 £26

Tomb Kings of Khemri Reference Cards and Dice

Keep track of your magic items and spells in the heat of battle with a set of 36 reference cards containing all the rules for the Tomb King’s artefacts and incantations from Ravening Hordes. While you’re at it, enhance your rolls with a set of 20 bone-coloured dice with dark red etching. The 18 D6s have a Tomb Kings symbol replacing the six, and are joined by a scatter dice and an artillery dice.

Play games faster and do it in style with these two products.

Tomb Kings of Khemri Casket of Souls Direct From Warhammer Webstore Only $62 CAD$77

Tomb Kings of Khemri Casket of Souls

This kit comprises 18 resin components.

With another iconic mini joining the lineup, this is a great addition.

Tomb Kings of Khemri Necrolith Colossus Direct From Warhammer Webstore Only $78 CAD$96

Tomb Kings of Khemri Necrolith Colossus

This kit contains 14 resin components, and a Citadel 50mm Square Base.

Redesigned Miniatures For Warhammer The Old World

Here is the latest on the redesigned Warhammer The Old World models.

Redesigned Miniatures For The Old World 5

…While we remember each and every one of these wonderful miniatures from yesteryear with all-consuming fondness, we can’t claim in good conscience that they were all smooth experiences to build. Fortunately, the team bringing Warhammer: The Old World to your tabletop had this in mind when they were pillaging the archives, and more than a few of the larger returning models have been remastered to update their details and ensure they fit together as painlessly as possible. Here’s Rob, the guy in charge of the whole Old World project, to explain:

“In some cases, the original greens* are long missing. The factory keeps the cast masters,** however, which are sometimes in metal and sometimes resin. There is a slight loss of detail when transferring to the master cast from the original green, so we had Lewis painstakingly hand-sculpt those details back into the models.

Even though they aren’t totally new models, it is nice to get some reworks to make things easier to build and slightly more detailed.

Redesigned Miniatures For The Old World

This also meant cutting them up slightly differently, as the manufacturing process for resin is different to metal. He resculpted every rivet on the Bretonnian Trebuchet, the eye socket on every skull, sharpened all manner of other details, and even added some additional work. 

Resculpting every rivet had to be a serious task, but it’s such a classic model, so it’s good to see it getting some love!

Redesigned Miniatures For The Old World 2

 For example, there is now an inside to the Casket of Souls! He has had a lot of fun looking at these kits and working out what best to do.

This was already an amazing mini, and now, with a screaming soul on the inside, it’s even better!

Kit Redesigns

Redesigned Miniatures For The Old World 3

He also addressed the joints on the Tomb Scorpion to make it easier to assemble and more posable – it’s now all ball joints. He created a new third variant of the Carrion based on Trish’s*** original two. This allowed us to put them in a pack of three, which we think better serves how people will want to use them in the game. 

The Tomb Scorpion was a pain to build, but with all ball joints, it should be easier now. Plus you could pose it how you want for conversions. Getting two Carrions was always odd, so we won’t complain about having an extra one either!

Redesigned Miniatures For The Old World 4

We also obviously took the opportunity to add an unreleased head to the Bone Giant kit, as we all thought it was very cool. 

So while Warhammer: The Old World is mostly supported by this vast range of classic models, the entire team has poured enormous care and attention into getting their best ever versions out onto the tabletop. There will be a smattering of remastered models coming to the other core armies once each range gets its release, and there are loads of surprises returning on a Made to Order basis.

That is definitely a cool head on the Bone Giant, and it will be interesting to see different kits pop up from time to time as either MTO or just normal kits.

More Exclusive Minis Returning For Warhammer The Old World

New Bretonnian Old World Models 3

And while there might not be other unreleased models coming to Warhammer: The Old World, he’s far from the only rarity to return. Many factions will receive a few surprises in this vein – and this isn’t the only noble knight on foot mustering for the Kingdom of Bretonnia.

While they didn’t say for sure this Exalted Hero of Chaos from the 2009 Games Day would be making a return, they did put in the sentence about more models coming back right below him!

News for Old World is few and far between, so every time a new model gets revealed, it’s pretty hype! That being said, reveals do seem to be getting slightly more frequent…

What do you think about all the new Warhammer The Old World models?

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About the Author: Rob Baer

Rob Baer

 rob avatar faceJob Title: Managing Editor

Founded Spikey Bits in 2009

Socials: Rob Baer on Facebook and @catdaddymbg on X

About Rob Baer: Founder, Publisher, & Managing Editor of Spikey Bits, the leading tabletop gaming news website focused on the hobby side of wargaming and miniatures.  Rob has won many Warhammer 40k Tournaments over the years, including the Adepticon Team Tournament and American Team Tournaments, and is on a first-name basis with almost every major company in the space.

He’s all gaming all the time. With over 30 years of experience in retail and distribution, Rob knows all the products and exactly which ones are the best. He advocates for gaming stores and manufacturers in these difficult times, always looking for the next big thing to feature for the miniatures hobby, helping everyone to provide the value consumers want.

While he’s played every edition of Warhammer 40k and Warhammer Fantasy (since 5th Edition) and has been hobbying on miniatures since the 1908s, Titans of all sizes will always be his favorite! It’s even rumored that his hobby vault rivals the Solemnance Galleries, containing rulebooks filled with lore from editions long past, ancient packs of black-bordered Magic Cards, and models made of both pewter and resin.