Age of Sigmar’s Gloomspite Gitz New Rules Overview

By Wesley Floyd | January 7th, 2019 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Warhammer 40k Rumors

mangler wal hor gloomspite gitz

Gloomspite Gitz are actually a bunch of old factions getting one massive reboot in AoS. Check out all of the previews we’ve covered in one spot.

AoS is getting a serious dose of Greenskinz in the next few days. Gloomspite Gitz are going to be rolling out in full force and whether you’re a Spiderfang, Ban Moon, or Troggoth fan, there’s something here for you. Let’s check out all the new models and rules exclusive to the faction.

Gloomspite Gitz Models, Endless Spells & More REVEALED

gloomspite preview 7 walGloomspite Gitz got a massive preview with new models, Endless Spells, and a brand new video. Check out what’s on the way for these little Greenskinz. Read More

AoS Gloomspite Gitz New Rules & More SPOTTED

dankholdt trogg bossDo you love Troggoths and grots? Don’t miss the new rules and more images of the new Gloomspite Gitz units that were spotted recently as Troggoths are getting a massive update! Read More

New Gloomspite Gitz Da Bad Moon Rules SPOTTED

bad moon walEver wonder why the Gloomspite Gitz worship the Bad Moon? Well, these previews explain it’s strange effects as in-game rules. Read More

Gloomspite Gitz Artifacts, Spells & More SPOTTED

gloomspite walCheck out what the Spiderfang Grots, Moonclan Grots, and Troggoths are bringing to the table in AoS 2.0 with their rules! Read More

More Troggoth Rules, Models & More Spotted

dankholdt trogg bossDon’t miss these previews showcasing more new models coming to the Gloomspite Gitz as well as their rules that are coming soon for Age of Sigmar! Read More

Gloomspite Gitz are going to feel like a brand new faction all together. Between the brand new units, new rules, AND models, players should have loads of fun exploring all the combinations the army has to offer. There’s a lot to keep track of with the Gloomspite Gitz’ allegiance ability and the Bad Moon, but its effects are pretty incredible in the right circumstance. The Loonking also lets you manipulate it to make sure you reap maximum benefit.

What are your favorite set of rules for the faction? Are you going to mix all the factions into one force or double down on something like Troggoths or Spiderfangs? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.