Lumineth Realm-Lords Army Starter Box Points SPOTTED!

lumineth realmlords walDon’t miss how may points are coming inside the Lumineth Realm-Lords army starter box for Age of Sigmar this summer! Take a look!

GW announced earlier that they’re bringing in a new Army Box that has models, a Battletome, dice, warscroll cards, and more for the Lumineth Realm-Lords. This is sort of like the Age of Sigmar version of the Sisters of Battle Army Set we saw a while back.

With some pics revealed inside June’s White Dwarf, we’ve got a better idea of how many points will be inside the box. But before we jump into that, here are the projected prices we’re guessing we’ll see for the box.

Lumineth Realm-Lords Army Box Guessed Prices

lumineth realmlords online preview 2 box 3GW is trying something new on this next AoS release. They’re throwing in some interesting options for this box. Making it easier for new players and vets alike to start the Realm-Lords. It looks like we’re getting a Battleline, a Cavalry unit, and a Leader on top of other game aides.

lumineth realmlords online preview 2 boxLet’s start to break down the potential price and value for what’s been previewed. Keep in mind that no prices have been confirmed and we’ll be going off the near-equivalent units for the Ossiarch Bonereapers in terms of cost.

Also, note that it looks about like what a Start Collecting box would have in terms of models…But with the Battletome, dice, etc. added the price is only going to go up. We’re thinking the box will cost more than a typical Start Collecting Box, but less than the Sisters of Battle Army Starter, which was $210Maybe somewhere in the range of $130.

What’s Inside:

  • 10x Auralan Wardens $30? Mortek Guard are Spearmen equivalent and come as a unit of 20 for $60.
  • 5x Vanari Dawnriders $60 
  • 1x Light of Eltharion $40
  • Lumineth Realm-Lords Battletome $40
  • Warscroll Cards, Tokens & 3″ Measuring stick? $25
  • Dice $30

Total MSRP: $225?

Total potential Savings: We can’t say for sure. But a very rough estimate is $95.

June White Dwarf Reveals Points For Units Inside

lumineth realmlords online preview 2 box 2


lumineth realmlords white dwarf 1We’ve covered the latest images out of a White Dwarf earlier on, and got a few points of units that were used in a battle report. Luckily, the units that were used here are also making their way into the starter box.

  •  10x Vanari Auralan Wardens (spearmen): 120 pts
  • 5x Vanari Dawnriders (cavalry): 130 pts 
  • The Light of Eltharion (Hero unit): 220 pts

Total: 470 pts.

With the models totaling up to just under 500 pts, this gives you a decent starting block that you probably won’t want to buy more than one set of. Just because the starter comes with a named hero as well as a battletome/ warscroll cards you don’t need to double up on. That still gives you 1500 pts to plan out (which you’ll need at least two more Battlelines and another Hero to make work for a full 2k game).

teclis modelIf you want to start playing as quickly as possible, Teclis might be a solid answer as he’s almost half of the list’s total points sitting at 660 pts. Plus, we’ve seen tidbits of his rules and long story short, he’s going to be spooky.

Now that we know we’ve got about 500 pts in the set, what else will you be grabbing for your list? Using the other units’ points in the White Dwarf, are you already playing around with other options for your 2k list?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!