Necron Overlord & Command Barge New 40k Rules SPOTTED

necrons new rulesNew updated Necron 9th Edition 40k rules datasheets for the Overlord and barges have been spotted, check out what’s changed now!

U/drruler on Reddit posted up some pics of the Overlord, Annihilation Barge, and Command Barge’s new datasheets. Let’s take a look at these older models from the Necron line and see what’s changed.

As a quick reference, we’ve also got all the datasheets we’ve seen listed here.

Necron Overlord & Command Barge New 40k Rules SPOTTED

necron command barge boxThis is one of those kits that have an Overlord in it to make the Command Barge. However, you can also build an Overlord on foot and an Annihilation Barge (Heavy Support) if you’d rather.

Now let’s jump into the stats.

necron command barge datasheet 1


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necron command barge datasheet 2The Annihilation Barge got:

  • +1 armor save.
  • Tesla Cannons now Heavy 3 +6″ range.
  • Twin Tesla Destructors now Heavy 10 +12″ range. 

As for the Overlord:

  • +1″ Movement.
  • +1 Attack.

necron command barge datasheet 3The Catacomb Command Barge (using the Overlord in the kit) got some pretty crazy buffs:

  • +1 Toughness.
  • +1 Wound.
  • +1 Attack.
  • Tesla Cannons now Heavy 3 +6″ range.

After seeing a bunch of different Necron sheets out there, it seems like the older units are consistently getting nice buffs to make them more competitive.

As for what we’ve covered above, what are your thoughts on these changes? Is the Catacomb Command Barge going to be a hot unit to take thanks to the datasheet buffs?

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