New Chaos Space Marines & Codex Rules REVEALED

GW-Previews-chaos-space-marinesIts official Chaos Space Marines codex rules will herald not only a 2 wounds statline but a ton of new models according to the GW AdeptiCon preview teasers!

Another big online GW Preview for all things Warhammer is here! Catch all the latest reveals from  Warhammer TV  and Warhammer Community along with our commentary!

The new Chaos Space Marines codex is on the way, and not only that but new models will hit soon for the followers of the dark gods as well!

Let’s first check out the preview we saw, then get into the new stuff.

GW AdeptiCon Preview

AdeptiCon Preview 3

We’ve also got tonnes of hobby right here on – along with a look at some of the new rules from Arena of Shades and interviews with some of the designers of the new Aeldari kits, we’ll have full coverage of all of the big reveals from this year’s AdeptiCon. 

AdeptiCon Preview 2

New Chaos Space Marines & Codex Rules Revealed

There are a lot of Chaos rules and new models rumors floating out there but we’ll be focusing on the next two codex books, the possibility of cross-play plastic Primarchs, and when the main Chaos Space Marine book could actually come out.

Let’s start with the Chaos codex books rules rumors then get into all the big reveal from Games Workshop…

Some of those are super spicy for sure, and some are not. Either way, we know new Chaos Space Marines are on the way. Check out all the pages of the new Chaos Space Marine Codex rumors above!

40k RUMORS: Huge New Chaos Space Marines Release For 9th Edition

First and foremost, these rumors are all based on new or updated models. If these are true, this is a massive update, almost the size of a new faction release like Soulblight grave lords or Lumineth Realmlords we saw for Age of Sigmar.

There also seems to be a greater emphasis on updating the cultist/human line and most likely important in the faction. One of the unique things about Chaos is the presence of non-marine heretics. So it would be a unique space to expand on for the faction.

blackstone fortress kill teamSome of these we have already seen as the post points out in Blackstone Fortress, but some seem to be completely new as well.

The deletion of the forum post might be someone asking it to get taken down or maybe even just the author decided to, we can’t know for sure.

Games Workshop Confirms New Chaos Coming in 2022:

Also of note, the recent WHC Codex Roadmap post mentioned this about Chaos:

Codex release roadmap 2021 40k

Eagle-eyed heretics** may note the lack of codexes for the Traitor Legions. Do not despair, as 2022 will be a bumper year for warp-based shenanigans.

This is a huge boon for chaos, as generic CSM has seemed to be on the backburner for the 9th edition. Assuming at least some of the rumors are true there’s huge potential for new additions and updates as the change to Primaris for loyalists seemed to have left Chaos in the dust.

All the New 40k Chaos Space Marines Rumors So Far

fulgrim daemon wal hor chaos rumors games workshop primarchFirst and foremost, way back during the Psychic Awakening, we had already heard a ton of rumors about Fulgrim and a potential EC update. Unfortunately, it may look like that rumor might have been confused with the AoS Hedonites of Slaanesh update.

However, with all the recent Horus Heresy Rumors popping up about new rules and plastic models, one about Plastic cross-system Daemon Primarchs has also surfaced. This raises the question again, are Emperor’s Children on the way, and will they get their own Chaos codex and rules as the rumors have been saying for years?

It certainly looks that way (eventually).

chaos khorne walpaperAs for World Eaters, they are the fourth main single-god devoted legion, following after Thousand Sons for Tzeentch, Death Guard for Nurgle, Emperors Children for Slaanesh, and World Eaters for Khorne. According to a lot of rumors, they are next for CSM.

World Eaters Codex Coming Next for Chaos

chaos world eaters infopic

So while its fun to speculate more on Deamon Primarch models and the like, you can see all of those rumors here, of which a lot look to be coming true from the confirmed rumors so far.

New Chaos Space Marines & Codex Rules Revealed

Games Workshop was kind of mum of the details for all the new Chaos Space Marines releases and codex rules, but they did give us this trailer with confirms more of the rumors above…

Yes, Chaos Space Marines players – you’ve beseeched the Ruinous Powers, and they have listened.* We know you’ve been waiting patiently, and your time is soon! Not only is a new codex coming that brings much-anticipated updates to the rules for Heretic Astartes, there will be a slathering of new miniatures to reignite your blasphemous fervour. 

These add to what has already been a low-key killer start to 2022 for the Traitor Legions – the Warpsmith and Chosen got new plastic models, reinforcements arrived in the upgraded Legionary kill team, and now this updated tome of forbidden lore will give them the support they deserve.

So from the rumors above, we seem to have A LOT and I mean A LOT of confirmations here…

New Chaos Space Marines possessed 1Possessed or Human Mutants?

New Chaos Space Marines possessed 2

More Possessed or Human Mutants?

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New Chaos Space Marines icon banner Icon or standard bearer?New Chaos Space Marines wing daemon possessedEven more Possessed or Human Mutants?

New Chaos Space Marines legionnaireLooks like a Legionnaire…

New Chaos Space Marines iconA cooler standard or Icon

New Chaos Space Marines bikeLooks like a Legionnaire, or possessed holding a “borrowed” Space Marine helmet…

New Chaos Space Marines renegades guardsmenThere’s the renegade guard perhaps…?

New Chaos Space Marines rules legionnaire



And probably the most important teaser, nearly two years since the launch of 9th Edition 40k we have a confirmation Chaos will indeed be 2 wounds from the video transformation.


Some of those are super spicy for sure, and some are not. Either way, we know new Chaos Space Marines are on the way. Check out all the pages of the new Chaos Space Marine Codex rumors above!

If you missed the lastest few previews from GW in 2021, you can get all caught up on those from our coverage below:

Click Here For All the GW Previews & Adepticon 2022 Coverage

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