RUMORS: Plastic Daemon Primarchs & More Horus Heresy

Fulgrim primarch wal horMore plastic Daemon primarchs may be on the way for the rumored new edition of Horus Heresy here’s the latest.

Let’s start with a recap of value and possible price points for the box then get into the new details swirling around online.

The set has apparently way more in it than the previous two starters and it appears there are a ton of minis in it. Could it be the Indomitus of 30k? We’ll have to wait a little longer on the price to decide that, but there are some rumors this could be GW trying to up the price to $300 or more for a starter set.

Considering the last two boxes for Horus Heresy were only $150 though, this may just be to push the price to that $200-300 mark.

Incredible Value For New Plastic Horus Heresy Starter Set

horus heresy wallpaperThanks to the following exclusive image submitted by a Spikey Bits reader, we now have more to go off and a better idea of everything in the set. If these are right, this could be a gigantic starter.

Hi Guys.
I did this on ppt it gives a better idea of what might be the content of the future box
Thank you for what you do for the hobby 

30k rumor (compressed)Also just to note, these are all going to be priced in plastic.

  • 40 Mark III Space Marines $200 ($50 for 10)
  • 10 Cataphractii Terminators $130 ($65 for 5)
  • Contemptor Dreadnought $60 (based on the existing kit)
  • Characters $50 (based on the Space Marine Characters pack)
  • Spartan $100 (drop from resin based on the Repulsor Executioner price)
  • Rulebook and other potential accessories (note the absence of any templates…)

Total MSRP: $540

Total Values: if it’s priced in box at $200: $340 / at $300: $240

Whatever the price comes out to be, even at $300 this could really have the value packed in there. Especially if the price of the Spartan doesn’t drop as we would expect.

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If they do price this at the $200 mark, it could really bring new players into the game, especially if the rules are coming updated along with it.

RUMORS: New Details For New Plastic Horus Heresy Starter Set

Spotted over on Reddit, user u/Admiral_SKK, compiled some of the more recent rumors online.

As known, we will get a Horus Heresy reboot in November. A little Bird twittered…

Note that some Points were maybe already leaked.

New “Edition” in Nov 2021

GW will overtake Horus Heresy as a “new” System from FW

Own Ruleset like the last one from FW, not a 9th Edition 40k adaption like many guess

Many new Plastic Sets are planned to replace FW Resin Models which will be also useful with 40k Armies

GW will overtake the Decals for all 18 Legions, Characteres and very Legion specific Stuff remains with FW

As a new Main System, Horus Heresy Story will expanded with Themed Expansions like the “Warzone” Books in 40k – the reboot beginns with the Battle for the Sol System, later they will revisit earlier “Warzones” like Istvaan III, Istvaan V, Prospero, Tallarn ect. with focus on certain Factions

Warzone Expansions replace the “Black Books” permanently

Horus Heresy is planned over many Years and will also Expanded into a “Age of Darkness” Game with multiple Setting, including the Scourge or the Great Crusade (see The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit as “Middleearth” SBG)

First and foremost, the rumors cover a November 2021 release, which is obviously huge! Considering there hasn’t been much from GW yet that seems really soon as they tend to dish out tidbits as we get closer to major releases like this.

Horus Heresy book 9 crusade

Getting its own ruleset makes sense, especially when you see what looks like a scatter die in the images of the models. GW taking decals makes sense, especially since pretty much all of them are still applicable in 40k in some ways. Horus Heresy getting “Warzone” style expansions is exciting, maybe it will make the rules easier to follow. Specifics on locations seem legit, but could technically not be true.

It looks like there are long terms plans for GW to start working on Horus Heresy and making it the main game. Hopefully, that means there will be an upsurge of players and some growth in the community, as right now it’s pretty small. Either way, plastic kits at the bare minimum are always a great thing to see. These possibilities seem promising if they all end up true!

dominion book & boxLet’s hope they go with the lower price and really give the Horus Heresy game a giant boost! $300 may just be a bridge too far for Games Workshop as the $200 Dominion box sales so far seem to have been a flop.

RUMORS: Plastic Daemon Primarchs & More For New Horus Heresy

Horus Heresy Art Wal Hor

Over on Reddit, user u/Admiral_SKK, gave us all even more rumors this time about the upcoming re-release for Horus Heresy:

A little Bird twittered, again…

Horus Heresy Books are now written by GW’s Warhammer Studio Team – it’s now “GW Main” not Specialist games, like AoS or common 40k

“New” Horus Heresy gets only a Rule overhaul, not a complete new Ruleset which overtrow everything

Ruleset will get something like Periods or Eras – Early Crusade, Late Crusade, Early Heresy, Late Heresy and such stuff…

Black Books can still be used with the “new” Rules and get not invalid from Day One, but will sometime get replaced

Some missing (and new) Characters will come in Plastic

Old FW upgrade Sets will stay more or less compatible with new Classic Marines

Mk2, Mk3, MK4, Mk5, Mk6 or MK7 – Every Armour Type will get Plastic Models (sooner or later)

More Plastic Daemon Primarchs will come (cross use in “late” HH and 40k)

Game will be more integrated in WD

The move of the Game from FW to GW is for freeing capacities for more Specialist Games and for Warhammer the Old World

Alan Bligh’s Dead had an very big impact on Horus Heresy, but he loved this Setting, gave everything and had loooong (before there were any Announcements) worked on this, with an large preliminary work he did even in “free Time”…

Alan had written enough Stuff for three Editions, he had “the one” concept as a whole for the complete Setting and this will remain with the “reboot”. May he rest in pease and Dine with the Gods…


Right out of the gate, he explains that GW will be taking the books more seriously and have their main team working on books. This has already been confirmed by GW though so no real news here.

It does mean high production quality and perhaps even more depth/involvement with the community. It also supports another rumor here that Forge World will start to cover more specialist game products and potentially even the upcoming Warhammer Fantasy Reboot: Warhammer The Old World.

He also reinforces the idea that scatter-die is staying, keeping the rule structure and style mostly intact. The new Period/Eras idea actually sounds awesome, it might even help clear up lore in Horus Heresy and up until the start of 40k.

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Most of the rest of the rumors are essentially just expressing that there is a huge plastic update coming, with compatibility with resin kits, old kits continuing to be used/sold, and more characters being made and printed.

horus heresy walpaper

RUMORS: Plastic Daemon Primarch Angron For World Eaters

Chapter Master Valrek posted the following on the B&C:

Take it for what its worth, source of mine said Angron will be coming along with new World Eater codex.

No additional details were provided, but that alone was enough to kick off several pages of comments about a possible new model for the Primarch, which in Warhammer 40k would be a Daemon, and most likely a plastic kit as well.

Is a Daemon Primarch Angron Likely?

Chapter Master Valrak seems very convinced of these World Eaters rumors overall.  Plus his source has not been wrong before, even claiming a Black Templar release late last year that we all know has now occurred.

The very first comment on the Angron thread also pretty much hit the nail on the head as well:

About 6 months before Wraith of Magnus dropped, one of the reliable rumour-mongers of the day (by the name of Hastings) reported seeing detailed design work for Magnus, Guilliman, Mortarion, Angron and Russ. He was met with scepticism about the idea of Primarchs coming back to 40K until Magnus was released. He is now 3/5 and although Hastings has long since disappeared (or switched identities) I still give this rumour a lot of weight.

Bezerkers are 20-ish years old and in need of a revamp. Redoing World Eaters with Angron to lead them would certainly tick a lot of GW‘s boxes.

Arguably the most exciting rumor here is Plastic Daemon Primarchs, which will be the “late” era of Horus Heresy and even work in 40k! There are plenty of rumors suggesting a Fulgrim and Angron Daemon Primarch model coming eventually, plus we know Lorgar is a Daemon Primarch by the end of HH and still kicking in 40k (although MIA in the warp somewhere). This is obviously a very long-term rumor, but it goes well with some that we have heard way back in 2019 about Fulgrim.

Let’s just hope it’s true! We will have to wait and see if these all come to fruition or not.

Latest News & Rumors For Horus Heresy

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