GW Reveals New 40k Imperial & Chaos Knights Rules!

New-imperial-Knights-chaos-rulesGW has revealed a whole host of new 40k Imperial and Chaos Knights Rules with some pretty sweet upgrades- check it out!

We had seen a bunch of datasheets leaked for the new codex, but things aren’t lining up exactly from what we saw before. So we’ll compare the new Imperial and Chaos Knights 40k weapons rules to the leaks and see if the rumors look legit or not.

Warhammer Community unveiled the new rules for a couple of ranged weapons as well as a melee one as well. Let’s first look at the new Imperial Knights Codex and Chaos model reveals, then hop into the new rules.

GW AdeptiCon Preview Reveals New Chaos Knights

Yes, new codexes are on the way soon for Chaos Knights and Imperial Knights! The crowd at AdeptiCon have already seen the books for the first time – now it’s your opportunity to admire these mighty tomes.

Chaos Knights Abominant 

The Abominant has everything you could want in a Chaos Knight – tusks, a volkite combustor to devastate distant enemies, an electroscourge to crush anything that gets too close, AND it’s a psyker. Yes, a Knight that has psychic powers! And that gun is a nod to classic Heresy-era weaponry, which their Imperial counterparts have all but lost.

The first miniature up is the upgrade kit to make a Knight Abominant, which will actually be a psyker. It covers most of the things from the above preview video, so don’t expect too much else from them. One thing to note here though, is all the current Questors, and Dominus Knights currently go for $170, so we’re not sure what the upgrade sprue will push it to when it releases separately…

The new army set is a great way to kick off a Chaos Knights army and perfect for adding reinforcements to an existing host of Descecrators and Rampagers. This box will be the first place you’ll be able to get your hands on the new Codex: Chaos Knights before it comes out as a separate release soon after. 

They also mentioned the army box will have 3 knights (the Abominat and box of two Karnivore models) and the codex, along with some transfer sheets

Chaos Knight War Dog Karnivore


Armed with a reaper chaintalon and slaughterclaw, the Karnivore can tear its way through anything from Dreadnoughts to Trygons.

Be careful not to upset the Karnivore, or you’ll have to face its bigger brother – the Abominant! 

Next up is the Karnivore, which is fully geared up for close combat.

Lastly, we have the two new codex books, so at least Imperial Knight players are getting that!

GW Reveals New 40k Imperial & Chaos Knights Weapons Rules!

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In an attempt to win over undecided Nobles with fancy ancient technology, the Chaos Knights debut the Desecrator’s updated laser destructor. The Idolators have been hard at work to make this long-range firearm much more reliable than before – and while consistency may not be especially Chaotic, redirecting power from its explosive blast allows the destructor to punch through armour more effectively, dealing eye-watering damage with every shot.

With increased range, more consistent shots, better AP, and improved damage, this will hit harder than ever!

titan weapons rules

Will these brave Knights be content to use the safer, low-power option, or will they reach for even higher Strength and Damage as they ignite the catwalk with its even riskier supercharged mode?

Again, an increase in damage and AP makes this version just much better! However, you will be taking 2 mortals for 1’s instead of 1 mortal.

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Given that these chainswords are the size of trees – and a mite more dangerous than even the most well-heeled giant foot – Knights appropriately attired for close-quarters combat earn a solid power boost. What’s more, the reaper chainsword comes with two fresh new looks – for sweeping away hordes of enemy infantry, or striking down a single large target.

This has gotten so much better! With increased AP and obviously the addition of the sweep attack to get three hit rolls for each attack!

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Blast keeps the Knight Preceptor from firing at enemies that get too close – at least, under normal circumstances – so the high-intensity version also gains an extra 6” range to help keep your foes distant.

With more range and more consistent damage, this should be more reliable.

Comparing them to the “Leaks”

So at this point, as a lot of folks have speculated, some salty hobbyists have been sowing discord with “fake” rules leaks.

The Imperial Knights were a victim of this bad acting unfortunately…

Knight castellan DatasheetWell, this isn’t good for the Imperial Knight rules leaks as this datasheet is totally different than the one previewed by Games Workshop! Perhaps it was just an old playtest version, or someone took the time to make it up.

We really don’t know but either way, the profiles on the weapons are very different, in almost every respect.  So, just remember whenever you see any rumors out there, take them with some serious salt.

Here’s all the latest on the upcoming rules updates and points changes for Warhammer 40k.

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Games Workshop bits from preview models that we should keep an eye out for. Click on the gallery above to see dozens of Rumor Engines with new models still left to be revealed!

All the Newest GW Model & Rules Previews For 2022

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