All The Missing Imperial Guard Releases From Games Workshop

missing-imperial-guard-releasesUnfortunately, some minis are still missing from the Imperial Guard releases announced on January 15th-  check out what’s left!

At first, it seemed like Games Workshop would release everything at once for the Imperial Guard, considering it has been so long since we grabbed the army box.  While they did release the majority of units (click here for the lineup and pricing), there are still some pretty big ones that hobbyists are still waiting to come out! One of them going for over $100 on the secondary market currently.

Let’s check out what’s still missing and then look at some reasons why and when we might see them.

All The Missing Imperial Guard Releases From Games Workshop

New Imperial Guard 4

First up, the Kasrkin came out in Kill Team, and they generally take longer to hit shelves than normal units. So, hopefully, we will see them on their own and not pushed way back until they can come out as a separate Kill Team box.  Traditionally Games Workshop waits to drop the individual kits from Kill Team together alongside the rulebook (and sometimes terrain) up to three months after the initial bundle box.

Attilan Rough Riders

Attilan Rough Riders 4This is probably the most disappointing part, as we haven’t had new Rough Rider models for a really long time! Hopefully, this is just GW stretching out the releases for a few weeks and not doing a huge wave two release much later down the road.

Either way, we don’t have them, and who doesn’t want Rough Riders right now?

Cadian Upgrade/ Accessory Set

Imperial Guard Cadian Upgrade Sprue

Next up, we have the new Cadian Accessory Set that comes with a very cool upgrade sprue. Games Workshop did say this would be available a little after the Cadians came out, so maybe this older mention from GW gives us the date. If that’s true, we will hopefully see everything in a few more weeks.

2023 Aegis Defense Line

Aegis Defence Line

Last but not least is the new Aegis Defence line which is set to drop around ten years from the first one. This probably isn’t nearly as high on many players’ lists, but with these releases, there is still a decent amount for the new Imperial Guard to come out!

Imperial Guard Combat Patrol

imperial gaurd combat patrolIn the codex, Games Workshop described an Imperial Guard Combat patrol using the image of the models that came in the Cadia Stands army box. So we assume that may be the contents of the actual upcoming box set, minus the codex book and data cards.

Either way, there will be a Combat Patrol box for the guard at some point for sure, perhaps spearheading the release of the rest of the missing items above.

Why Didn’t All the Imperial Guard Release At Once?

cadian army box set imperial guard

While we dont know exactly why all the Imperial Guard didn’t come out at once like the Leagues of Votann, it could be that Games Workshop is looking to fill in release windows later in February and March, as there really isnt much on the horizon for new releases besides the World Eaters.

But, there could also be something else behind why they didn’t release, like perhaps their nagging supply chain and logistics issues.  Either way, we hope to see all of the new Imperial Guard releases hit stores soon and for the price to come down on those dope new plastic Kasrkin models!

Check out the latest Warhammer 40k rumors for the rest of the 9th and even 10th Edition, new releases, and more!

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Games Workshop bits from preview models that we should watch out for. Click on the gallery above to see dozens of Rumor Engines with new models still to be revealed!

    All the Latest Warhammer Rules & Model Rumors

    When do you think we will see these new Imperial Guard Releases hit shelves? 

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