Games Workshop Is Coasting On Fumes Now

new-gw-releases codexWe haven’t seen a big reveal of actual minis in a while now, and Games Workshop seems to be just coasting until their previews at Las Vegas Open…

Normally, we see at least some new 40k or AoS minis every couple of weeks; since the holidays, GW has been stretching out the current releases for about as long as possible. Looking at the current roadmaps, it looks like GW hasn’t previewed anything for late winter/early spring.

It’s just interesting to see GW plan such a lull in releases and basically come out with nothing but little tidbits (new boarding patrols, etc.) for the last month or so.

Games Workshop is Just Coasting On Fumes Now

Warhammer 40k 2023 minis 3We finally just got the Slaves to Darkness, and Imperial Guard releases on their own (sans Kasrkins and the Upgrade sprue kit), which everyone has been waiting for basically two months to come out.

With Votann, they only waited a month. Still, the Slaves to Darkness Army box came out in early-mid November, followed by the Cadia Stands box later that month, and their separate releases are just hitting stores in late January.

40k roadmapAfter that, they still have World Eaters to release, which have had all of their minis revealed, as far as anyone can tell! If we’re lucky, they will hit shelves in February, as we saw the full Khorne Berzerker squad reveal way back in September!

If you look at the roadmap for upcoming releases, 40k really doesn’t have much in line other than World Eaters and Imperial Guard. So, at this point, GW has to sort of wait it out with those, and we’ve already been waiting months for them.

Warhammer 40k 2023 minisHopefully, at LVO 2023 we get some big reveals, like new Space Marines and an updated codex, perhaps (that’s compatible with 10th edition).

To be fair, GW did say “Winter” would just be World Eaters and Imperial Guard, which means they have almost until the end of March to release them. Who knows, there were more shrouded minis, like Orks and Tau, in the New Year’s teasers, and maybe we will actually get a ton of reveals to kick off the year!

Either way, it’s interesting to see GW coasting so hard at the start of the year and just not really coming out with anything big! We wonder what it could be…

Check out the latest Warhammer 40k rumors for the rest of the 9th and even 10th Edition, new releases, and more!

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Games Workshop bits from preview models that we should watch out for. Click on the gallery above to see dozens of Rumor Engines with new models still to be revealed!

    All the Latest Warhammer Rules & Model Rumors

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