GW Won’t Be Focused on Warhammer 40k as much Now…

rumors chapter approved space marinesGames Workshop looks to be focusing more on Age of Sigmar releases this spring as a whopping six books are planned up to the rumored release of 10th edition Warhammer 40k.

With the World Eaters codex already dropped and rumors saying we won’t be seeing a full line of supplements for Space Marines, we really don’t have that much left to release for 40k before 10th edition. However, on the AoS side of things, a lot is happening!

So, if the rumors are true about 10th edition coming in June, it looks like AoS will have to hold things over until then, as Arks of Omen might be it in terms of big releases.

GW to Focus on More AOS Releases Leading Up to 10th Edition 40k?

Arks Of Omen

Well, let’s first look at what books are even most likely to drop for 40k before 10th edition.

As you can see, at this rate, there are really no books really left, as Arks of Omens is pretty much all that has been previewed. We assume with the new Space Marine models, they will get a book, but signs point towards summer during the 10th edition drop for that.

So other than those releases, there are really only the Arks of Omen books left. While we know they will sometimes have character rules inside, like Vasthorr and Azrael, they won’t be huge updates.

New Space Marines Releases agastus strike force

Until June, that basically leaves us with nothing other than Arks of Omen and the new Space Marines they showed off at LVO.

This also lines up perfectly with how much stuff they are releasing for AoS.

All the New Age of Sigmar Before Summer 2023

New Seraphon Models

The AoS roadmap is flooded with new Battletomes, and if you include Slaves to Darkness, that is nine books in about a six-month timeframe.

It is also interesting, when looking at the roadmap, that summer basically only has one book (Seraphon with a ton of new minis), which could easily cover the beginning of Summer and then 10th edition 40k taking the mid-summer to late-summer spot.

When you look at spring, they are really loading up on the AoS books, which can basically cover most weeks, and a few Arks of Omen spread throughout.

new-seraphon-age-of-sigmarSo, nothing too insane; just keep in mind, we probably won’t be seeing much for Warhammer 40k for a while, and just expect to see a ton of AoS content over the next few months.

Check out the latest Warhammer 40k rumors for the rest of the 9th and even 10th Edition, new releases, and more!

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Games Workshop bits from preview models that we should watch out for. Click on the gallery above to see dozens of Rumor Engines with new models still to be revealed!

    All the Latest Warhammer Rules & Model Rumors

    What do you think about the roadmaps compared to each other? 

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