15 Rules in 10th Edition 40k That Need an FAQ Badly

new-FAQ-warhammer-40k-10th-Edition-designers-commnetary-core-rulesAs always, with a new edition, there is going to be some confusion; here are 15 rules in 10th Edition 40k that need an FAQ badly!

As we’ve discussed, people have been quite polarized on the new edition, with some people loving the changes and others not as much. Either way, it looks like there are going to be quite a few FAQs before the edition gets into full swing. 

So, it’s not a surprise the community has found quite a long list of issues currently with the game that needs to be answered. These are some giant gray areas that are up to the reader and are probably getting played differently across the board. While we’ve already seen one FAQ for Warhammer 40k 10th Edition, it looks like we need another one.

15 Rules in 40k 10th Edition That Need an FAQ Badly

The list was compiled by Brett Urbanowski on the Competitive 40k/ITC discussion Facebook Group, and it’s pretty spot on.

Index-Rules-Warhammer-40k-datasheets-10th-EditionTournaments making their own rulings/changes, andwe have even seen GW make rulings for their own tournaments via email questions. However, nothing has been released officially by the studio yet.

The most official ruling we’ve seen was about the Tacoma Open and Knights. Still, even that was just an email from the US Open organizers and not technically a ruling from the rules studio or Games Workshop proper.

1. Imp Knights re-rolls: Tacoma ruling (one per model) or full re-rolls?
2. Can you disembark from a transport that was brought in from reserves (deepstrike or strategic)
3. Can you gain more than 3 cp per battleround (aside from the specific votann/imp knight abilities that trigger once a game)?
4.Can GSC string from blips to any distance they want?
5. Can you re-use a one shot weapon if you respawn the unit?
6. Are you still eligible to shoot after having shot once for the purpose of primary/secondary scoring actions and so forth?
7. Can Tau units both observe for another unit and then shoot?
8. Can Tyranid spore mines complete primary/secondaries?
9. If you go second and use an ability that puts one of your units into reserves, can they come back into play on your first turn?
10.Can you use the overwatch strat multiple times per phase/turn if an ability seems to allow it?
11.Can abilities that reduce the cp cost / etc of stratagems when their unit is targeted be used on strats that target two or more units?
12.Does the damage from the melta modifier apply *after* rules that set the damage to 0 or half (as per the rules commentary)?
13.Are wounds from failing to activate a psychic ability psychic wounds (and thus eligible for FNP vs psychic damage)?
14.If an ability says “after finished deploying, redeploy X units”, do you do this immediately after the deploy step or do you wait for the “Resolve pre-battle rules” step? (Before or after first turn is decided in other words)
15. if a model is, say, 0.9 inches behind a ruin wall that’s 0.2 inches thick, can you charge the model (with an infantry unit) and get into engagement range through the wall or is the charge just always illegal?
We know Games Workshop said another errata is coming in late July for the index cards, but let’s hope they also throw some of these in there for clarification. As of right now, there are still a lot of very confusing rules, don’t have enough clarification, or are just too open to interpretation.
Space Marines Chapters 10th Edition 40k Rules 2There is some debate in this post’s comments about some of these, but that’s also part of the problem. These rules are hard to interpret, and if a community can’t figure out how to rule on something, GW really should set the record straight with official rulings.
Let’s hope they consider interactions like this and make some rulings before too long to keep the momentum of the new 10th Edition 40k carrying on through the summer and beyond.

Check out the latest Warhammer 40k rumors for 10th Edition, new product releases, and more!

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Games Workshop bits from preview models that we should watch out for. Click on the gallery above to see dozens of Rumor Engines with new models still to be revealed!

    All the Latest Warhammer Rules & Model Rumors

    What do you think the most confusing rules are so far in 10th Edition? 

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