Futureproof Your Minis From Changes With These Magnets!

Space Marine walpaperFutureproof you minis, and hobby happier during all the roller coaster 9th Edition 40k rules changes with these magnets guides!

We saw an incredibly fluid meta in 8th Edition where one unit was good one month and bad the next. Well, after the recent previews showing updated datasheets on the way to the 9th SM/Necron Edition Codexes in October, the meta may be about to get flipped on its head.

If you’re working on some kits and getting ready for a new book, take the extra time and magnetize your dudes to be futureproof!

Futureproof Your Minis From 9th Edition 40k Changes With Magnets!

primaris psyker hor wal guard angry frustrated8th Edition’s meta was faster than ever and the trend may be the same in 9th Edition. With Chapter Approved only a few weeks old, we’re already seeing updated datasheets that are going to be making their way into Codexes starting in October. Just to name a few of the broader changes taking places there’s:

  • Heavy Bolters: These upscaled bolt weapons are set to become Damage 2, as befits the unmitigated brutality of being hit by a hail of armour-piercing, mass-reactive shells the size of tin cans!
  • FlamersFlamers and heavy flamers are moving to Range 12″, all the better to dissuade enemy assaults and hose your enemies down with liquid fire. 
  • Melta Weapons: with a flat +2 Damage bonus replacing its current ability, resulting in a whopping Damage potential of 8! What’s more, the rules team have put the ‘multi’ into multi-melta, as it’s doubling up to Heavy 2!
  • Power SwordsPower swords are due to get a +1 Strength modifier, all the better for chopping up tougher foes with their energy-wreathed blades.
  • Chainswords: Astartes-grade chainswords wielded by Space Marines both new and old will be hitting at AP -1
  • Plasma Overheats on unmodified 1’s: Supercharged plasma weaponry will soon only ever overheat on an unmodified roll of a 1, so attempting to shoot fleet-winged Aircraft no longer carries a death sentence.

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. 

You may be tempted to get those kits you’re working on out onto the tabletop but don’t cut corners. Future you will be thanking you if you magnetize your kits now. Magnetizing is pretty straightforward. You drill a small hole and fit an even smaller magnet into it with some glue and boom. You just did half the work. Repeat the process however many times is needed across all your models to get future-proof them. It’s literally that simple. However, we’ve also done some great tutorials on units that may be seen as more tricky to magnetize. Check these out below!

The Primaris Impulsor

ImpulsorThe Impulsor has four different builds that have a different function. While it’s still technically a Transport, you can make it super hard to kill with a 4++ invuln or even call down a bombardment from the backfield. We’ve done a review of the contents in the kit but if you’d rather watch a video on where these magnets were placed we’ve also got it right here below.

The Invictor Tactical Warsuit

Invictor Tacitcal WarsuitThe Invictor Tactical Warsuit has two builds right now. There’s an autocannon variant and the more widely popular flamer build. But depending on your army sort of dictates which weapon you’ll be running. Whether you want your weapon options open or just want the model to be easier to transport, there’s a way to do it.

Imperial Knights

Imperial Knights are probably one of, if not the most important kit to magnetize. Their weapons are all very unique and fill a niche role on the tabletop. Plus, the model is already awkward to transport from its size which makes it even more appealing to throw a couple of magnets on. We’ve talked about where to put your magnets to give you the most flexibility out of your Lord of War!

Primaris Suppressors & Other Flying Models


The most daring new shift in model-making GW has done was give us that thin clear flight stands for Primaris Suppressors and Inceptors. Well, there’s a couple of dangers involved like glue frosting and even having the models become separate from the glue point. Unfortunately, if this happens, there’s no real fix other than to glue it again.

If you want to do things the right away and minimize your chance of damage, you and always magnetize them! 

The Octo-Blade!!

banebladeFor the Imperial Guard’s LOW slot, the Baneblade and all its other variants can be assembled from one kit. It just takes a little hobby know-how. We’ve got a step-by-step process on how to do it here for you. 

Primaris Aggressors

99120101199_BAAggressors01We haven’t done a whole article on these guys just yet, but you can magnetize your Aggressors for different weapon options as well! Check out the video on it all.

By now, hopefully, you’ve seen how magnetizing will save you time, money, and frustration in the long run. If you’ve got some kits you’re still trying to build, make sure you increase their life expectancy by magnetizing their wargear. Especially with completely reworked datasheets on the way to future 9th Edition Codexes.

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What do you think about 9th Edition’s meta pace? Have you made your minis futureproof with magnets yet?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today! You can also support us on Patreon and get ad-free access to the site, plus a ton of minis that helps support some of the best creators out there!