This is How to Magnetize The New GW Flying Stand Stems

magnetize primaris gw flying standsLove or hate the GW Suppressor and Kharadon Overlord flying stand stems? Here’s how to magnetize them to models super fast and easy!

Rob has been talking about Magnet Baron for a while now when it comes to his magnetic needs. They have great quality stuff that even can match or be cheaper than Amazon sometimes which is actually impressive.

Get your magnetization kits from Magnet Baron

Of course, there are other options, but these are a great product and absurdly well priced for what we as hobbyists use.

How to Magnetize The New GW Flying Stand Stems

magnet fly 1The first step is going to be to remove the nub and drill the hole. Take a 1/8 inch drill bit and drill straight into the backpack

magnetize standThe second step is to magnetize the flight stands. Slice off the “C” shape on the end of the stand and then glue down a 1/8 x 1/16″ magnet. It is okay to use a little bit extra glue here, just be sure that you match the polarization of the magnets as you glue them down!

magnetize miniatureStep three is magnetizing the mini. Once again make sure you use enough glue and keep the polarization correct to the magnets on your stands. You can also use some green stuff or plastic putty to help smooth out any gaps in the backpack, etc.

stem reenforced

Step four is crucial. Be sure to reinforce the magnet and flight stand connection. Rob uses Plastic Putty here and highly recommends it. Be sure to let it completely dry before moving on.

flight stands done

Step five is the final step. Now you can make sure the polarity is correct and place the model on the stand. Assume all is well you should take some sandpaper to the putty to make sure it will take paint correctly when the time comes.  Rob prefers to paint his flying stands, so after sanding down the putty, he’ll primer the stands black to be less noticeable.

And that does it for this one! Be sure to watch the video below for Rob’s full breakdown! Patreon supporters of Spikey Bits get models like this each month shipped to them.

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