9th Edition 40k Imperial Guard Points Changes

Imperial-guard-wal-horMore new rules rumors for the Imperial Guard 40k codex are here, and this time, it’s a lot of the more popular units’ points!

The rule rumors have been flowing for the upcoming Imperial Guard codex, but like with all rumors, take these with as much salt as you need. Especially because points have giant ramifications for the army, so don’t get too excited or disappointed until GW confirms them.

These are just the latest round of rumors; if you want to see all everything we’ve seen so far, click here to check them all out here!

For now, though, let’s check out the latest round of rumors.

RUMORS: New Imperial Guard 40k Codex Points! (October 19, 2022)

The rumors come from Reddit transcribed from Mordian Glory.

Leman RussLeman Russ:

  • 150 points for battle canon plus lascannon. +10 or +20 for other weapons.

Command Squads:

  • Heavy weapon teams, medic: 5+ fnp, standard: reroll 1 to wound. Elite or free HQ
  • Master of ordinance: command phase, enemy visible, 36 inches, artillery gets reroll 1s to hit. 35 points
  • Fleet: same conditions: reroll 1 for planes. 35 points.
  • Astropath: no more ignore cover. Psychic action, 7 WC, gain 1 CP. Knows 1 power. 40 points

cadian army box set imperial guard heavy weapon teamsInfantry points and abilities:

  • 65 points infantry/Cadian squads. Cadians get 2 sp, infantry gets 1 + Heavy weapon, and all equipment should be included for free.
  • Catachan = 70 points
  • Krieg = 80 points
  • Krieg: mini transhuman (2 to wound always fails), a medic for 5 points (5+ fnp?). Is a Kill Team box.

    HQ points:

    • Tempestus Prime + command squads are combined, 110 points total. Might not be the final points.
    • Platoon command squads (commander + 4 dudes): 80 points. Should include upgrades
    • Ursula Creed: 100 points
    • Orgyn bodyguard: 55 pts, Nork: 75 pts.
    • New castellan: 75 points. Laspistol and chain sword. Chainsword can be replaced by a bolt gun, powefist, or power sword. Laspistol can be replaced by plasma pistol. 5++. Reroll hit rolls of 1. Issue 2 orders.
    • Gaunts Ghost: 145
    • Strakken: 80 pts. Wildly out-of-date rules: reroll wound against monsters, a target that was ordered by him auto wounds vehicles in melee on 6s to hit.
    • Lord Solar: 200 pts. 12″ move, 2+ ws\bs, 10 W, 3+, 4++, half damage. 3 orders a turn. Lord solar righteous gaze and conquest for equipment, unclear what they are.
    • HQ pts should include upgrades.

      We also saw a bunch of rumors from Mordian that you can check out below. There are some similarities and some differences, but take them all with a grain of salt.

      There is more in this video, along with an internal link to a Google Doc with all the rules rumors.

      Either way, the Imperial Guard looks to be getting a slew of new models that may also satiate the discerning treadhead.  Dope new rules would be a fantastic pairing to have as well in their upcoming codex.

      Check out the latest rumors about the rest of the 9th and 10th Edition Warhammer 40k rumors for new releases, including the next 40k Primarch, Space Marines, and more!

      Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Games Workshop bits from preview models that we should watch out for. Click on the gallery above to see dozens of Rumor Engines with new models still to be revealed!

      All the Newest GW Model & Rules Previews

      Do you like the rumors about new Imperial Guard miniatures and 40k rules for the upcoming Astra Militarum 9th edition codex?

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