GW’s 2019 Spring New Release Roadmap Featuring Slaanesh!

Wondering what releases are next from Games Workshop? Don’t miss the latest on what will be hitting the tabletop next for all things Warhammer!

Games Workshop has a whole plethora of different games to manage nowadays. But they’ve definitely had no problem keeping content new and exciting. In the midst of a constant stream of releases, here’s what we’re still waiting on currently from recent previews:

Titanicus Bits & Doom of Molech

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These releases were previewed back at the Horus Heresy Weekender. The bits are going to go to a whole host of different Titans in Titanicus. From the shield-breaking firepower of dual Gatling cannons on the Warlord to a massive Titan-leveling missile on the top of a Reaver, there’s a lot of firepower on the way to the game. As for Doom of Molech, we’ve got some previews earlier saying that it would be more focused around the smaller Knights of the game. We’ll actually be able to field all-Knight Maniples.

Plus don’t forget there are still two more classes of Cerastus Knights to be released as indicated by their command terminal card.

Horus Heresy White Scars, Blood Angels & More

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Kyzagan Assault Speeder



Ebon Keshig Terminators

Chapter Master Raldoron


Contemptor-Incaendius Class Dreadnought

Lucius-Pattern Dreadnought Drop Pod


Knight Akastus Asterius

All of these things on top of a sprinkling of more White Scars were previewed back at the Horus Heresy Weekender as well. Now, we’ve seen the release of the White Scars Contemptor and Cataphractii Praetor, but all the other things from above are still on the way with no release date in sight.

Sanguinius Ruinstorm

keeping our eyes locked on Horus Heresy, we know that Daemons of the Ruinstorm are also in the picture now. While they all have their rules, we haven’t seen any official 30k Daemons spotted. Could Forge World just be leaving it up to the player to use the existing Daemon models for Heresy?

Necromunda Models & Bits

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Artwork for Future Necromunda Characters

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Yar Umbra & the Deserter Necromunda Bounty Hunters

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Hangers-On Sculpts for Necromunda


Necromunda Squat Ragnir Gunnstein


House Delaque Upgrade Bits

The final thing on the list for what was spotted at the Horus Heresy Weekender are these Necromunda bits and models. We’ve got a lot of exciting new characters in the works and if you don’t feel like making your own Hangers-on, you can get a couple of pre-made sculpts!

Warcry Skirmish Game

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Warcry was first previewed at the 2019 LVO. This Skirmish game is focused solely around Chaos Warbands brought to an area to fight each other for dominance.

More Traitor Guardsmen in Blackstone Fortress

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With the first set of Traitor Guardsmen seen in the original Blackstone Fortress boxed game, an expansion showcasing a Traitor Commissar and Bullgryn are on the way.

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Traitor Command is a new adventure pack for Warhammer Quest: Blackstone Fortress that sees you descend into darkness to crush a growing Chaos threat. You’ll face terrifying new hostiles with the Traitor Commissar and Chaos Ogryn, find strange and powerful new gear, and forge alliances with unlikely friends in Precipice…

Forbidden Power AoS Expansion

Forbidden power is going to be an AoS expansion continuing off of what first happened in the Soul Wars. The armies within the realms are discovering ancient powers that were hidden away from a time long ago. Get ready to see more endless spells that’ll be usable by any army!

Sylvaneth & Kharadron Overlords Nightvault Warbands

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The Sylvaneth are getting their own Warband called Ylthari’s Guardians. We’ve seen them previewed, but don’t have any details on the release or their stats.

The Kharadron Overlords are going to go by Thundrik’s Pioneers. Check out all their cosmetic details that were previewed at Adepticon 2019. Like the Sylvaneth, we’re still waiting on rules and stats for these guys.

AoS Munchkin Game

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Warhammer Age of Sigmar Munchkin is coming! The endless possibilities of the Mortal Realms combined with the endless hilarity of Munchkin – this is going to be epic!  

 This was first announced during a preview at GAMA. It didn’t take long for GW to work with Steve Jackson Games again in making AoS Munchkin. Especially after how successful 40k Munchkin has proven to be in the community. Keep your eyes peeled for cards!

40k’s Apocalypse Game

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Also previewed at Adepticon 2019, 40k Apocalypse is coming! Do you want to bring all of your models out to play but don’t want to spend the entire weekend moving around plastic and resin? Well, Apocalypse may be right for you! This Box Set is designed for you to play massive 40k games that you can get done within the span of a few hours.

40k apocalypse

The way things are looking, from the time we see solid previews on a GW game, there’s Roughly a two-month turn around time. One thing is for sure. We should still be expecting a steady stream of releases into all sorts of GW’s projects all throughout 2019.

Plus of course there is a slew of new Slaanesh models on deck to hit as well:

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Slaanesh’s battletome has officially been announced! The Dark Prince is tired of being chained down. He’s coming back into the realms in a very big way.

New Keeper of Secrets Model

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At once monstrous and beautiful, the new Keeper of Secrets is one of the most striking and unusual Warhammer miniatures ever designed. Drawing on decades of art and lore, this model manages the nigh-impossible task of creating a creature that’s both terrifying and alluring. Sinuous, elegant and predatory, it’s the epitome of everything fans love about Slaanesh.

The new Keeper of Secrets model is absolutely loaded with detail and it’s definitely a welcome update for the Slaanesh players.

More New Slaaneshi Daemons

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Syll’Esske – an unholy tag team of Daemon Prince and Herald.

Of course, a Keeper of Secrets wouldn’t be enough to bring in a brand new battletome. They’ve got even more new models in store for the faction. Check out this Herald-looking model with a Daemonette prancing around him.

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The Masque of Slaanesh wouldn’t be caught dead in public without looking fabulous! Take a look at the detail packed into this model.

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Looking at the next model, can you see a few rumor engines sprinkled in? What rules do you think the portal will have? is it going to summon Daemonettes back into the game?

Endless Spells of Slaanesh

endless spells slaanesh

Slaanesh is notorious for being fast and hard-hitting. These endless spells coming to the faction are really going to spice the tables up. Could that be the hand of Slaanesh holding up this portal?

What do you think is on the way to the shelves next? What preview are you most excited for? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.