RUMORS: Flesh-Eater Courts Release Next For AoS!

By Wesley Floyd | January 16th, 2019 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Warhammer 40k Rumors

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If you love zombies and vampires you are not going to want to miss the latest rumors for a full Flesh-Eater Courts release that may be on the way soon!

Flesh-eater courts have been under the watchful eye of the community lately.  Industry sources are telling us to keep an eye out for more previews on this faction in the months to come as they are set to be getting more than just a Starter Box soon!

While we may not have seen anything groundbreaking on the faction just yet, there are a few pieces of evidence we can’t ignore.

Carrion Empire Box Set Announced

Games Workshop previewed a new Box Set coming pitting Flesh-Eater Courts up against Skaven from the Skryre Clan. Excitingly enough, both sides are getting a brand new character!

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Showcasing the two new characters, the Skaven are getting some kind of new Warlock called the Warlock Bombardier that’s armed to the teeth-teeth! As for the Flesh-eater Courts, they’re getting an Abhorrant Archregent

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The former is a mighty mordant emperor, even more vicious – and regal – than an Abhorrant Ghoul King, while the latter is a demolitions expert armed with the Doomrocket – a weapon so powerful and dangerous it makes the Doomwheel look sensible.

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GW has been following a pattern where they will come out with a Box Set around the time of a faction’s codex/Battletome. We saw this with the Necrons and Forgebane, Space Wolves (and GSC) in Tooth and Claw, and Speed Freeks for the Orks.

Games Workshop also gave us this tidbit of info to keep in the back of our minds:

This boxed set will be out soon – and we’re not stopping there. In the coming weeks, we’ll have even more exciting news on the way for Skaven and Flesh-eater Courts players…

Our Industry sources say to specifically keep an eye out for Flesh-eater Courts to get the “full treatment” in March 2019. This may include a terrain piece, endless spells, warscroll cards, dice, and of course a new Battletome in a similar fashion to all the post 2.0 Sigmar releases.

But what about new models you ask?

Rumor Engine Could be Flesh-eater Courts

rumor engine 1-15-2019

This rumor engine showcases some kind of fleshy wing. It’s no mistake that whatever this is attached to is a wicked beast. While it’s not been confirmed, there’s a strong possibility that this could be a Flesh-eater Court model. We know that quite a few of their models roll with the bat-looking wings.


Varghulf Courtier (finecast material, and dated design)

crypt infernal courtier

Crypt Infernal Courtier (Plastic kit)

ghoul king on terrorghesit

Ghoul King on Terrorgheist Plastic Kit

What Could Endless Spells & Terrain Look Like?

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Following the normal theme of AoS support, GW gives the faction Endless Spells as well as some kind of terrain piece that doesn’t cost any points and gives some kind of bonus. We saw this with the Herdstone for Beasts of Chaos and the Loonshrine for the Gloomspite Gitz.

For Flesh-eater Courts Endless Spells, you’d need to keep the theme of macabre cannibalism. We were thinking maybe a swarm of Bats that could make something -1 to hit. A giant rotting hand to sprout from the ground and either grab something or just slam down and do mortal wounds. And lastly, perhaps some kind of dark apparition in the shape of a winged monster that could destroy enemy bravery.

Looking at the terrain, we think the Flesh-Eater Courts may get some kind of rundown Crypt. Or maybe a rocky outcrop where these guys spring out of the crevices. Flesh-eater Courts are one of those factions that can bring units back essentially for free. Maybe the terrain piece would let you spawn units in within 3″ of it every turn.

Keep Your Eyes Peeled

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Assuming these Industry sources are correct, we should be on the lookout for Flesh-eater Courts next along with a hefty load of support in the Spring. As of right now, Flesh-Eater Courts have been one of the minor factions in AoS that could use an update.

Following the theme of the other factions, we may see dice sets, endless spells, and new models in the future. However, as of right now, we need to keep our eyes peeled for new previews from GW and rumors to sprout up.

What do you think about the Flesh-eater Courts in AoS? Do they deserve an update? What Endless Spells would you like to see them get? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.