All The Exclusive Warhammer Miniatures That You Can Still Find

warhammer exclusives wal new releases pre orderHere’s the list of over 20 exclusive Warhammer miniatures from Games Workshop from the past year that are still available for purchase!

This has obviously been an interesting year (or two), but at least we’ve had some great exclusive Warhammer miniatures to hold us over. With the fast-growing pace of releases in Age of Sigmar and Warhammer 40k, Games Workshop has been cranking out the exclusive miniatures for the past year or so.

If you want to grab any of these, just click the links in the headers. Be aware though, some of these exclusive Warhammer miniatures are super expensive, but you can still get most of them for now…

Primaris Lieutenant Amulius

primaris lieutenant amuliusLieutenant Amulius is Easy-to-build and was seen at 2019’s Adepticon as a surprise exclusive mini.

While he’s a normal Primaris Lieutenant on the tabletop, his model is definitely sweet and puts off a generic codex-Astartes vibe. If you still want to pick this guy up, he sometimes can be found on Amazon here.

Severina Raine

Severina RaineThis fine cast mini was released as the Black Library Celebration mini of 2019. She is an uncompromising Commissar that has been through hundreds of battles and helped retake the worlds of the Bale Star. This is still on the site but shows unavailable as of right now but you can still grab her on Amazon here!

Primaris Sergeant Jovan

This guy was another store exclusive for 40k in 2019. And while he may be a Primaris, he’s actually not a Lieutenant. He’s got one of the more dynamic posing/bases that we’ve seen in terms of Primaris characters so far. At the end of the day, he’ll make a fantastic (insert T4 HQ here) for any Chapter.

BOGO-Scarlet--740x424-croppedBuy one get one Free! Choose from hundreds of minis now!

He’s kind of hard to find, but he does pop up on Amazon every now and again too.

Sister of Battle: Amalia Novena

plastic sisters of battle paintedAmalia was first previewed at a past Adepticon and we really didn’t know anything besides the model’s pose. It turns out that she was the store exclusive mini on June 29th’s Warhammer Day celebration. The best part is that she’s fully plastic and isn’t Easy-to-Build!

Sisters Cannoness

sisters of battle cannonessLooking at the new Canoness model, she was passed out to everyone that made it to the previews at 2019’s NOVA event. Now, she’s a staple among just about every Sisters list.

sister Canoness freeNote that while she was handed out earlier and considered (exclusive), she also came inside the Sisters of Battle Army Set, and the new combat patrol box. 

The Army box is super hard to find anywhere anymore, but it does show up on Amazon once in a blue moon.

Valerian & Aleya

Valerian and AleyaAnother release coming from the Black Library Celebration! These two are from the Watchers of the Throne series and even got some interesting (if underwhelming) rules to use them as named characters in your games.

You can still order these two on the website as of right now as well or get them on Amazon here for a little cheaper!

Warhammer Day Unpainted Funko POP! Marine

funko pop 1This guy made a debut at Warhammer Day in 2019 after the earlier releases were of faction-prepainted Space Marines. (Ultramarine, Space Wolf, Dark Angel, and Blood Angel).

The unpainted form sold like hotcakes as it allowed fans with custom/successor Chapters to paint their Marine exactly the way they wanted. Warhammer Day Unpainted Funko POP! Marine

Leena Stormspire

leena 1This named Stormcast was a hero that was only available for store openings, refurbishments, or relocations. Rocking a shield and sword, she opted for a more tanky-loadout over her battle-brother, Berek. This mini is super hard to find, but you can always try to catch her when she pops up on Amazon.

Berek the Indomitable

berek stormcast exclusiveBerek the indomitable is a Stormcast that’s all about damage. With a big two-handed hammer, he doesn’t need to try and block anything.

Larissa Shadowstalker

stormcat store exclusive larissa shadowstalkerLarissa Shadowstalker is a Knight-Questor armed with a stormstrike glaive. She’s on foot and doesn’t have a shield so, in terms of in-game rules, she’s not the most high-speed low-drag option.

However, she’s definitely got an awesome pose and looks like she’s been around the mortal realms a time or two! You can still grab her on Amazon as well here!

Dacian Anvil

dacian anvil 2Dacian Anvil is the latest Stormcast special character to be previewed. He’s actually not available yet. He was supposed to be released at 2020’s Adepticon. But since that got canceled, we’re now waiting to see where he’ll pop up but there have been a few on Amazon already.

Catachan Exclusive- Sergeant Ripper Jackson

Catachan Imperial Guard ripper exclusiveThis is the first bit of love Catachans have gotten in a while from GW, well other than the Colonel. This female warrior rocking a bionic leg is the latest exclusive mini we’ve seen previewed. This originally was going to be an in-store exclusive mini but GW also made her MTO for a while on the site.

If you’re lucky, you may be able to find one laying on the shelves somewhere near you, if not, the secondary market is the only place. But even there she can still be hard to find.

MTO Librarian Terminator

adepticon 2020 exclusive psykerUpdate: After GW’s 3rd online preview, he’s been announced as an MTO with two weeks of open ordering before they produce them and ship them out. Obviously, it took a while to get this guy, but we eventually got it! Did you ever get your MTO order? If you didn’t there are a few left on Amazon!

Sisters Tariana Palos Model MTO

sister of battle MTO 2This new Sister took everyone by surprise as we had no idea GW was even working on more exclusive models for the faction. However, this Sister is posed just like the famous artwork we’ve seen over and over through the years.

In-game, she’s just a normal Sister so you could make her the position of a Sergeant in your force but that’s about it. If you’re looking to grab it, there are still a few on eBay.

Catachan Colonel

catachan colonel model independent retailerThis one went for crazy money this year on the secondary market, and unfortunately still is… If you managed to grab this one up, nice work! It was a store exclusive that had a bungled release and just dove the price for this little guy through the roof.

A really cool mini that you can still get on Amazon here, or on eBay!

Warhammer Day 2020 Mini – Chaplain in Terminator Armor

Chaplain Tarentus was available in stores and online from Warhammer Day itself until the 8th of November! If you didn’t get it then, you can grab it on Amazon here!

Jakkob Bugmansson XI

jakkob bugmansson XINow, the legacy of the legendary Josef Bugman continues in the form of this year’s Christmas model, Jakkob Bugmansson XI. This Brewmaster-General, and (some say) descendant of the originator of many fine ales, will be available to order throughout November and December before he vanishes into legend.

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The last Christmas model took on the appearance of a  Kharadron overlord brewmaster! It looks perfect with not so much going on that it’ll fit right into your army if you chose to field it.

Gorzag & Nikkit

gorzag and nikkit

This model will be a “Commemorative Model”. It’ll come first to Warhammer stores from December 26th until January 3rd, followed by a release online through GW’s website.  There are still a few on eBay if you missed it and want to add it to your Greenskins!

Uriel Ventris Space Marines Model

The Black Library Preview event may have been 90% new books, but a brand new Uriel Ventris Primaris space marines model arrived in 2021. He launched alongside his new book, but can still be found on eBay and Amazon as well.

Exclusive GW Anniversary Miniatures For 2021:

Even more miniatures are on the way in 2021 with the Store Anniversary models that were revealed in early January.

Both of these models will only be sold through Warhammer stores on their appointed anniversaries, but don’t worry about stock running out – if your store runs out, you can order the miniatures at the till and we’ll ship them right to the store for you to pick up.

Some hobbyists may see opening time disruptions due to the global situation, so your store’s celebration might be on a different day than it normally would. But don’t worry – everyone will still have their chance to get these celebratory models.

Kamoteph the Crooked

Necron anniversary mini

Kamoteph the Crooked is the new mini coming for the Necrons and 40k. He’s considered ancient even by Necron standards, he may not be fast but he sure is cunning!

They also say that these will be basically unlimited stock. Even if they don’t have any in the store, as long as you order it in the first week, they’ll get you a mini, let’s hope that holds true. If not there are a few on eBay still.

Sylas Beastbane

AoS Anniversary mini


For AoS we’ll be getting a new Stormcast mini this year, Sylas Beastbane. If you ask us, the mini seems very appropriately named. He is armed with the new Questor Axe-hammer which allows him to strike an additional time against anyone he hits.  There are some on eBay right now as well.

Holga Clovenhorn From GW Tournaments

new figures for gw eventsHolga Clovenhorn, Aspiring Champion of Chaos is going to be the model for the AoS side of things. It’s honestly a pretty cool mini, while the pose is static, the detail on the rest of it makes up for it. This is already running for $90 on eBay, but you can still grab it if you want it. 

Necron Lord Hasmoteph

new figures for gw events 2Necron Lord Hasmoteph the Resplendent is going to fill the slot for 40k. Necrons have grabbed a lot of exclusives this year, so might as well pick up another one. The sculpt isn’t anything too special, but having exclusive minis is always a plus for any faction. This came from the GW tournament series but is much cheaper than the mini above on the Seconday Market. 

New Primaris Space Marines Sergeant Castus Miniature

FREE New Primaris Space Marines Sergeant Castus Miniature

This exclusive model will be added – free of charge – to any individual order with a checkout value of more than £150 (or the regional equivalent) on until midnight on the 28th of October, so you’ve got just one month to get yours. He won’t be available anywhere else either, so don’t miss your chance.

This is “Free” as long as you spend $240 in the online store or £150. They announced the latest of GW’s exclusive Warhammer miniatures recently, so obviously, it’s not on the secondary market quite yet.

These Games Workshop exclusive Warhammer miniatures are usually hard to get ahold of, even more so in times of social distancing and quarantining. But as we move forward into the next year, here’s to hoping GW makes some of these exclusive models easier to get.

They are available for a reasonable price (in GW money) on eBay already as well.

Warhammer Day 2021 Exclusive Minis

Warhammer Day returns once again on the 30th of October 2021. We’re marking this momentous day with not one, but two incredible commemorative edition miniatures and an absolutely massive online preview of some of the major releases slated for the rest of 2021 – and beyond.  

For Warhammer day there were two new exclusive miniatures and a new preview, as some of the big rumors we’ve been seeing got confirmed.

Warhammer Day Exclusive MinisWho doesn’t need another Lieutenant in their army? Well, if you’re already overflowing, get used to it!

Anasta Malkorion

Warhammer Day Exclusive Minis 2Phwoar. This Primaris Lieutenant With Storm Shield will be joined by the Vampire Lord Anasta Malkorion, with both miniatures available for a strictly limited time starting on Warhammer Day itself, the 30th of October, until the 7th of November. Anasta Malkorion will be available in stores and online, but you’ll only be able to acquire our brave Lieutenant from

It’s definitely a little disappointing stores won’t have the Space Marine, but at least they will get one mini.  Soulblight Gravelords Anasta Malkorion has already made it to Amazon and eBay, so if you missed out you can still get one here.

Da Red Gobbo & Bounca

Da Red Gobbo and Bounca

Santa Claus he is not. Astride his loyal squig Bounca, da Red Gobbo dispenses presents to all the good little grots, and his model is packed with joyous details. Baubles and ornaments hang from the squig’s antlers and litter the ground underfoot, while the Gobbo’s trusty sidearm is slung in a holster across his back.

This miniature will only be available until 8am GMT on Friday 31st of December 2021.

This product is Made to Order and will be delivered in 180 working days.

Nothing is more jolly and in the Christmas spirit than a Red Gobbo and his candy-cane theme stick of dynamite, or at least so I’m told.

Bawla and Burk: Another GW Holiday Exclusive Mini for 2021

The model will be available from December 26th – January 2nd in local Warhammer stores. If you can’t get to a Warhammer store, you can then MTO these from the 3rd of January to the 9th of January. 

The mini is pretty cool but nothing too crazy and not nearly as festive as the Red Gobbo (they even did a coin for him)! Still, if you play Orruks, hard to complain about new minis. With this being MTO, we hope it will cut down on the scalpers, but if you want it, don’t wait too long we suppose.

Holiday exclusive mini

While Bawla merrily hacks his way through skaven armies, Burk keeps the rat swarms out of his way. In fact, this grot is so cunning, we doubt that rat will ever catch him! 

As always, and yes we mean always, the goblin is way better than the giant green guy standing above him

All the Newest GW Model Previews

How many of these exclusive Warhammer miniatures did you get? Have you tried to grab any on the secondary minis?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, or our new Discord server, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today! 

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