All The Big Reveals & Rumors: GW New Years Day 2022 Preview

gw-preview-40k-may-23From new Chaos and Eldar to all the other new models teased- here are the latest rumors and reveals from the GW New Years Day 2022 Preview!

It’s time for another online GW Preview for all things Warhammer! Games Workshop surprised everyone with another New Years Day Preview for 2022 that they announced last minute on Friday, December 31st..

This year saw tons of rumors that came true, and some that are still up in the air. Some of which are directly applicable to this new set of teasers! These range from a ton of Chaos Space Marines, a huge amount of Eldar, and even some brief hints at some mystery updates in AoS like Bonereapers, Nighthaunt, and Daughters of Khaine!

But first, let’s check out the confirmed Eldar and Chaos Box set. Then check out our previous coverage of the rumors below, which all give a little bit of support to guesses of what we got to see on New Years Day…

GW Reveals New Eldar & Chaos Eldritch Omens Box

Eldar-vs-Chaos-Space-Marines-Eldritch-Omens-Battle-Box-Set-title1Here are all the new Eldritch Omens Eldar (Aeldari Craftworlds) and Chaos Space Marines Battle box set for Warhammer 40k- rumors and reveals! Read More

All the New 40k Chaos Space Marines Rumors So Far

chaos rumors new wal hor warhammer games workshopDon’t miss all the spicy new 40k Chaos Space Marines codex rules rumors for 9th edition and new models to expect like a new primarch or two… Read More

RUMORS: New Eldar Avatar, Aspect Warriors, & Codex

New-eldar-for-warhammer-40k-avatar-titleDon’t miss what appears to be a confirmed new Avatar model, along with some rumored new Aspect Warriors, and a new Eldar Codex on deck! Read More

RUMORS: New Battletomes For Age of Sigmar

Age-of-sigmar-3.0-wal-hor-title-rulesDon’t miss these spicy new rules rumors, here what they say are the next 4 Battletomes coming for Age of Sigmar! Read More

Now let’s dive into that teaser video!

Games Workshop New Years Day 2022 Preview

Within the video above which debuted on Warhammer Community, there are at least seven, possibly nine or even ten, new models. We don’t get a full look at any of the models, however, we do get glimpses, and one definitely stole the show at least for us.

Let’s look at each of them.

gw 2022 daemon engine 1This first image looks very much Chaos Renegades. Specifically, it resembles the Maulerfiend’s;s weapon, which leads us to think there could be a new potential Daemon Engine of sorts coming!

gw 2022 daemon engine 2Backing up the Daemon Engine idea, we’ve got more chaos-y metal and exhausts that you’d see on top of such a construct along with these armor plates a frame later.

gw 2022 daemon engine 3 or kruleboyzAnother view of what may be the same model shows off a potential shoulder. You can see the fuzzy image of the exhaust in the background, but does that guarantee this is the same model?

More support for a Chaos Deamon Engine rumor is this image of some sort of power coupler or tube with what may be a joint for either a leg or arm out of focus in the background.

gw 2022 ossiarch 1Next, we’ve got some clear AoS Death alliance vibes, the question then becomes: Is it Ossiarch Bonereapers, Nighthaunts, or more from the Deamon Engine side of things?

gw 2022 ossiarch 2Then there is a series of fast images, three of which all look like part of a brand new Ossiarch model, however, after seeing all four of these “undead” images it is most likely that some are of a new Eldar Phoenix Lord Maugan Ra. The above one could be his signature Maugetar weapon.

Maugan Ra gw pic

Current Eldar Phoenix Lord Maugan Ra model from Games Workshop

gw 2022 eldar 1 The tattered cloak might suggest an older (lore-wise) character, or maybe someone who has seen a ton of battles such as Maugan Ra.  Tattered Robes of an Eldar, check!

Maugan Ra (2)This could also easily be the back of Maugan Ra or perhaps some sort of undead or even a new Harlequin offering. Either way, these two images are definitely connected as the bone plate rotates to show the skull below on the side.

Maugan Ra (3)Any one of these images could be a lot of things, such as Maugan Ra, new AoS Death models, or even Harlequins.

gw 2022 daughters of kahine 1Next, up the video switches back to AoS in what looks like a revamped Sisters of Slaughter/Witch Elves kit, with both their iconic whips (although this has added notches) and knives. There was also a second image that seems to be the lower half of this.

But the same image could also easily be something for the Drukhari / Dark Eldar as well. Even the out-of-focus model behind the bladed whip is no real help.

gw 2022 tyranid 1Warping back to 40k (or did we ever leave?), there is a clear Tryanid model! With a very large tail, and wings, maybe the Flying Tyrant is getting an update?

For a split second, you can also see what appears to be a tentacle-like appendage from higher on the model.  Plus from the side what may be the torso is clearly visible before the model spins revealing a wing.

More New Eldar Avatar Model Teasers

Now for what may be the star of the Games Workshop New Years Day 2022 Preview, the New Eldar Avatar looks absolutely stunning!

Let’s take it from the top so the rest of the images make sense.

avatar of Khaine Eldar

The current Eldar Avatar model from Games Workshop

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new eldar models 2

Compare this composite Rumor Engine and Avatar image to the next one. A Bloody Handed fist for the Bloody Handed Avatar of Khaine? Check!

avatarA split second before this frame you can clearly make out the head, topknot, and hair plume of what is quicking looking to be an amazing version of the Eldar Avatar.

avatar hairKnown as the Suin Daellae or “Howling Death” the Avatar’s weapon can take the form of a Spear or a Sword.

gw 2022 mystery 2If you blinked you may have missed the Avatar’s chest just milliseconds before the Howling Death appeared in frame:

avatar chestThis next image appeared after the Howling Death and looks to have the top blade of that weapon to the left of the frame. However, it doesn’t appear to match up with the current art of the Avatar, and may just be a red herring…

avatar chest

Moving forward, the rest of the bits are a little harder to place, but the following series of images all appeared together.

These last few of the series seems to be model that looks very Warhammer 40k due to the metal and tubing, but it’s another hard one to place…

gw 2022 mystery 3

So this last one really could be anything from Genestealers Cults to Squats, to Inquisition, or even something for Age of Sigmar…

Whew, that was a lot to take in! What do you think of what may be at least seven new models on the way from Games Workshop in this New Years Preview for 2022?

Here’s all the latest on the upcoming rules updates and points changes for Warhammer 40k.

All the Newest GW Model & Rules Previews For 2022

Fingers crossed these will all release in 2022!

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