Forge World’s Sale, New Space Marines & GW Rumors LATEST

primaris book cover hor marine 2019's Wave of New Primaris Space Marines Are Here!

Don’t miss the latest on Forge World’s special offer along with the complete rundown of  GW rumors and previews for new Space Marines and more!

We’ve got the biggest announcements for the tabletop hobby, with our expert commentary that you may have missed over the weekend while you may have been relaxing.

New 40k Kill Team & Next Week’s GW Releases REVEALED

kill team 2016 wal hor

It’s happening! New 40k Kill Team Rules and units are coming next week along with Funko Pops! at Games Workshop Stores worldwide.

GW Previews Warcry’s Chaotic Everchosen Faction

everchosen walFirst previewed at GAMA, We’ve gotten a deeper look at the Everchosen faction coming to Warcry, the Age of Sigmar Skirmish Game! Read More

New AoS Mercenary Dogs of War & Modular Terrain REVEALED

sorcerer age of sigmar new model bitsNew terrain kits and the Dogs of War Mercenary mechanic are coming to Age of Sigmar as GW’s latest new releases were just unveiled over the weekend! Read More

Beep Boop: GW Teases New 40k Ad Mech Skitarii Vehicle

Skitarii Adeptus Mechanicus Wal HorIs a new 40k transport vehicle for Adeptus Mechanicus on the way for the Skitarii? Don’t miss months worth of clues and the latest teaser from GW! Read More

GW Announces New Chaos Renegade Heretic Knights!

GW Announces New Chaos Heretic Knights!First, a mini codex and now Chaos may be getting new Heretic Knight upgrades or kits soon! Don’t miss the latest on new Chaos! Read More

New Primaris Space Marine SPOTTED!

Primaris wal hor space marines power armorDon’t miss this one! What looks to be a new Space Marine  Iron Father / Techmarine has been revealed for the highly popular Primaris line! Read More

RUMORS: GW Releasing a Quick Shade Contrasting Paint

citadel_airbrush_paint_swatches-e1447473438999Ever heard of a quick shade? New rumors today that Games Workshop’s big new hobby product may be nothing more than a system like the Army Painter’s. Read More

Help Support a Great Painter & Kollect Hobby Karma!

space marine wal horThere is a great painter out there in the community that’s in need of some support from all of us. Take a moment to read this! Read More

GW Brings Grand Tournaments Back To The USA!

guilliman atc wall hor A New Type of 40k: Making The Game Great AgainThey’re back! Games Workshop announced Grand Tournaments are headed to North America in 2019. Check out the details on what we know so far. Read More

New Forge World Pre-Orders & Dreadnoughts On “Sale”

forge world new releases games workshop warhammer community thundehawkForge World has new things going on at their webstore. Check out the latest models up for pre-order and this “sale” on all their Dreadnoughts. Read More

Save Hobby $$$ Looncurse Bundle Value Breakdown

Which faction are you going for? Don’t miss this hobby dollar breakdown for the potential value of everything that comes inside the Looncurse Starter box set. Read More

Mission Unsolvable: GW’s Rumor Engines Set Us Up to Fail

rumor engine primaris wal hor pdf download warhammer communityEver wonder what the whole point of these Rumor Engines are when in a lot of cases there was no way we could have solved them! Read More

RUMORS: More 40k Kill Team Terrain Coming in May!

kill team 2016 wal horDo you need more 40k Kill Team in your life?  Check out the latest word on your favorite 40k skirmish game as we wait patiently for Elites! Read More

GW Confirms Full AoS 2.0 Sylvaneth Release IMMINENT

sylvaneth It’s happening! Looks like the Sylvaneth rumors may have been right! GW just confirmed that even more Tree People are on the way for Age of Sigmar shortly! Read More

RUMORS: Marine & Primaris Chapter Tactics Coming to Vehicles?

Land Raider PrometheusMore and more rumors have been emerging around the Space Marines lately. The latest is talking about Astartes vehicles! Take a look with us. Read More

And that’s a wrap! Don’t forget to keep your eyes glued to Spikey Bits for what else the gaming world is throwing at you this week.