Games Workshop’s BIG Announcement Is: 8th!!!

40k faq header

Games Workshop had everyone in the hobby on the edge of their seat with the promise of a big announcement on Saturday. So what is is?

We first broke the story of the upcoming announcement from a larger brief Games Workshop sent to it’s corporate stores this week:

We have been making several announcements about upcoming products recently, and we have another one this weekend.

Saturday at 2pm UK time (GMT+1)

Twelve hours later Games Workshop confirmed it’s happening:

So what so important that they didn’t even trust their own stores with the word from their news site beforehand? Looks like 8th Edition!

Unlike the disappointing original roll out of Age of Sigmar in 2015, Games Workshop is taking NO chances this go around with their flagship product line, and just dropped the mic what you need to know for the upcoming edition change

To many of you, this will be an awesome surprise. To others, an exciting confirmation of what you already suspected. For all of you, we’re sure it heralds questions aplenty.

Here then is an FAQ* that answers a few of them. For more news and information over the coming days and weeks, make sure you check out where we’ll be running daily articles on all things Warhammer 40,000. There’ll be news, there’ll be rules previews, there might even be some pictures of new models…

Is my army still valid?
Yes, it certainly is! You’ll still be able to use your army in the new edition of Warhammer 40,000. All current armies will be supported with new rules.

Can I still use all my models?
Yes. Every Warhammer 40,000 miniature we sell today will be usable in the new edition of Warhammer 40,000. What’s more, they’ll be supported with new rules, which will be available from the get go in handy, low-cost books.

Even Forge World models?
Yes, even all of your Warhammer 40,000 Forge World models**.

Wait, did you guys blow up the universe?
Nope. This is very much still the Warhammer 40,000 setting you know and love. Now, that’s not to say we won’t see the story advance – there’s some pretty epic stuff ahead! You can certainly expect to see the story arcs that began in the recent Gathering Storm campaign books continue to unfold with plenty of exciting developments to look forward to…

How can I get the rules?
We’re going to make it easier than ever to get your hands on the rules and start playing. The core rules for the game will be free, and you’ll have several options on how you get your hands on the full rulebook. Watch this space for more.

Have you dumbed down 40K?
Not at all. We’ve made it easier for new people to enter and get to grips with the basics. At the same time, we’ve made sure you can add as much depth and complexity as you like – there’s some fantastic new gameplay elements coming. What we’ve done is reexamine every aspect of the game, and made plenty of improvements, many based on the gaming community’s feedback and suggestions. If you play today, this game is recognisably still Warhammer 40,000.

What happens to my codexes?
The rules in our current range of Warhammer 40,000 codexes aren’t compatible with the new edition of Warhammer 40,000. These books will be going off sale very soon. If you do want to pick any up, now’s the time – as all of the great hobby content and background information will be as valid as ever.

40k editions through the years

What’s in the new starter box?
A new starter box? That’d be exciting! I guess we’d fill it with some awesome new miniatures… (come on, we can’t spoil all the surprises for you!)

Are you getting rid of points?
Not at all. There will be a full points system, for use in matched play – one of three ways to play covered in the rulebook.

What do you mean “3 ways to play”?
We realise that people like to play Warhammer 40,000 in different ways. 3 broad systems are covered in the new edition: 1) Open play is the most flexible, and easiest to get started with, allowing you to use any miniatures you like. 2) Narrative play is where you can refight the iconic battles of the 41st Millennium, or create your own campaigns and sagas. 3) Matched play is designed for more balanced and competitive games, ideal for gaming clubs, leagues and tournaments. However you want to enjoy playing Warhammer 40,000, there will be rules for that.

Why should I not just stick with current Warhammer 40,000?
This is the version of Warhammer 40,000 you’ve been asking for. We’ve listened to your feedback, and we really believe that this is the best Warhammer 40,000 has ever been.

WOW way to go Games Workshop giving everyone a reason to continue to look forward to the new release and NOT be misinformed with this product roll out.

Will the rules be updated annually (ala, the General’s Handbook)?
What a great idea! We’ve had such a fantastic response to our community-led approach with the Warhammer Age of Sigmar rules updates that we’re committed to doing the same for Warhammer 40,000. You’ll be able to submit your questions and queries on the Warhammer 40,000 Facebook page and we’ll make sure we continue to evolve the game as feedback rolls in.

I haven’t played 40K in a while…
Welcome back! The new Warhammer 40,000 is easier to learn and quicker to play, but still has all the tactical, strategic and narrative depth you could want from a game set in the incredibly rich setting of the 41st Millennium. It’s going to be easier than ever to get started, and more fun than ever to master.

I love it. I want it. When can I have it!
Really soon. You’ll be playing the new Warhammer 40,000 this year.

We’ll let you know when we have more news on an exact release date. Stay posted.
For the latest news, follow us on the Warhammer 40,000 Facebook page, or subscribe to our newsletter.

What do I do now?
Now’s the time to start getting your army ready.

Wow great news for everyone looking for answers to how the edition change will affect their armies. I think my favorite parts are the ones that make the game sound more and more like Age of Sigmar General’s Handbook updates.

codex collage hor

Question now is, what the heck do we do with all those old codex books, but perhaps more importantly thanks for keeping Horus Heresy books from Forge World the same.

**A few of you might be wondering how the new edition of Warhammer 40,000 affects Forge World’s Horus Heresy rules and army lists. Well, for the moment, it won’t! You can carry on using the existing Warhammer 40,000 ruleset for your Horus Heresy games.

GW Announcement Tl;DR

  • 40k Codex Books are now invalidated in 8th, and will not carry over. However Forge World’s Horus Heresy game will continue on using the existing 40k rules from 7th.
  • GW did not “End Times” 40k. However it is still The Tme of Ending, capiche?
  • The new rules will be FREE
  • There will still be points, as well as the same 3 ways to play that are currently in Age of Sigmar’s generals Handbook.
  • GW hints at an Annual 40k General’s Handbook type supplement for FAQ updates like they will be doing this year with AoS.
  • The new edition of 40k is confirmed releasing this year
  • All models from GW and Forge World’s Line of Miniatures will be valid for play in the new 8th Edition of 40k
  • Their new starter box will have new miniatures. See possible spoiler image below:

Does That Look Like Dark Angels and Death Guard?

And here was a look back at our top ideas on what this big announcement might have been.

Adeptus Titanicus

titanicus hor wal


Adeptus Titanicus will be getting a Black Book release in 2017! Checkout the artwork that was just spotted last month at the Open Day

According to J Martin who talked with Andy Hoare the game is done, and will be released this year:

The book is done, the minis are done. Titanicus is going to print next week and will be out this year
They are going to do a big release with boxed game plus extras. They pushed the schedule back a bit to flesh it out more
They have learned from BB that people are lapping Specialist Games up, so are going to get more budget for it

Generals Handbook 2

Generals Handbook ENG

The General’s Handbook 2 has been talked about for a little bit now. We know there’s a lot of changes coming to Age of Sigmar, and a lot of new armies and models being released to include the brand new Kharadron Overlords. Is it time for the Generals Handbook 2 to be released with the new Duardin added into it?

Warhammer 40k 8th Edition 

Space Marine Captain Adeptus Astartes


That’s right, 8th Edition is definitely a possibility! Games Workshop is known for taking us all by surprise so this isn’t too far of a reach.

We’ve been hearing rumors of a release date in June, and something tells us they’re just as excited to release it as we are to find out what it holds. So don’t mark this one off the list just yet.

WOW way to go Games Workshop giving everyone a reason to continue to look forward to the new release and NOT be misinformed with this product roll out.

Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

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