GW Teases 3 New AoS Faction & Measuring Rules

By Wesley Floyd | June 6th, 2018 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Warhammer 40k Rumors

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We’ve got a lot to talk about today. With 3 factions rules being teased by GW, and the new measuring rules for AoS 2.0, this will be chock full of good stuff.

Warhammer Community gave us theses preview late last week, and ealier today!

Dispossessed in 2.0


The new edition bodes well for all duardin, and the Dispossessed are no exception. Like their allies in the Fyreslayers and Kharadron Overlords, the Dispossessed have received some very welcome points reductions across a wide range of units, from Longbeards to Ironbreakers and even Irondrakes – your war throng just got bigger.

Ironbreakers will be a Battleline unit for a full Dispossessed army. Ironbreakers are notoriously tanky. With being able to reroll saves if they didn’t run or charge and ignore -1 rend, they’ll be sticking around a while.

Rune Priests

rune priest

In the new edition, Rune Priests will be able to unbind 2 enemy spells a turn and they are +2 to their roll. It would be a good idea to pack any of these guys into your army as allies. It will force the enemy to keep his wizards as far back as possible.

There won’t be any endless spells for this faction, but you can ally in a wizard from the Sarcosanct Chamber if you wanted.

Grots in 2.0

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There’s loads of fun in store for grots players of all types, with the Moonclan Grots, in particular, benefiting from the new rules around Heroes. Being able to keep your squishier Shamans and Grot Warbossessafe from missile fire is one thing, but stacking up command abilities is another entirely. Here’s one that’s bound to give your opponent a game they remember for a long time…

grot rules

Even though grots are little, doubling damage can be brutal. You don’t want to get caught in a swarm of these guys. It’ll be like death by a thousand papercuts.

Squig hoppers will also be very fast objective takers and can barrel into the enemy lines faster than you’d expect.


If you want to ally some classic units for a grot army, the Aleguzzler is getting a nice point drop sitting at only 160 points. And don’t forget about endless spells. Your Moonclan grot shamans can eat a madcap to get +2 to casting and pop out a Purple Sun! You can also use an Umbral Spell portal to launch spells across the map. Just be careful here. Your opponent can send it back to you.

umbral portal

Bonesplitterz in 2.0

The Bonesplitterz are well placed to take advantage of the new edition, with the most powerful bonuses by far going to their Heroes. As well as being even more durable thanks to Look Out, Sir!, the changes to the hero phase are going to be an enormous help…


Having Orks in combat is bad enough. Now they gain the ability to fight TWICE in a turn for free? Stay away from these boys.

savage attack

If you had to pick one of these command abilities, you’d pick Prophet of da WAAGH! every time. But now that you can buff up one unit with more than one command ability, you’ll be able to attack twice getting an extra attack for each 6. Seems like some overkill.

Bonesplitters Spells

pendulum aos

They’re getting their endless spell called the Aetherovid Pendulum. Unlike other endless spells, this can move back and forth in a straight line instead of being able to turn anywhere.

Mork help you if you get touched by it…..

Scything blade

Measuring and Piling In

No more modeling for advantage. It’s all base-to-base now.

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aos piling in

Piling in has changed very slightly just because of the base-to-base measuring system now. It is designed to make surrounding enemies easier.

Missed what the other AoS 2.0 posts were about? We’ve got it here for you.

Beastclaw Raiders Rules Stomp into AoS 2.0


Beastclaw Raiders are stomping in on today’s latest rules teaser from Games Workshop. Time to take a look at what they’ll be getting in AoS 2.0.

GW Teases Rules of The Realms For AoS 2.0

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In Aos 2.0, there will be realms to play on that will have different rules and effects game-wide. Let’s dive into the realms that they just GW teased!

GW Teases New Free Peoples & Beastmen Rules

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GW just gave us rules teasers on the Free Peoples, the former Empire faction, and the wily Chaos Beastmen for the new edition of Age of Sigmar.

New Artifacts Coming For Age of Sigmar 2.0

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Age of Sigmar 2.0 is bringing tons of artifacts to the table to represent the realms where they come from and give new effects to the game.

GW Reveals New Seraphon Rules For AoS 2.0

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It’s the Seraphon turn for some love, as GW revealed new rules teasers today for how they will fight and cast spells in Age of Simar 2.0

GW Teases Rules For Kharadons & Purple Sun!

AoS is heating up as Purple Sun is back! Plus GW previews Kharadon Overlords in today’s latest rules teasers for Age of Sigmar.

AoS 2.0 Rules Teasers: Skaven, Flesh-Eater Courts & Shooting

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Warhammer Community has given us a plate-full of information this holiday with teasers for Skaven, Flesh-Eater Courts, and new shooting rules. Now can get a better idea of how AoS 2.0 will pan out.

Age of Sigmar: New Sylvaneth Rules Preview

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Sylvaneth are up in Age of Sigmar’s 2.0 rules previews. Let’s take a look at what these spirits of the forest will get in the new edition.

Blades of Khorne & Command Points in AoS 2.0

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Blades of Khorne will be getting another reboot in the coming Age of Sigmar 2.0 so get those axes and skull-collecting bags ready.

Age of Sigmar Updates Magic Casting & Unbinding

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Age of Sigmar 2.0 is on the way and it looks like Magic will get a tweak! Come see the updated casting and unbinding phase of the game that may just be for the better.

Free Summoning & New Nagash Rules for AoS

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Legions of Nagash are getting some love, and it looks like summoning overall may be free in Age of Sigmar now.

New AoS Changes for Khaine, Tzeentch & More

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More changes are here for Age of Sigmar, as the spotlight is on the Daughters of Khaine, Disciples of Tzeentch and how to protect your characters in the new edition.

Fyreslayers Faction Focus: Age of Sigmar 2.0

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Prepare to see half-naked redheads running through your ranks with big axes and even bigger beards.

GW Teases New Slaves to Darkness, & Ironjawz Rules

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GW teased a ton of new Age of Sigmar 2.0 rules for both the Slaves to Darkness and Ironjaws factions. Don’t miss these updates.

What do you think about the Aethervoid Pendulum? Will you be taking Runepriests as allies? 

Let us know over in the comments over on our Facebook Hobby Group.

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