How to Magnetize All The Adeptus Titanicus Titans

magnetize-titanicus-models-adeptusWith the new starter set getting some serious hype, it’s time to learn how to magnetize all the Adeptus Titanicus Titans!

We all know GW likes to change rules around, so it’s just better if you have the time, to future proof your minis! Not only does magnetizing your models make them better in-game, but it also makes transporting them easier as well. Plus, having fully magnetized minis lets you show your hobby skills off, thus scaring your opponent before the game ever starts.

If you just got into the game or have been playing for a while, these tutorials are all pretty easy to achieve and super worth it to check out. If you want to see more on any particular titan, just click on any of the headers to see the videos and writeups. Let’s get into it!

How To Magnetize Your Adeptus Titanicus Warlord

future proof titanicus warlordThe Warlord Titan has proven itself on the tabletop in Adeptus Titanicus. Check out this review as well as how to magnetize your weapons.

How To Magnetize Your Adeptus Titanicus Reaver

How To Magnetize the Reaver: Adeptus Titanicus UnboxingTiny Titans are back in another Starter Set for Adeptus Titanicus. Check out this review as well as how to magnetize your Reaver weapons.

How To Magnetize Your Adeptus Titanicus Warhound

titanicus warhound magnet walThe Warhound Titan has proven itself on the tabletop in Adeptus Titanicus. Check out this review as well as how to magnetize your weapons.

Magnetize the Warbringer: Adeptus Titanicus Unboxing

warbringer adeptus titanciusWe unbox and build the new Adeptus Titanicus Warbringer Titan showing you all the gotchas you need to know, and how to magnetize the kit as well.

Magnetizing the Warhound Titan For Adeptus Titanicus

It took forever to come out. But now that it has, let’s take a look at the new Warhound Titan two-pack as it stomps its way into your games of Adeptus Titanicus.

Magnetize The New Adeptus Titanicus Command Terminals

titanicus command terminals magneticIf you hate the current Adeptus Titancius Command Terminals, check out how easy it is to magnetize them with just a few mouse clicks.

That should keep you busy magnetizing for a while. If you want to keep your minis future proof, you really should think about magnetizing them!

Have you magnetized your Titans yet? How long have you been playing AT?  

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