This is How To Magnetize Your Adeptus Titanicus Warlord

future proof titanicus warlordThe Warlord Titan has proven itself on the tabletop in Adeptus Titanicus. Check out this review as well as how to magnetize your weapons.

Games Workshop announced a new Starter Box Set for Adeptus Titanicus featuring two Reavers, two Warhound titans, and some Lancers. Perhaps the best part is that is doesn’t overlap with the units from the Grand Master Edition. So if you’re looking to shop smart and add to your collection, or just start the game, you’ll want to grab the new starter set!

On that note, make sure you future-proof your models! The game is expensive enough as is. Take the time to magnetize your arms and you won’t be sorry. Check out how we recommend you assemble your Warlord.

adeptus titanicus starter boxNew Titianicus Core Set

This is How To Magnetize Your Adeptus Titanicus Warlord

Warlord SprueAs we start off this review, Rob gives us the rundown on the three sprues that come in the box. He tells us some of the similarities between this kit and a full-size Warlord Titan from Forge World. The overall conclusion is that, although it’s a scaled-down rendering, the Titanicus kits are absolutely packed with detail. Right down the to the back cannons!

Warlord InstructionsFrom legs and torsos to all the weapon options. We also get to dive into the full instruction book and see how easily this kit goes together, along with any “gotchas” along the way.

At this point, we are keeping an eye out for magnetization options for the weapons so you can upgrade your Titan in the future. This is huge as we’ve seen some Forge World weapon options go for $20+ per weapon. That’s already enough money to spend as-is! Don’t skip out on magnetizing your weapons or else you might find that you’ll have to buy an all-new Warlord kit just to field the weapon combinations you want.

Titan LegsOne of the biggest nuances of the kit is assembling the legs to where they look reasonably posed all while allowing space for the armor plates to fit. If you’re not careful, you could glue your model outside of its technical range of motion and you won’t be able to put the armor plating on the ankle. You’ll also want to leave those armor plates off as part of the sub-assembly to make things easier to paint.

Magnets TitanNow let’s talk magnets. In our unboxing and build videos, we like to give you ways to save your hobby dollars and one of the best ways to do that is magnets. In the case of the Warlord Titan, we get to see just what you need to do to future-proof your Titan for new weapon upgrades.

Use 8x 5mm x 1mm magnets for the kit. Luckily, the arm joints are already recessed, allowing you to save time when you throw your magnets on. They should fit right into the lip that you can see from above. These recesses are found in both arm joints as well as the carapace sections of the model.

Warlord TitanWith the model fully put together, it should look like this! You can save time on detailing your plain GW base with a base from Elrik’s Hobbies as well.

If you want an even more in-depth look at the full breakdown for the Titanicus Warlord, be sure to check out our video below.

What’s been your favorite Adeptus Titanicus kit to put together? Have you magnetized all your models? 

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