New 40k Kill Team Moroch & Chaos Knights: FIRST LOOK

gw-first-look1The new 40k Kill Team: Moroch and the separate Chaos Knights releases are here for hobbyists to lock in pre-orders for this weekend. 

Get those hobby dollars ready if you want any of these new releases from Games Workshop that will go up for pre-order with your favorite retailers on Saturday, May 28th, 2022, around 1 pm EST!

New 40k Kill Team: Moroch & Chaos Knights Pre-Orders: FIRST LOOK

It’s nice to see the Chaos Knights just get a full release of everything, and if you’ve been itching for more Kill Team, you’re also in luck this week. Let’s see everything that’s being released.

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40k Kill Team: Moroch

Kill Team Moroch

This boxed set contains 22 miniatures making up two full kill teams – that’s 12 Blooded members of the traitor guard and 10 Phobos Space Marines. Ten of the Blooded are completely new, and they’re incredibly customisable.

In a change of pace, this new Kill Team set brings in some dope new models for renegade guardsmen!

Kill Team Moroch traitor guard

You can build them as a range of deadly specialists for your games of Kill Team or as basic Traitor Troopers. On top of that, you’ll find a single-pose Traitor Enforcer and Traitor Ogryn.

Moroch chaos 1


Moroch chaos 2


Moroch chaos 3


Moroch chaos 4

Gone are the days of conversions for Traitor Guard because this new set looks pretty amazing paired with the existing Renegade Commisar and Ogryn!

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Kill Team Moroch space marines

The Phobos-armoured Space Marines are built from existing Infiltrators and Incursors, and come with a new upgrade sprue to put together a wide range of new elite specialists.

Moroch space marine 1


Moroch space marine 2


Moroch space marine 3

While the Space Marines are noticeably less unique, they still provide a set of good models for players who get the box. Plus that new conversion sprue looks full of character!

Kill Team Blooded and Phobos Strike Team Dice

Kill Team Blooded and Phobos Strike Team Dice

Declare your allegiance to the Emperor or the Dark Gods with these two sets of themed six-sided dice for your games of Kill Team. There’s one set of 20 for each of the new factions, both with their emblems printed on the 6 face.

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NOTE: All of the Tyranids releases that were delayed in Australia and New Zealand are finally going to be available! OCE rejoice, the Hive Fleets want to assimilate you (or eat you) now.

Codex: Chaos Knights

Codex Chaos Knights

Originally released as part of the special edition Chaos Knights launch box, this codex is available on its own for the first time – and what a book it is! This is the essential guide for fans of these corrupted engines of war, containing everything you need to run a full army, or to add an allied Dreadblade to another Chaos force.

This codex turned out to be pretty powerful, so now is prime time if you’re still a Chaos player looking for your copy!

Chaos Knight Abominant

Chaos Knight Abominant

The massive Knight Abominant kit also makes its solo debut. This versatile box is really three knights in one, with the option to build the psychic Knight Abominant itself, the Knight Desecrator – a medium-range gun platform – or the Knight Rampager, a berserk close-quarters killer. If you’re running an army of Chaos Knights, you won’t want to stop at just one.

It’s a relatively quick turnaround for the separate release, but it’s welcome as this new kit is all multi-purpose and filled with options!

War Dogs

War Dogs

Smaller than their full-sized big brothers they may be, but the Chaos Knights War Dogs are still a malevolent force to be reckoned with on the battlefield. This is another flexible kit that builds two of three possible War Dog variants. Choose from the Karnivore, Stalker, or Brigand, which each prefer a different engagement range varying from up close and personal to all the way over on the other side of the battlefield.

The other main kit for Chaos Knights is also a brand new release that contains all of the new variants of War Dogs you’d want to play.

Chaos Knights Datacards

Chaos Knights Datacards

Lastly, there are a set of Datacards that help smooth out any new player learning curve by keeping relevant rules handy for the first few games while you memorize the changes.

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Thatos Pattern Extended Hab Module

Thatos Pattern Extended Hab Module

For sale: one incredibly spacious Thatos Pattern Extended Hab Module, perfect for a young Necromundan family looking to upsize out in the fresh air and open skies of the ash wastes. This Extended Hab Module is larger than the ones found in the Necromunda: Ash Wastes set, but it’s fully modular and mixes perfectly with the other kit, giving your gangs more places to hide from inclement weather.

Perfect for expanding to the Necromunda boards of Ash Wastes or maybe getting creative for a 40k board, these new individual kits are interesting at the very least.

Thatos Pattern Hab Module

Thatos Pattern Hab Module

This standard Thatos Pattern Module isn’t quite as roomy as the extended variety, but it still provides all the light, ventilation, and legroom a hardy pioneer could wish for – plus a full suite of telemetry from the roof-top gewgaw. These were first available in the recent Necromunda: Ash Wastes set, and they’re fully compatible with the Sector Mechanicus terrain, so there’s scope to make some truly unique battlefields.

The metal tree-house has two variants, so you can mix and match for your own board desires.

Thatos Pattern Platforms and Walkways

Thatos Pattern Platform and Walkways

If you’re living in tiny, decaying, metal prefabs on the toxic planes of a long-dead world, you need a suitable means of egress. These platforms and walkways are great for raising the profile of your hab and keeping your feet off irradiated sands that’ll scour you to the bone given enough time.

Here’s all the latest on the upcoming rules updates and points changes for Warhammer 40k.

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Games Workshop bits from preview models that we should watch out for. Click on the gallery above to see dozens of Rumor Engines with new models still left to be revealed!

All the Newest GW Model & Rules Previews For 2022

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