New Chapter Approved Points, Detachments, & Primaris LATEST

By Caitlyn Cumberland | December 10th, 2018 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

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The Primaris marines are looming large with all the new 40k Chapter Approved points changes and Vigilus defiant detachments that were spotted this weekend.

If you enjoyed your weekend and it didn’t involve hobbying… did you really even enjoy it? Check out what you may have missed if you were living your life.

Check out new announcements for the tabletop hobby, with our expert commentary that you may have missed during the weekend.

New Wrath & Rapture Box Values & Previews Latest

daemonette close up chaos demon hor wal

Don’t miss the latest preview for Chaos’ Wrath & Rapture Box that will go on pre-order this Saturday, as we break down of the contents and more!

Top 3 SM Characters We Need As Primaris Models

mephiston lord of death

Now that Marneus Calgar has paved the way for other characters to start turning Primaris, here are some we’d like to see/expect in the near future.

40k Imperium Vigilus Formation Detachments Revealed

super happy guardsman wal hor

Don’t miss a look at all the new Warhammer 40k formation detachments for the Imperium that are coming in Vigilus Defiant. What buffs are your army getting?

40k Xenos Vigilus Formation Detachments Revealed

Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka orks wal hor

If you love Xenos like the Eldar or Orks, you will not want to miss the new Warhammer 40k formation detachments that are coming in Vigilus Defiant.

Full Chaos Haarken & Marneus Calgar 40k Rules Spotted


Rejoice Chaos and Space Marine fans because all the new 40k rules for both Marneus Calgar and Haarken Worldclaimer are here!

New Black Library: Death on the Pitch & Heresy Releases


More great books are here from the Black Library, as Death On The Pitch, Visions of Heresy and more headline the lore side of things.


More New AoS Rules Spotted For Chaos & Khaine!

Morathi Daughters of Khaine

More new rules are here for Age of Sigmar as the last two warscroll battalions have been spotted inside the Holiday Battleforce boxes.

Complete 40k Chapter Approved Points Changes

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Do not miss a first-hand look at all of the points changes for Warhammer 40k Chapter Approved 2018. There’s a lot to cover!

Mighty Chewbacca Teasers for Star Wars Legion


The most loyal character in the Star Wars universe is making his way to the tabletop in Star Wars Legion. Check out the latest previews on Chewbacca!

New 40k Vigilus Formations & Rules LATEST

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As we get closer to Vigilus, more and more previews are here for the new 40k formations and rules everyone has been talking about. Take a look.

New AoS Battalion Rules Spotted in Battleforces

Idoneth Deepkin

New Warscroll Battalions are coming inside the AoS Battleforce Box Sets. Check out the latest rules previewed for two factions.

New Sisters of Battle BETA Codex Previews & 2019 Latest

Sisters of Battle

Don’t miss the latest Adeptus Soriritas updates from GW for the Sisters of Battle BETA Codex that is almost here in Chapter Approved 2018!

New Primaris Chapter Fluff Coming to the Index Astartes?

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Would you like to know more about the Primaris Marines, and any potential new chapters of both old and new Marines as well? All may soon be revealed!

And that’s a wrap! Don’t forget to keep your eyes glued to Spikey Bits for what else the gaming world is throwing at you this week.