New Genestealer Cults Goliath, Metamorphs, Hybrids 40k Rules

genestealer-cults-rules-newDon’t miss the new Genestealer Cults 40k rules datasheets for the Goliath Trucks, Hybrids, and Metamorphs that were spotted!

We knew that Genestealer Cults were getting their time in the sun very soon (next week!) and with the datasheets being inside of their codexes, it’s coming up fast! Let’s check out the new Genestealer Cults 40k rules datasheets and compare them to the old ones.

Genestealer Cults Codex Rules Datasheets & Rumors

Gsc codex 9th edition

Offer praise to the Many-armed Emperor, dear child, for he has delivered a tome full of new and updated rules for the Genestealer Cults. Infiltrate a planet’s key institutions and ready your cult for the Day of Ascension with thematic Crusade rules, and ambush your prey with updated units and new abilities.

Of course, it couldn’t just be Custodes getting their update, so Genestealer Cult is also receiving their full 9th Edition codex this year! They were sure to mention a new point system to help prevent Genestealers from using up all of their CP on turn 2 as they are famous for their CP use, and in turn, running out of them quickly.

Overall, the changes to the deployment side of things just seem like something they needed, so let’s hope that all comes true. Gaining cult creeds would be super strong for everything and adding some strength to Rending Claws would give the army a nice boost.

New Genestealer Cults Goliath, Metamorphs, Hybrids 40k Rules

This was spotted on Reddit as the new IKEA simplified rules are appearing in box sets with the new art inside. Let’s compare it to the old Genestealers Cults 40k rules Datasheet and see what’s changed.

hybrid metamorph old rules

Old rules

hybrid metamorph ikea rules

New Rules

New Bonuses: 

  • +1 to Toughness (was 3 now 4)
  • Blasting Charge changed to D3 shots, S5, AP -1, 1 Damage (was D6 shots, S3, AP 0, 1 Damage)
  • Bonesword now +1 S, -2 AP, 2 Damage (was user S, -2 AP, 1 Damage)
  • Claw and Talon now combined into one profile: +1 S, -3 AP, 1 Damage

      What we don’t know:

      • Unique abilities? (Hand Flamer auto hits)
      • Cult Icon
      • New Claw and Talon combination keep extra attack and hit bonus?
      • Faction-wide rules and impact on the unit?
      • Synergy with other GSC?

      Overall, Metamorphs only got better! Assuming they don’t get obliterated and made obsolete by point increases, these are looking to be great new options for GSC players! All we have to do now is wait and pray GW doesn’t touch their point values too much.

      Genestealer Cults Acolyte Hybrids Rules

      Acolyte Hybrids old rules

      Old rules

      Acolyte HybridsNew Rules

      New Bonuses: 

      • +1 to Toughness (was 3 now 4)
      • Blasting Charge changed to D3 shots, S5, AP -1, 1 Damage (was D6 shots, S3, AP 0, 1 Damage)
      • Demolition Charge Flat 2 Damage (was D3 Damage)
      • Bonesword now +1 S, -2 AP, 2 Damage (was user S, -2 AP, 1 Damage)
      • Claw and Talon now combined into one profile: +1 S, -3 AP, 1 Damage
      • Heavy Rock Cutter now flat 3 Damage (Was D3)
      • Heavy Rock Drill Moved to -4 AP (was-3)

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      What we don’t know:

      • Unique abilities? (Hand Flamer auto hits)
      • Cult Icon
      • all the Heavy Rock Weapons special rules. Will they still have instakill, extra mortals, and hit rolls?
      • New Claw and Talon combination keep extra attack and hit bonus?
      • Faction-wide rules and impact on the unit?
      • Synergy with other GSC?

      Overall Genestealer Cults Hybrids are getting some buffs and if the special rules stay the same, the Heavy Rock Cutter might be the biggest winner. With flat 3 Damage (the highest you could have rolled before), they are coming out on top. But… we haven’t seen points yet, so hopefully, they don’t skyrocket and make it not viable.

      New Genestealer Cults Goliath Truck 40k Rules SPOTTED!

      This was spotted on Reddit as the new IKEA simplified rules have gotten spotted online. Let’s compare it to the old Genestealer rules Datasheet and see what’s changed.

      goliath truck old rulesOld rules

      goliath truck ikea rules

      New Rules

      New Bonuses: 

      • +1 to Leadership and Armor Save (was 7 and 4+, now 8 and 3+ respectively)
      • +1 to Movement on 3-5 wound profile (was 8, now 9)
      • Demolition Charges changed to flat 2 Damage (was D3)

          What we don’t know:

          • Unique abilities? (Blast traits)
          • 6+ FNP?
          • Transport capacity?
          • Faction-wide rules and impact on the unit?
          • Synergy with other GSC?

          Overall, just like Metamorphs, Trucks only got better! Assuming they don’t get obliterated and made obsolete by point increases, these are looking to be great new options for GSC players! All we have to do now is wait and pray GW doesn’t touch their point values too much.

          goliath rockgrinder old rulesOld rules

          goliath rockgrinder ikea rules

          New Rules

          New Bonuses: 

          • +1 to Hit in Melee, Leadership, and Save(was 4+, 7, 4+, now 3+,8, 3+ respectively)
          • +2 to Movement on full wound profile (was 10, now 12)
          • +1 to Movement on 3-5 wound profile (was 8, now 9)
          • +1 to Movement on 1-2 wound profile (was 6, now 4)
          • Demolition Charges changed to flat 2 Damage (was D3)
          • Clearance Incinerator now 15″ Range and 6 S (was 12″ and 5 S)
          • Heavy Seismic Cannon [Long-Wave] now 6 S and -2 AP (was 4 S and -1 AP)
          • Heavy Seismic Cannon [Short-Wave] now 24″ range and -3 AP (was 12″ and -2 AP)
          • Drilldozer Blade now +2 S and flat 2 damage (was +3 S and d3 damage)

              What we don’t know:

              • Unique abilities? (Blast traits, Seismic Cannon 6+ Wound-roll rule)
              • 6+ FNP?
              • Transport capacity?
              • Faction-wide rules and impact on the unit?
              • Synergy with other GSC?

              Overall, Goliath Trucks seem to have gotten fairly better! Unfortunately, their iconic melee weapon got a slight reduction in power in favor of consistent damage, which isn’t necessarily a straight nerf. But thanks to most of the ranged options getting better, the Goliath Truck looks to be coming out on top!

              Look for the Genestealer Cults codex to hit store shelves alongside the Adeptus Custodes in early 2022!

              Here’s all the latest on the upcoming rules updates and points changes for Warhammer 40k.

              All the Newest GW Model & Rules Previews

              What do you think about all the rules changes for Genestealer Cults so far?

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              About the Author: Andrew Schrank

              Andrew Schrank

              andrew schrank headshotJob Title: Miniatures & Warhammer Hobby Staff Writer

              Socials: Facebook

              About Andrew Schrank: Over the past 15 years, Andrew has played all the games, including tabletop and video games, and immersed himself in the associated lore. Andrew joined the Spikey Bits team in 2018 and covers the Warhammer hobby and tournament scene, along with the latest in tabletop miniatures, each week.

              Aspiring diplomat, Lord of Fluff, and Master of Ice Hammer, He loves Star Wars, Chaos Undivided, and Gundam. During his free time, he hunts Platinum trophies on PS5 and reads international news. On weekends, Andrew plays commander and cEDH games, often with unique strategies that push the limits.

              He believes each day presents a new opportunity to grow and be challenged.