New Tau 2W Drones, Breacher, & Strike Team 40k Rules Datasheets

All-The-New-Tau-40k-Codex-Rumors,-Rules,-&-Models-So-Far!Chaos Space Marines are sad that Tau gets two wounds now- here are the new 40k rules datasheets for the Drones, Breacher, and Strike Teams!

We knew that Tau was getting their time in the sun soon and with the datasheets being spotted, it’s coming up fast! Let’s check out the new Tau 40k rules datasheets and compare them to the old ones.

New Tau 9th Edition Codex

Tau Codex

It’s about to get even better with Codex: T’au Empire on the way early next year. How early? We’ll get to that, but it’s close enough that we’ve been able to get some markerlights trained on the cover so you can see the beautiful art right now. Codex: T’au Empire will arrive in early 2022, and with the Genestealer Cults and Adeptus Custodes codexes also landing in the same period.

We’ll see how they do the release, but we expect this to come after the other two codex books (Custodes & GSC), and then the Tau stuff with Darkstrider, etc. Still, with how strange the releases have been, we’ll have to see.

New Tau Drones, Breacher, & Strike Team 40k Rules Datasheets

This was spotted on Imgur as the new IKEA simplified rules are appearing in box sets with the new art inside. Let’s compare it to the old Tau 40k rules Datasheets and see what’s changed.

strike team old datasheet

Old rules

tau strike team ikea rules

New Rules

New Bonuses: 

  • +1 to Leadership (was 6 now 7)
  • Misslepod changed to flat 2 damage and -2 AP (was D3 Damage -1 AP)
  • Pulse Carbine now 24″ range (was 18″ range)
  • Pulse Rifle now -1 AP (was 0 AP)
  • Smart Missle System now -1 AP (was 0 AP)

      What we don’t know:

      • Unique abilities? (Smart missiles targetting units not visible?)
      • Photon grenade?
      • Auto pass attrition ability?
      • Guardian drone?
      • Markerlights?
      • Faction-wide rules and impact on the unit?
      • Synergy with other Tau?

      Overall, Strike Teams only got better! Assuming they don’t get obliterated and made obsolete by point increases, these are looking to continue being a staple for tau players! All we have to do now is wait and pray GW doesn’t touch their point values too much.

      New Tau Breacher Team 40k Rules

      breacher team old datasheet

      Old rules

      tau breacher team ikea rules

      New Rules

      New Bonuses: 

      • +1 to Leadership (was 6 now 7)
      • Misslepod changed to flat 2 damage and -2 AP (was D3 Damage -1 AP)
      • Pulse Blaster [Close range] now 8″ range (was 5″ range)
      • Pulse Blaster [Medium range] now 14″ range (was 10″ range)
      • Pulse Blaster now has only two profiles (no longer a long-range profile)
      • Smart Missle System now -1 AP (was 0 AP)

          What we don’t know:

          • Unique abilities? (Smart missiles targetting units not visible?)
          • Photon grenade?
          • Auto pass attrition ability?
          • Guardian drone?
          • Markerlights?
          • Faction-wide rules and impact on the unit?
          • Synergy with other Tau?

          Overall, Breacher Teams, just like strike teams, only got better! Assuming they don’t get obliterated and made obsolete by point increases, these are looking to continue being a staple for tau players! All we have to do now is wait and pray GW doesn’t touch their point values too much.

          New Tau Drones 40k Rules

          tactical drones old datasheet

          Old rules

          tau drone ikea rules

          New Rules

          New Bonuses: 

          • +2″to Movement (was 8″ now 10″)
          • Shield Drone changed to 2 wounds  (was 1 wound)
          • Pulse Carbine (on gun drone) now 24″ range (was 18″)

          What we don’t know:

          • Savior Protocols?
          • Deep strike?
          • Markerlights?
          • Gun drones only target the closest target?
          • Faction-wide rules and impact on the unit?
          • Synergy with other Tau?

          Overall, all drones, just like strike teams and breacher teams, only got better! Assuming they don’t get obliterated and made obsolete by point increases, these are looking to continue being a staple for tau players! All we have to do now is wait and pray GW doesn’t touch their point values too much.

          Also, it’s official… Tau Shield Drones are now beefy-er than Chaos Space Marines. Don’t worry, CSM players, you’ll get your 2 wounds sometime when you get a new book we hope…

          Here’s all the latest on the upcoming rules updates and points changes for Warhammer 40k.

          All the Newest GW Model & Rules Previews

          What do you think about all the rules datasheets and changes for Tau so far?

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