New Tau Empire Relics, Warlord, & Ethereal Traits 40k Rules

new-tau-codex-rulesDon’t miss all the new Tau 40k Warlord Traits, Ethereal Traits, and Relics for their updated 9th Edition Warhammer 40k codex.

With the Tau Empire Codex in hobbyists’ hands and rules previews aplenty from Games Workshop, we can get a better picture of what all the new rules are looking like for the Greater Good.

Tau Empire Relics, Warlord, & Ethereal Traits 40k Rules

These unique faction rules are collected from all the following reviews on YouTube, and Warhammer Community alike, so be sure to watch your favorite presenters talk about their take on the book at the links below!

Codex: T’au Empire Retail Price: $50 

Click here to get yours for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Gold Goblin Games  or full price on the GW Webstore

Codex T’au Empire


This 136-page book comprehensively covers the T’au Empire. It has everything you need to bring the technological might of the T’au to bear on the tabletop in order to expand the empire, plus a selection of lore and art to inspire your own collection.

Tau Empire 9th Edition 40k Warlord Traits Rules

tau warlord traits

Of the 6 new Warlord traits, two look a little better than the rest. The Precision of the Hunter is simple but powerful! While the age of Coldstar Commanders may be gone, getting to have one with re-rolling hits and wounds, does make it feel like they might be back into prime time!

Second, Exemplar of the Kauyon also looks very strong, being able to completely switch up your turn 1 gameplan after deployment to surprise your opponent is a powerful competitive edge. Especially if you are Kauyon and get to redeploy three whole units!

tau kroot warlord traits

As for this group of 3 dedicated Kroot warlord traitsPack Leader seems to be pretty good! As Kroot are cheap units, getting into melee to stall more expensive units is a powerful plan and this trait helps nearby Kroot do just that!

Tau Empire 9th Edition 40k Relics Rules

tau relic rules 1

As for relics, the first page has a total of 5 with Puretide Engram Neurochip looking like a good CP generation option. Unlike other factions’ equivalents, this doesn’t state that you can only get one CP per unique stratagem. However, this is more restrictive with only two categories

. At least if there is even just one strong option you’d use multiple times, you can continue to get CP back!

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Multi-Sensory Discouragement Array also looks like a great competitive option. With three fantastic options, when this goes off you will almost always have a great effect to help out in that turn specifically, whether that be neutering a threat, clenching extra Victory Points, or slowing the enemy advance!

tau relic rules 2

As for the second page, Ohr’tu’s Lantern looks like a simple but strong option greatly boosting a single model’s effectiveness at getting Markerlight on a target.

Neuro-Empathic Nullifier looks like another great competitive option by preventing a single unit from performing any actions for a turn and causing any current actions to fail, making room for outplays.

Tau Empire 9th Edition 40k Ethereal Traits Rules

Ethereal traits

Since the tau doesn’t have psychic powers, their Ethereals get these trait options to make up for it! Think along the lines of a shaman with their elements. Of the 6 options, Sense of Stone looks decent by giving an entire unit a 5+ FNP potentially saving quite a few wounds.

Power of Tides also looks good with an easy +1 to wound for an entire unit! Maybe this will make huge squads of Fire Warriors a legitimate option?

Here’s all the latest on the upcoming Tau rules updates and points changes for Warhammer 40k.

Click Here for all the Newest GW Model Previews

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