Which One is it: Kill Team or Rogue Trader?

rogue trader wal

In one of the most confusing product launches since the first Age of Sigmar, hobbyists heads are spinning over Rogue Trader and Kill Team. Here’s the latest

With no 40k releases on the horizon till late August, hobbyists are trying to figure out what the Rogue Trader “box” is that was previewed back in May.

Which One is it: Kill Team or Rogue Trader?

Will it be Kill Team or just a Rogue Trader minigame, or both? Let’s break it all down.

Games Workshop has been previewing upcoming releases so fast it can make your head spin. One of these previews was the Rogue Trader Skirmish game, but then recently also Kill Team.

Today we have a photo that, while not confirmed by GW, raises more questions than it answers.

A Rulebook?

KT RT rulebook

Binding on the left side of the picture suggests this is a possible rulebook. But now it’s both? This image was spotted on Faeit, and is less than certain in its authenticity.

Up until now, the Kill Team and Rogue Trader previews have been separate posts. But now they’re together? Could we be looking at a Rogue Trader box set (with Kill Team Rules) that could also have Kill Team expansions and new terrain?

We’ve actually seen this done before.

shadow war armageddon

Shadow War: Armageddon, released a little over a year ago, pitted a group of Orks and Scouts against each other and had a few of the new Sector Mechanicus terrain sprues inside.

This was basically a Kill Team box set that featured new terrain, and even had expansions believe it or not. Games workshop distributed out little SWA stickers to stores to put on troop boxes that had rules for this game:

shadow war Armageddon kill team stickers

So maybe the Rogue Traders and Nurgle will have their own rules set within the box, and then be completely playable in a Kill Team setting as well. There could even unique and usable terrain coming with the box just like what was in the Shadow War: Armageddon box.

Plus we have already heard rumors about expansions for RT/KT recently:

Skirmish is back for 40k with expansions like Shadespire. But on 2×2 table mats with terrain, with eventual new model support. GW plans for it to be as big as shadespire was that they were not prepared for.

Haven’t There Already Been Kill Team Previews?

Found on Warhammer 40,000’s Facebook page, it looks like they’re advertising Kill Team as something separate.

Which One is it: Kill Team or Rogue Trader?

With this photo, on top of a video and announced GSC Kill Team models, it seems like Kill Team and Rogue Trader are two separate entities. Since neither game has factions that have anything to do with each other. Could Skitarii and GSC be the “main” release for Kill Team and people who buy the Rogue Trader box set also use the forces inside as a Kill Team?

Conversely, could GSC and Skitarii be an expansion coming into the Rogue Trader game? It’s all up in the air until we get a bit more clarification. It seems very odd that they would put “Rogue Trader AND Kill Team” on a single game. That’s like saying “Warhammer Horus Heresy 40k”.

On the surface, it seems like it could just be poor marketing to put two titles on a single game. But could there be a bigger plan in the works here?

What do you think about these previews? Have any guesses as to what it could turn out to be?  Let us know what you think in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.

rogue trader skirmish

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