40k Kill Team Nachmund: Here’s The Value Inside Now

Kill-team-nachmund-pricing-value-warhamemr-40k-chaos-eldarCheck out the value and pricing for Warhammer 40k Kill Team: Nachmund Box that comes with new Eldar and Chaos minis!

Now that we’ve seen the price for the box itself, and the previous releases of the teams, we have a pretty good idea of what everything inside will add up to. This set also has a decent amount of terrain, so it could be a good value.

There is also some intrinsic value as this is the only way to get the new Chaos upgrade sprue and the Eldar Voidscarred Corsairs early. As it has taken months traditionally for the teams to come out on their own.

Kill Team Nachmund chaosIf you’re getting into the Kill Team game, this is a fairly easy way to get into the game with a new team, if you missed out on Octarius that is. Now, let’s check out the value! 

Kill Team: Nachmund $195

Kill Team Nachmund

Kill Team: Nachmund sees the Aeldari Voidscarred Corsairs take on the might of the Chaos Space Marines. This box is packed with new rules, missions, terrain, and miniatures that make up two full teams of special operatives equipped with a variety of weapons and wargear. 

We’ve seen quite a few previews of this new Kill Team box, so it’s great to finally see it released! However, this is $25 more than Chalnath, so we’ll see how the value stacks up.

Kill Team Nachmund Price, Value, and Savings Summary

  • New Eldar Voidscarred Corsairs  $60 (based on most recent Sisters Kill Team & Aspect Warriors pricing)
  • Chaos Space Marines with Upgrade sprue $70 (based on Pathfinders price increase)

The prices are guessed at this point, but based on what we’ve seen, we think this is pretty close.


  • Battlezone: Mechanicus – Ferratonic Furnace $60
  • Thermic Plasma Regulators $35
  • Sector Mechanicus Galvanic Servohaulers $30 (half of the normal box set)
  • Thermic Plasma Conduits $35 (old price- currently not listed for sale from Games Workshop)
  • Alchomite Stack $60 (comes with two of the same halves of the normal box set)

There are actually some bigger pieces in the box, so a lot of the cash savings will come in the way of terrain.


Kill Team Nachmund book $45 (based on Chalnath book that was just released)

This doesn’t come with the core Kill Team rules book, but still good to at least get something with it.

Total MSRP: $390

Savings Versus Box $195 Price: $195

Is it Worth it?

Kill Team Nachmund eldarLike many of these boxes we’ve seen, the majority of the value comes in the terrain. Still, this lets you get the new Eldar Voidscarred Corsairs and Chaos Space Marines months before their individual release. Plus, you get a ton of terrain, the books, and new rules for each team.

So whether you play Kill Team (Nachmund) or not, this could have value.  However, if you don’t need the terrain, there isn’t a ton of value for just the miniatures!

Here’s all the latest on the upcoming rules updates and points changes for Warhammer 40k.

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Games Workshop bits from preview models that we should keep an eye out for. Click on the gallery above to see dozens of Rumor Engines with new models still left to be revealed!

All the Newest GW Model & Rules Previews For 2022

Will you be picking this up? Are you excited about the value in Kill Team Nachmund?

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