40k Matched Play Rules Changes & New GW Releases LATEST

Chapter-Approved-Rumors-Rules-40kHere are all the new wargaming releases, previews, rumors, and more from the weekend, plus the latest on

These were the biggest announcements from the wargaming hobby and our expert commentary from the last week!

weekend-newsLet’s look at what you may have missed for Warhammer and the latest releases for tabletop wargaming in general!

GW’s New 40k Chapter Approved & AOS Pre-Orders For June

Table of Contents & Article Summary

new-next-week-chaos-knights-and-kill-team-nachmundNew rules changes are on the way in Chapter Approved, and for Warhammer AoS Skaven, Sylvaneth, DoK, and more will be next week’s pre-orders for June 18th. Read More

Back These Basing & Weathering Powders on Kickstarter!

Weathering Poweders KS featureThe new Kickstarter from Shadow’s Edge Miniatures is full of amazing Earth Works Basing & Weathering Powders- check it out! Read More

Dan Abnett Teases The End of the Horus Heresy Series

new-black-library-releasesThe 8th book (and final) from Dan Abnett is on the way for the Siege of Terra Series, but it will also end the Horus Heresy saga! Read More

New Snipers & Heavy Orcs: Puppetswar 3D Patreon

Screenshot_774The Puppetswar June Patreon has kicked off with some really amazing 3D STL files of Space Snipers and Heavy Orcs! Read More

New Warhammer JOYTOY Releases: Pricing & Where Get Yours

new-joytoy-bandaiHere is the pricing and where to get the new Warhammer 40k JOYTOY releases, featuring new Space Marines action figures from Games Workshop. Read More

Bluff City Open: Top Warhammer 40k Homebrew Army List

40k-homebrew-army-listsDeath Guard are still viable in competitive play as a new general’s Warhammer 40k army list emerged at the Bluff City Open! Read More

Catan 3D Expansion: Seafarers & Cities & Knights Announced!

seafarers of catanThe new Catan 3D Expansion: Seafarers and Cities & Knights has been announced and just looks amazing- check it out! Read More

RUMORS: Big 40k Matched Play Rules Changes Coming Soon!

40k-new-rules-updates-chapter-approved-2022-nephilimBig rules changes may be coming to Victory and Command points for Matched Play in the new Warhammer 40k Chapter Approved Nephilim book. Read More

All The Hottest Trending Wargaming Posts to June 11th

new chaos rules space marines codex warhammer 40kDon’t miss all the hottest trending wargaming posts from June 4th – 10th that seem to be on everyone’s minds! Read More

6 Pages of New World Eaters 40k Rules SPOTTED

new world eaters chaos codex space marinesHere are the new World Eaters 40k rules from the June White Dwarf to hold us over until their forthcoming codex release. Read More

New Warhammer 40,000: Darktide Gameplay Trailer is Wild!

darktide featureThe new Warhammer 40,000: Darktide Gameplay Trailer shows off some insane shooting, melee, and psychic mechanics! Read More

Turbo Dork Hyper Culture Paint Back for a Limited Time!

Hyper cultureIf you love the Hyper Culture Paint from Turbo Dork, grab it now as they are doing a very limited run and when it’s gone, it’s gone! Read More

The Other Side to Wargaming’s Latest IP Drama

TT-Combat-Vs-Secret-Weapon-MiniaturesIn response to a statement from Secret Weapon, TT Combat has revealed their side to wargaming’s latest IP drama… Read More

Space Marines Place at The London Open: 40k Army Lists

Top-3-army-lists-40k-wal-horSpace Marines rose to the location at the London Open that happened over the weekend, as these Warhammer 40k army lists took the top! Read More

Chaos Space Marines Daemon Weapons Rules are Spicy!

New-Chaos-Rules-Codex-Space-Marines-GW-Warhammer-40kNew 40k Chaos Space Marines rules have been spotted, this time for the Daemon Weapons, and they are still dangerous to use. Read More

Huge Restock of GW Beveled Bases: Get Yours For Less!

40k-base-sizesWe just restocked and added a bunch of GW beveled bases sizes to our secondhand marketplace store- don’t miss out on the new huge selection! Read More

New Warhammer Kratos Heavy Assault Tank Size Comparison

Kratos-tank-sizeJust how big is it? Well, check out this Horus Heresy Kratos tank size comparison and find out just how chonky the new kit is! Read More

Get The Details On New Star Wars: Legion Miniatures

star wars legion battle force starter setAtomic Mass Games revealed a ton of new Star Wars: Legion Miniatures from bundled Battle Force boxes to smaller expansions! Read More

ImpendingDuff Store is a Can’t Miss For Paints & Hobby Supplies

ImpendingDuff StoreIf you’re looking for paints, merch, or hobby tools the ImpendingDuff store has some awesome paints and products that can be hard to find! Read More

The MVP of 9th Edition Warhammer 40k is the Same as 10th

magnetize your warhammer 40k figuresWith the upcoming 10th edition of  Warhammer 40k looming, the real MVP is to magnetize your miniatures with these magnets to… Read More

Kromlech’s New Behemoth Walker Counts as a Dreadnought

Behemoth walker featureThe new Behemoth Dread Walker from Kromlech is an awesome Dreadnought alternative for Warhammer 40k that will set your army apart! Read More

Black Templars Rock Bluff City Open: Top 40k Army Lists

Top-3-army-lists-40k-wal-hor-2Black Templars clutched the W at the Bluff City Open that happened over the weekend, and these Warhammer 40k army lists took the top! Read More

Painting Horus Heresy Emperor’s Children a Pretty Purple

Emperor's Children how toLearn how to paint Horus Heresy Emperor’s Children with this easy and awesome tutorial from Lil’ Legend Studio- check it out! Read More

GW Reveals New Necromunda Cargo-8 Ash Wastes Rules

New-rules-necromundaIf you’ve been wondering if you should add the new vehicle to your gang, these Necromunda Cargo-8 Ridgehauler Ash Wastes rules will help you decide! Read More

Get The Details On New Horus Heresy Liber Mechanicum Rules!

Horus-Heresy-mechanicum-rulesGW revealed the table of contents for the upcoming Horus Heresy Liber Mechanicum book and a few rules as well- check it out! Read More

A New Plastic Warhammer 40k Scale Thunderhawk is a GO!

plastic thundehawkAll those rumors that came true this year also mentioned a plastic 40k Thunderhawk as well, so odds are good it will happen- here’s why. Read More

Fallout: Wasteland Warfare Railroad: Operatives & Gunners

RailroadBuff up your forces with2 new Fallout: Wasteland Warfare sets from Modiphius- including Railroad: Operatives and Gunners! Read More

Warhammer+ Takes Another Hit It Looks Like…

40k-app-developerGames Workshop is hiring more animators to join the team, and it could be to just pump out content for Warhammer+ Plus faster, or…  Read More

Dropzone Commander UCM Behemoth Hitting Pre-Order Soon!

behemoth Dropzone featureGet ready for some insane combat as the new Dropzone Commander UCM Behemoth is coming to the game soon- check out the preview! Read More

And that’s it for all the latest 40k rumors and releases for wargaming in general. Don’t forget to keep your eyes glued to Spikey Bits for what else the gaming world is throwing at you this week.

All the Newest GW Model Previews

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