All New Adeptus Custodes Stratagems & Traits SPOTTED!

stratagems-adeptus-custodesAll the new Adeptus Custodes Stratagems and Captain Commander Traits have been spotted from their new codex book- check out their  new40k rules!

We’ve seen a ton of rules ahead of the codex release, but with the codex being spotted, and transcribed now we know all the new Adeptus Custodes Stratagems and Captain Commander Traits 40k rules!

Warhammer Community also unveiled some of the new Adeptus Custodes stratagems rules along with a new and improved Obliteratum in one of their previews as well.

All The New Adeptus Custodes Stratagems & Traits SPOTTED!

spotted on imgur and transcribed on r/Adetpus Custodes are the new Adeptus Custodes Stratagems & Traits 40k rules.

custodes codex 9th edition

Stratagems: (many toned down, couple good new ones, many that now scale in cost)

Arcane Genetic Alchemy

  • 1/2CP: Transhuman; any custodes unit that’s not VEHICLE, 1CP if 3 or fewer models, 2CP otherwise. Lasts for phase, usable in any phase.

Adeptus Custodes Stratagems 4

It might be called Arcane Genetic Alchemy but that’s just a clever name to fool the xenos and traitors. Everyone knows that the God-Emperor keeping an eye out for his chosen warriors is what keeps them alive.

If you’re going to be facing a ton of heavy fire, this will really help keep your units alive as they will never wound on anything but a 4+.

  • 1CP: BIKER unit can consolidate extra 3”
  • 1CP: CUSTODIAN GUARD with shields, when targeted in combat, gain -1 to be hit. Only in melee combat.
  • 1CP: At start of first round, choose an enemy unit, until end of battle VIGILATORS re-roll hits against them.
  • 1CP: Use in fight phase when any custodes unit is selected to fight, if under starting strength, +1A to each model, if under half starting number of models, then each model gets +2A instead. (Note: this means fewer attacks than before but can now be used every phase to medium effect instead of just in the turn you lost a bunch of models)
  • 1/2CP: when any custodes unit selected to fight in combat, +1 to wound vs enemy unit with higher toughness than the custodes unit. 2CP if more than 3 models in the custodes unit.

Talons of the Emperor

  • 1CP: in any phase after shooting or fighting with any custodes unit, pick an ANATHEMA PSYKANA unit within 6” and that sisters unit gets +1 to hit for the phase. Note: does not say that the sisters unit needs to target the same unit as the custodes unit.

Adeptus Custodes Stratagems 6

The new codex doesn’t just feature the Adeptus Custodes – it also includes the Sisters of Silence. If you picked up the Shadow Throne boxed set, you already have a nice mix of the two, and your Adeptus Custodes can inspire your Sisters of Silence to even greater valour.

It looks like they want units to buff up other units, which is interesting and will make you think about overall positioning. This makes their attacks easier to hit and for one CP, it’s not too bad…

  • 1CP: when witchseekers are selected to shoot or fire overwatch, for that phase, +1 Str to their flamers for that attack
  • For 1 CP, this is a fun and strong Stratagem. Especially considering how much damage a character can do, you might be able to take out whoever killed you!

Vigil Unending

  • 2CP: Fight on death for a custodes CHARACTER that has not fought yet. Can be used on named characters. Note: WHC said it wrong, it is indeed 2CP, not 1CP.

    Adeptus Custodes Stratagems

    Vigil Unending gives your Characters one last chance to punish anyone that intends harm to the Imperium, bringing their Emperor-wrought might to bear against any who think they can go toe-to-toe with the Emperor’s finest.

    • 1CP: In command phase, choose a custodes machine spirit unit to act on top profile.
    • 1CP: In any phase when custodes vehicle or anathema psykana vehicle would take a mortal wound, gain 5+++ against mortals for that phase.
    • 1CP: When a non-named custodes character kills an enemy character in melee combat, pick one of the two to happen: a) pick a shield host trait that the character doesnt have and they gain it for the rest of the battle, or b) pick one stance of a martial ka’tah, the character always benefits from that stance. Can only use this start once per custodes character per game, and cant use in crusade unless you pay some requisition. Note: this was slightly hard to translate so possible I missed something in parts a or b. But the selection criteria are clear.

    Open the Vaults

    Adeptus Custodes Stratagems 2

    The Adeptus Custodes have access to many powerful Relics with which to slay the enemies of the God-Emperor, but sometimes it’s difficult to decide which one to take. So, why not take TWO? This Stratagem allows you to give a Relic to another Character in your army on top of the one that your Warlord can already take.

    This is pretty standard for most armies, but having more than one Relic is always nice.

    • 1CP: Extra WL traits strat, one per character per CP, max 2 extra
    • 1CP: Give a second WL trait to a character. Note: does not have to be your actual warlord from what I understand.
    • 1CP: Eternal penitent! Use before the battle, pick a custodes DREADNOUGHT (yes can be FW dreads) they gain +1A and re-roll charges. If they already re-roll charges (like from a ka-tah, etc.) then instead add +1 to their charge distance. CAN ONLY USE ONCE PER GAME. Note: not once per game per dread, straight up once per game per army. 🙁
    • 1CP: Heroic intervention with any unit, if they already could heroic, they intervene 6” instead.
    • 1/2CP: use in command phase when you pick a stance for a ka’tah. Pick any custodes unit and give them a different stance. That custodes unit benefits only from that new stance you picked, not the same stance as the rest of your army. They don’t get both. Lasts until next command phase. If the custodes unit contains 4 or more models it costs 2CP.
    • 1CP: Interrupt in combat if a custodes unit is in range of an objective. Same as before.
    • 1/2CP: Unleash the lions, in command phase, same as before, but 2CP if 4 or more allarus in the unit at the time of using.
    • 1CP: When your warlord dies, pick another custodes character to be your warlord, give them the WL trait that the dead warlord had if they don’t already have one. The new warlord is considered warlord for all rules purposes and it doesnt count as your warlord dying until this new one is slain. Note: there is no clause saying you can only use this once per game.
    • 1CP any custodes unit that can FLY can shoot after falling back (but not charge)
    • 1CP in psychic phase when enemy suffers perils within 18” of ANATHEMA PSYKANA INFANTRY. They take an extra d3 mortal wounds.

    Wisdom of the Moritoi

    • 1CP: ADEPTUS CUSTODES DREADNOUGHT (Note: can be the forgeworld ones) in command phase chooses to give 6” aura of either re-roll hits or wounds of 1. Only effects CORE SHIELD-HOST units.

    Adeptus Custodes Stratagems 5

    Adeptus Custodes’ Venerable Contemptor Dreadnoughts contain some of the finest warriors that the Imperium has ever witnessed. Pass on their centuries of experience to other units in your army with this Stratagem.

    This is a really cool way to give your core units some extra buffs without having a Captain around. Since it gives every model in the unit the re-roll, it becomes quite strong. Plus that Telemon dreadnoughts have very big bases too!

    • 1/2CP: in any phase when any custodes unit is targeted, the enemy cannot re roll number of shots, hits, or wounds. 1CP if 4 or fewer models, 2CP if custodes unit has 5 or more models.
    • 1CP: before the battle when declaring reserves, an INFANTRY, BIKER, or DREADNOUGHT can deepstrike.
    • 1CP: 18” range 4+ to stop effects of an enemy psychic power, used by any ANATHEMA PSYKANA INFANTRY unit, used after any other deny the witch attempts.
    • 1CP start of any phase use on one ANATHEMA PSYKANA INFANTRY unit, they gain a 6” aura of enemy units are -1 to hit when targeting this sisters unit.
    • 1CP use in opponents movement phase when an enemy unit wants to fall back from combat with a custodes INFANTRY unit. The custodes infantry unit can shoot at the enemy unit as if it were the shooting phase.
    • 1CP: smokescreen standard -1 to hit
    • 1CP: TANGLEFOOT! Use at start of enemy’s movement or charge phase. Cant use on units that FLY. Must be visible within 12”. Otherwise same as before, subtract d6” from movement or charge distance. Can only use once per turn. Note: like many of our core strats from before, still strong, but toned down.
    • 1CP: Use when TELEPORT HOMER ADEPTUS CUSTODES is chosen to move. Remove them from the battlefield, then during the reinforcements step of the SAME movement phase, replace the unit on the battlefield within 3” of a VEXILUS PRAETOR or ALEYA, but more than 9” from enemy units.

    Psyk-Out Grenade

    Adeptus Custodes Stratagems 7

    There are no finer psyker hunters in the galaxy than the Sisters of Silence, and one of the reasons that they’re so good is that they have just the right tools for the job – such as psyk-out grenades.

    This isn’t anything crazy, but for 1 CP you can cause D3 Mortal Wounds to Psykers, and if it destroys the unit, it deals d3 mortals to every other unit within 6″ of it. Wow, that could in some circumstances hurt a lot.

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    Guardian Captain Commander Adeptus Custodes Rules

    Getting into the new Captain Commander rules for the Adeptus Custodes, it seems like there will be three selections for each HQ type.

    captain commander rules

    A Captain-Commander, however, can make nearby units even stronger by eliminating the need to choose from the two stances of a particular ka’tah.

    Being able to use rules like this on both a character like a Shield-Captain, and Adeptus Custodes core unit make this possibly quite strong. We’ll have to see how the other characters can really benefit from this.

    25 points: in each command phase pick a CORE or CHARACTER custodes unit within 6” to get both stances of the current ka’tah

    15 points: this character can advance and charge

    15 points: add 3” to their “galvanized combattant” ability. Not sure what that is, don’t have the datasheet. Might be the re-roll hits of 1 aura.

    captain commander rules 2

    This might not seem like a huge deal at first, but it’s the most expensive points upgrade – and for good reason. Each martial ka’tah forces you to choose between two fantastic stances, often with similar but differing bonuses. Take Salvus, for example. Using Master of the Stances, you can get both of these effects at once.

    Shooting twice and adding 4″ to the range is pretty sweet. Then with the rules above, you’ll be able to take advantage of both for a character like an Adeptus Custodes Shield-Captain, and a core unit.

    Allarus Captain-Commander

    • 10 points: Unstoppable destroyer as previewed by WHC. pile-in and consolidate an extra inch, and can pile-in and heroic intervene in any direction, even if already in base contact with an enemy.
    • 15 points: +1 to wound in melee against MONSTER, VEHICLE, CHARACTER.
    • 20 points: If under starting wounds, gain +1A, if half or fewer wounds remaining, gain +2A instead.

    captain commander rules 3

    The heavy armour of the Allarus Terminators requires a different fighting style, favouring powerful blows that take advantage of their enhanced strength, with the full confidence that their wargear will keep them safe no matter the odds.

    Being able to intervene or pile in any direction will let them get to whoever you want and with the extra move, you’ll be able to pull off some cheeky maneuvers.

    captain commander rules 4

    Of course, Allarus Terminators are incredibly difficult to take down, especially when you give them this upgrade.

    You’ll want him to take at least one wound to get the extra attack, then if he gets close to death, you’ll be gaining two attacks which for a Captain-Commander is super strong.

    Vertus Captain-Commander

    15 points: +2A if within 2” of 6 or more enemy models. Note: not simply within engagement of an enemy unit containing 6 or more models, actually has to be within 2” of 6+ enemy models…

    20 points: can fall back and still charge, but not shoot

    15 points: re-roll hits and wounds of 1 after charging or performing heroic intervention

    captain commander rules 5

    The Fierce Conqueror ability makes your mounted leader a unit-eraser unto himself, delivering eight Strength 7, -3 AP, Damage 2 attacks to a massive threat bubble given his base 14″ Movement.

    You’ll want to get him stuck in with at least 6 models, as you’ll be getting 8 attacks hitting on 2’s, with super high strength and serious damage!

    captain commander rules 6

    If you know you’ll be up against tough targets, consider choosing Tip of the Spear to ensure each strike inflicts grievous damage.

    Re-rolling all your ones in combat is seriously strong, especially considering you already hit on 2’s.  So overall these new Captain Commander rules for the Adeptus Custodes look strong, but we’ll know more for sure when we have all the rules to review at once

    Look for the new Adeptus Custodes Codex book to arrive alongside the Genestealer Cults on January 15th, 2021.  Here’s all the latest on the upcoming rules updates and points changes for Warhammer 40k.

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    What do you think about the new Captain Commander and Stratagem rules for the Adeptus Custodes that have been revealed so far? 

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