New Tyranids Exocrine 40k Rules SPOTTED!

By Travis Pasch | February 19th, 2022 | Categories: rules, Tyranids, Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

Tyranids-new-rules-model-rumorsNew 40k rules datasheets for the Tyranids Exocrine have been spotted- check out what they can do in 9th Edition now!

GW fairly recently said Tyranids would get the next codex, so you know that means the internet is going to start releasing leaks! Obviously, these are rumors and sometimes the Ikea-style sheets can have a few issues, still, it’s a great indication of what’s to come!

These come from Reddit, and luckily, the picture is actually easy to see! No potato cam in this one. Let’s first check out what we know about the codex release and possibly new models, then jump into the leaks.

Games Workshop Teases Tyranids Next 40k Codex After Eldar

Anyways, here is what Games Workshop has said about the upcoming Tyranids Codex release, along with the latest rumors because there isn’t much to go on yet from GW…

This isn’t just an exciting time for Aeldari, but for all Warhammer 40,000 xenos players – after the craftworlds touch down, there’s something gribbly and chitinous coming. We don’t want to say too much right now, but there are lots of them, they’ve come a long way, and they’re VERY hungry. For biomass. Okay, you forced it out of us – it’s the Tyranids.

tyranids preview games workshop codex 9th Edition

And that was pretty much all they said. However, it was more than enough for us to dig up these old Tyranids rumors below. Plus don’t forget to check out all the new Tyranids Crusher Stampede rules they just got as well by clicking here.

New Tyranid Model Rumors

Now, let’s check out the pics that could easily be a new giant bug!

gw 2022 tyranid 1That is a clear Tryanid model! With a very large tail, and wings, maybe the Flying Tyrant is getting an update? Either way it looks huge!

For a split second, you can also see what appears to be a tentacle-like appendage from higher on the model.  Plus from the side what may be the torso is clearly visible before the model spins revealing a wing.



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While this probably is for the gargantuan creature, that doesn’t mean we won’t see a new Biovore kit as well. Plus, we’ve also seen other Rumor Engines from not that long ago that point at other new Nids.

New Tyranids or Nurgle: GW Rumor Engine

rumor engine 11-2-21This new bit is clearly some Insectoid/Exoskeleton thing, but what faction does it match? There are only really two options, Maggotkin, because we know their update is coming and they do use a few flies and such. Second Tyranids, do need some model releases, whether that be updates or new ones and they have exoskeletons on pretty much all of their models.

11-2 potential answerWhile Tyranids do look like a possibility, they are much more alien than insectoid, which somewhat makes us lean more towards Maggotkin or even a one-off Warband model for a specialist game.

That being said, it could definitely still be Tyranids, with so many out-of-date models, a slight design tweak and updated look could go miles for the Xenos faction as they could definitely use the love.

Rumor Engine Tail or clawWell, we’ve already taken a guess at this one. It just looks too much like a Tyranid tail for us to think much further. Just the tantalizing idea of new Tyranid minis seems to be scrambling our brains. While it could always be something else, it just looks too alien for many other factions. They also mention it could be man-made by more advanced humans.

Could they be unveiling a new line of beings behind the Hive-Mind? Probably not, but hey it’s a rumor engine so why not speculate?

VenomthropesWhile it’s not identical to the Venomthropes tentacles, it does have a very similar look with the bend in it before it gets to the spikey bits (like what we did there…). We would also hope they actually update the minis if they’re getting new stuff, so it shouldn’t be identical. This isn’t the only candidate, however.

Tyranid HarpyThe Tyranid Harpy also has a very similar-looking tail. With just a couple of tweaks, we could see this being on here as well. But, it’s not as likely because the tail doesn’t seem beefy enough to match the size of this one. That brings us to one of the most hated Tyranid units to actually build and play with…

Tyranid GargoyleWhile it’s not identical, it could also be an updated Gargoyle kit. They are more than do for some better models that aren’t the most finicky thing on the planet! Lastly, it could be an update to a very core unit. Now, let’s jump into the next big things that may be coming for Tyranids in 2022.

RUMORS: 40k Tyranids Exocrine Rules

exocrine rulesOld Rules

Exocrine rumorsNew Rules posted to Reddit

First off, the added BS is a great change and quite a big buff. Now it won’t be hitting on 4’s until it’s damaged. Next, they are increasing mobility and saving throw, so hopefully, it will be able to survive longer. Then, the weapon is grabbing more shots, more Strength, more AP, and more Damage.

However, with all that said, it will probably be somewhat of a trade-off as GW is giving units more mobility and taking away some rules.

So there’s a big possibility they are taking away the standstill and double shoot +1BS option, still, the baseline stats of everything are so much better, we think the trade-off will be worth it.

Here’s all the latest on the upcoming rules updates and points changes for Warhammer 40k.

All the Newest GW Model & Rules Previews For 2022

What do you think about all these new Tyranids models rumors that are out there?

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