Eldritch Omens Warhammer 40k Box Set: Pricing & Value

eldritch-omens-pricing-valueHere’s the pricing, value, and unboxing of all the new Eldar and Chaos Warhammer 40k miniatures that are coming in the Eldritch Omens Box.

The Eldritch Omens box was revealed on Christmas Day 2021 and if you play either of the factions, it was a bit of a gift! We expect there to be more new miniatures still coming (definitely for Chaos) for the factions overall, but this box will probably be released far ahead of any other release wave.

Just look at the Orks, they finally got their last wave of minis at the end of 2021, so if you want new Eldar or Chaos Space Marines this might be the way to go for a while…

Eldar vs Chaos Space Marines Eldritch Omens Battle Box Set

This battlebox contains 16 miniatures, a whopping 15 of which are all new. The 16th is a mighty, smoke-belching Forgefiend – the forces of Chaos can never have too many daemon engines. You also get a 32-page Eldritch Omens booklet that outlines the narrative of the battle for Daethe in the war-torn Nachmund sector.

While both of these factions desperately needed reworks to their miniatures line, the Eldar having models dating from the 1990s probably needed them more! Games Workshop did not disappoint with their previews and unboxing of Eldritch Omens either but let’s hope the new stuff doesn’t stop here!

Obviously, we don’t know the prices for sure 100%, but we have a really good idea based on previous releases.

New Eldritch Omens Unboxing:

Games Workshop took the covers off the sprues in their unboxing of the new Eldritch Omens Box, which confirmed that all the models inside are Multi-part kits, perfect for the type of hobbying veteran players tend to prefer.

For the most part, everything looks to have multiple options for modeling, and some like the Autarch have extra weapons torsos, and head options even.

Eldritch Omens Sprue

Eldritch Omens Sprue (2)


Eldritch Omens Sprue

The troops and vehicles are even more flexible. Each Aeldari Ranger and Shroud Runner comes with several different posing and wargear options.

Eldritch Omens Sprue (3)

The Chaos contingent is incredibly customisable. These guys can all be built with and without helmets, and with a standard requisition of bolters and chainswords, or with more esoteric gear including lightning claws, chainaxes, combi-weapons, power fists, icons, and much else besides

Chaos Space Marines players will love that for sure on all the new miniatures in this box.

New Eldritch Omens Box: Pricing & Value Breakdown

Let’s check out the estimated value for the Eldritch Omens box set and all the Eldar and Chaos Space Marines Miniatures inside.

Eldar vs Chaos Space Marines Eldritch Omens Battle Box Set contents 16 models

  • Autarch $35 (based on recent character releases)
  • Rangers $55 (based on Drukhari and Howling Banshees releases)
  • Shroud Runners $60 (based on SM Outriders)

Eldar MSRP $150

  • Warpsmith $35-$40 (based on recent releases, but there is a chance it goes for $40 and not $35)
  • Chaos Chosen $60
  • Forgefiend $75

Chaos MSRP $170

Overall MSRP: $320

Total Estimated Value: $120 (based on $200 retail price)

There is also some intrinsic value inside as 15 of the 16 miniatures are new and we probably won’t see them released on their own for a while. We also hope GW puts these on MTO pre-order as we expect them to sell a decent amount of boxes considering both factions inside rarely get new miniatures.

Is the Eldritch Omens Box Worth It?

Eldar vs Chaos Space Marines Eldritch Omens Battle Box Set eldar halfThis box is hard to gauge. The problem is the last box set for Warhammer 40k, Shadow Throne, came with 25 miniatures for a $170 retail price, and ended up being around the same value per side ($55-$60).

From there GW seems to have raised the price $30 on the front end but given less value on the back end for Eldritch Storm. However, all the miniatures inside are not only new, as we mentioned above, but also the normal multi-part kits that you would expect to release later on separately as fully boxed sets.

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As folks have also pointed out the Dark Vengeance box set from around 10 years ago contained way more models, all of which were “new” at the time, however, they were ETB easy to build. That box set also contained a “Mini” rulebook too for Warhammer 40k which also had value.


It’s also worth mentioning that the latest AoS Box set, Fury of the Deep, as well as the new Kill Team Starter Set both came with condensed or “mini” versions of each game system’s rules. 

Back to Dark Vengenace that box set retailed for around $100, if you convert 2012 money to 2022, even that is a little off…

eldritch omens value and pricing

The recent Shadow Throne box went for $170 and had about $113 worth of value inside which equals about $7 a figure retail. Eldritch Omens cost per figure in an unboxing is about $12.5, which is close to a 50% jump. Both box sets contain multi-part figures.

Overall the new box set looks good, but if it is price pointed at $170 retail like the Shadow Throne and Hexfire sets before it, each model in Eldritch Omens cost $12.50 each, up from around $7 each in those two previous boxes. That makes the roughly $3 a figure from the 2020 Indomitus launch box, (or the 2012 Dark Vengenace’s 50 figures at $2.20 ea.) look like a steal.

The difference is that these sets were “Starter Boxes” and contained ETB or easy-to-build miniatures.

So in Games Workshop money, there is some value to Eldritch Omens, as the value is about the same as the other box sets from 2021, and you are getting way more “new” models early.

The question is will the price point push away hobbyists, as Games Workshop has not had any new box set release sell out in a very long time for a variety of reasons.

If you do pull the trigger on this box, you can always sell off the side you may not want if you can’t find someone to split it with on release.

Here’s all the latest on the upcoming rules updates and points changes for Warhammer 40k.

Click Here For All the Newest GW Model & Rules Previews

What do you think about the new miniatures pricing and value coming for Eldar and Chaos Space Marines in the Eldritch Omens Box? 

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