GW NERFs Death Guard Disgustingly Resilient Rule

The Death Guard Disgustingly Resilient rule is getting a serious change in the new codex- check out what’s changing and if it’s a NERF!

Today on Warhammer Community, they revealed the new rule to hold us over as the release has been delayed. This preview is part 4 of 5, so be sure to come back to see the last rule they have in store for us tomorrow. If you want to see part three, check it out here. Today though the preview is the biggest change we’ve seen yet.

new-death-guard-rulesAs you all know by now, the book is being delayed until early next year. So at least these are something to feast on in the meantime, take a look at all the latest reveals.

Today let’s look at the biggest change yet!

GW Nerfs Death Guard Disgustingly Resilient Rule

Disgustingly ResilientSo this is a giant change! Before they had a 5+ FNP in essence, this is totally different, and feels like they are doing this to speed up gameplay. In some ways, this is better because D2 weapons will automatically become only one damage, which statistically is actually better. With Plague Marines going to 2 wounds this is pretty helpful for weapons to not just kill them if the wound gets through.

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The Issues:

Where it really gets worse is high damage weapons. Just think about someone getting a Lascannon style weapon attack through on Mortarion or Plagueburst Crawlers. Then they roll a 6, five wounds go through immediately! The second issue here also comes in with mortal wounds.

While it does say any attack, so it may reduce the damage by one, but you no longer have the chance to save mortal wounds, they just go straight through with (possibly) minus one damage. And then single mortal wounds just go straight through. Also, this takes away the possibility of getting lucky and saving a unit with some great rolls.

Lastly, this hurts them really badly with D1 weapons, this rule does nothing for that! So now your opponents can just shoot tons of D1 weapons with decent AP and you will have no chance to get a double save on any of the wounds.

Not Following the Same Precedence

refusal to die stratgem death companyIt looks like they are trying to speed the game up by changing the rule for DG, but feel no paint does still exist in 9th Edition, it’s just a little bit more exclusive. This Blood Angel strat allows Death Company to get a whopping 5+ FNP. On top of that, the Death Company retained their 6+ FNP as well in their new codex, so it may seem strange to change the Death Guard’s most iconic rule, but keep the exact same interaction in the game for another faction?

Maybe we’ll see a Death Guard version of Refusal to Die as well in the new book, but for now, it looks like from this preview that things are changing a lot for Mortarion and his crew.

Of course, all of this will become 100% clearer when we have all of the rules and datasheets to examine. For now, we’re just grasping at few rules we have seen previewed, all in the big vacuum of uncertainty.

What do you think about the change? Are you happy with the other rules so far?

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