GW Reveals This Weekend’s Warhammer Preview & More

new releases warhammer 40k games workshop communityGW just announced their schedule of when they’ll be previewing all the new releases that they were set to unveil at Adepticon 2020.

If you haven’t already heard, 2020’s Adepticon has been canceled due to COVID-19. While the week of tabletop gaming might be canceled, GW is still going to be dropping online previews starting this Saturday, March 28th.

On top of a list of possible reveals, check out this official schedule dropped by Warhammer Community.

Something Special For The Preview Attendees

While the spreading virus might have some of our hobby spirits low, we at least have something to look forward to in the days ahead. Plus, we can get so much hobbying done in the meantime. To throw in a little more hype, there might be something special in store for the people who reserved a slot for the GW preview as well. This is just a shot in the dark…but maybe it’s some kind of mystery mini?

We’ve no doubt that AdeptiCon will bounce back, and we’ll be right alongside them over the next 12 months as they plan for bigger and better in 2021. We’ll also be working with them to make sure that everyone who was signed up to come to the Warhammer Preview event still gets the goodies we had planned for them…

With all of this announced, mark your calendars for the days ahead. This was supposed to be GW’s biggest preview ever at Adepticon so we shouldn’t be disappointed. Even if we have to watch everything unfold from home.

What’s on the Table For Reveals (That we Know About)

chaos-wal-hor-space-marines-word-bearers-dark-apostleNow let’s check out what we could be seeing once the previews drop. Keep in mind that this isn’t an exhaustive list. There’s a strong chance that GW has kept a few things under serious lock and key so that the Adepticon preview would have been the first time anyone has ever heard about it.

For Age of Sigmar

Lumineth rumor engine


lumineth realmlords 1


lumineth realmlords light of eltharion



We’ve already seen quite a few models out of the Lumineth Realm-Lords. However, there’s not been a real deep look at their rules. Who knows if there’s more in store for the factions in AoS…

gargantsWe’ve also been seeing the name Sons of Behemat dropped from time and time again. Whether in a shipping manifest or being referenced in a GW teaser video, there’s definitely something up with this name. And for those of you who don’t know, Behemat is an ancient creature that was the father to the Gargants. (Maybe we’ll see an all-Gargant faction).

For Warhammer 40k

Engine of war


war of the spider (3)Two Psychic Awakening books still have to have some light shed on them as well. With Engine War being officially announced by GW earlier, showing the factions involved, War of the Spider was seen in a shipping manifest- which is still largely shrouded in mystery. However, it could be pointing to Fabius Bile…who might be a Chaos Primaris.

fabius bile war of the spider (3)


fabius bile war of the spider (3)


fabius bile war of the spider (3)


fabius bile war of the spider (3)So far, these are the bits we’ve seen. Pay especially close attention to the little dude pulling the gene-seed out of the Primaris Marine’s neck.  Dating back to the 1996 Mark Gibbons artwork of Fabius Bile in the Chaos codex, we might have just seen GW pull the same move that they did for Mephiston.

chaos codex 2nd edition fabius bileFabius’ artwork from the older book shows him with all his wargear and two cronies carrying his stuff. There are some slight differences from what’s been seen on the model and in the artwork, however. For example, it looks like Fabius is holding his Xyclos needle pistol by his side instead of in front of him and the dude on the left is pulling gene-seed from what looks like a regular Marine.

But given the fact that we’ve seen the syringe guy on the left is some pretty strong evidence that we’ll also be seeing the guy on the right holding the tank of gene-soup. If we do see Fabius Bile hit the scene with a couple of other models in his kit, we might see him work similarly to the way the Dark Apostle does with his underlings carrying a huge book and censor.

Bold Rumors for 40k- New Chaos Units & Fulgrim

fulgrim daemon wal hor chaos rumors games workshop primarchNow, this is the part where we need to take things with a grain of salt. Some pretty bold rumors were spotted over on DakkaDakka, but the source is a “friend that works at GW” so remember…don’t trust it too much. However, there are too many reasonable claims to just be dismissive as well.

These are what the next releases are going to be in order, we’re going to get an official confirmation at Adepticon.

Unnamed Book (Working Title “The Deathmarch”  Deathguard, Crons, and Deathwatch

Talons of the Emperor book (Name subject to change) Sisters, Talons (replacing custodes, next custodes book will just be Talons) and Harlies, sets up the next big conflict which is…The War of the Spider

Fulgrim primarch wal horEvery faction represented, most with very little (A relic or wlt, tops, most just get fluff) the Emperors Children beseige Terra, ushering in Fulgrim (we will get a tease of his model at the end of Adepticon). The book will function as “Index: Emperors Children”. A lot will be carried over from Faith and Fury but expanded to be equivalent to DG and T Sons.

Will NOT have Fulgrim, he will come with his rules when he is released and shortly after the start of 9th a true EC dex with his rules will be released.

chaos noise marine 2018New Noise Marines on their way, new “Primaris” equivalent coming, created by Fabius.

Not all the new units will have datasheets in War of the Spider, they’re using this to justify the codex coming out a few months after the PA book. Will be much larger than previous PA books, lots of fluff. Closer to Vigilus than not, lots of narrative and campaign rules.

Full-fledged global campaign like at the start of 8th.

Combining these rumors with the teasers for Fabius spotted earlier, we should definitely be keeping Emperor’s Children on our radar. Be sure to check out the full coverage of all the rumors in case this is the first time you’ve heard about them.

movie angels of death marine wal hor blood angelsWe also can’t ignore all of the recent film avenues GW has recently begun to step into. At the end of the day, there are all kinds of potential reveals swirling around Adepticon and we most certainly haven’t covered them all. But for right now, we’ll have to wait and see what exactly drops at the event. In the meantime, be sure to keep your eyes peeled.

Event Exclusives:

Coming from an older post that was announced first by WHC, we’ve had a small look at what would be coming to Adepticon 2020 since 2019!

There has been no word yet if these were going to be part of the goodies GW had planned for preview attendees yet…

adepticon 2020 exclusive psykerWarhammer 40,000 fans can bolster their Adeptus Astartes forces with this resplendent Librarian in Terminator Armour.

There’s one especially great thing about this Terminator Librarian. This guy being previewed means GW is still considering putting time into normal Marines. This is the first non-Primaris Adeptus Astartes model we’ve seen come to the 40k universe since the start of 8th edition that’ll be in his own clam pack. (I.e not Space Marine heroes). Pretty awesome.

adepticon 2020 exclusive stormcast anvilKnight-Questor Dacian Anvil will be making an appearance for Warhammer Age of Sigmar collectors

As for Dacian Anvil, he was first previewed a while back with no real answer given to where he would pop up. However, it’s been unveiled that he would have been making his debut at Adepticon 2020.

When to Watch the Reveals LATEST

With all of this swirling around the big online Adepticon reveal, we should definitely get ready for something big. Here is the latest word from GW on when the previews will hit and where.

whc twitch stream adepticonThis will be coming at you from two fronts – first on Twitch live with guests in our studio, and then soon after in a live blog right here on The live show on Twitch kicks off at 1:45 pm (UK time) on the 28th, so be sure to tune in. The live blog will start rolling at 2:00 pm.

Depending on where you are in the world be sure to read this chart for approximately what time you should tune in. If you don’t have a Twitch account or don’t want to watch the stream, they’ll also be posting a live blog of just the previews shortly after.

Remember that this is also just the first wave of GW previews as well. They’ll be doing the same thing again (with what we assume will be more new content) the weekend after on April 4th as well.

What do you think is on the way for Age of Sigmar and 40k? Do you think GW also has another surprise they haven’t given any clues or hints about? 

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!