GW’s 11 New Genestealer Cult Model Kits LATEST

genestealer cult bike

Don’t miss the latest on all the new models that Genestealer Cult are getting as we get closer and closer to their official reveal from Games Workshop.

GSC have had one of the slowest startups in 8th edition. They are one of the last few factions that’ll be getting their codex and the army even got nerfed as a side effect from an FAQ that completely threw out turn-one deepstriking. However, Games Workshop has been working on this faction to bring them right back where they need to be, as we’ve been seeing all kinds of new models coming to the faction. Let’s take a look at the latest.

Latest GSC Models Coming to the Table

These are all of the latest models we’ve seen coming to the faction and by our count, there are 11 to date. As a matter of fact, we still have yet to see their rules or even their names for the most part besides the “gunslinger”.





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The Sniper, ATV, Biker, and Tactician models were all a part of the Vigilus Open day. These are all looking to be brand new kits with some customizability here and there.

What seems to have the community at-large most excited for, is the fact that the Bikers would make great Rough Rider counterparts for Imperial Guard.

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Moving onto the New Year’s Open Day, there were a handful of GSC characters spotted for the first time. There’s a new female Magus, some sort of Assassin, a Vox-Caster DJ, and some broody-looking “advisor”.


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Although the four models above were spotted on display in the glass cases at the event, another model was previewed in a Youtube video. This looks to be some kind of Neophyte/Medic. As for rules, we’re guessing he’ll give off some kind of Feel no Pain aura since bringing a single model back on a 4+ like normal Apothecaries would be next to useless in this army.

gsc gunslinger

The Gunslinger is one of the first new models we saw get previewed. He “snuck” his way into the display case at another Warhammer event early on in 8th Edition.


gsc kill team

However, it turns out that he’ll be getting his own Kill Team. He’ll be a Commander for Starn’s Disciples. All in all, it still looks like you’ll still be able to field him on the larger tabletop games of 40k as well.



tectonic frag drill

The Tectonic Fragdrill is going to be the terrain-piece for the faction. GW has been making these “terrain features” that cost nothing and can’t be targetted because it’s “terrain” lately. They give off different kinds of effects/bonuses, depending on what faction you’re playing, of course.

Could This be a New Model?

gsc new vehicle

While we haven’t seen an actual model for the vehicle yet, doesn’t that buggy look new to you? That’s definitely not a Goliath. Whatever it is, it looks fast and open-topped. Is a buggy the 11th new GSC kit to be teased by Games Workshop? They already “hid” a medic in their YouTube preview from the New Years Open, why not another in their animated preview as well?

Models Out on Display

Check out the models in all their glory as they were spotted sitting in display cases across all kinds of Warhammer events!

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Genestealer Cult are getting the full character package deal, that’s for sure. It’s up to GW now to fix their rules to make them more competitive in 8th edition.

So far, all we’ve seen are rumors from all the far corners of the internet. Hopefully, we’ll see some rules get revealed by GW very soon.

What do you think about the faction right now? Do you have a new favorite model? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.