Last Call Black Friday Sales, 40k Rules, & Vigilus Open LATEST

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Tons of new previews are here for Warhammer 40k along with the last Black Friday sales across the hobby headed into Cyber Monday! Let’s jump in.

If you stuffed yourself as silly as we did this weekend, you may have been too sleepy to notice all the news in the hobby world!

Check out new announcements for the tabletop hobby, with our expert commentary that you may have missed during your turkey coma.

Last Chance 2018 Black Friday Sales List

Copy of 40k santa warhammer

Black Friday 2018 sales are almost gone. Don’t miss any of these offerings from many of your favorite miniature games and hobby manufacturers!

Battleforces Are Coming! GW’s New Holiday Pre-Orders For DEC

Lots of new miniatures, accessories, and rulebooks are headed your way for pre-order from Games Workshop. Check out what you need to add to your holiday wish list!

GW Accidentally Reveals Wrath & Rapture Box Set Contents

SLaanesh wal hor daemonette Save Hobby $$$ Buy One Army for 40k & Age of Sigmar!

Daemon players rejoice, it looks like Khorne and Slaanesh are getting a ton of new and existing models as the contents for the new Wrath and Rapture starter set have been revealed.

New Titans, Primaris, GSC, Sisters, Daemons, & Chaos LATEST

hor of space marine and chaos

Don’t miss this new release tidal wave from the Vigilus Open! Dive into the latest on all the new rules and models that are coming for Warhammer 40k soon!

New Titanicus Boards & LoTR Arrive From Forge World

Thundehawk crop forge world

New Forge World is here! Check out the latest products have gone up for pre-orders this morning. Take a look at the latest kits that are on the way for LOTR and Titanicus.

New Black Library: Spear of the Emperor & More


More great books are here from the Black Library, as Spear of the Emperor, The Emperor’s Gift and more titles headline the lore side of things.

Vigilus Defiant: New List of 40k Rulebook Reveals

primaris book cover hor marine

Check out the list of new content for a ton of different factions that was spotted in the 40k Vigilus Defiant rulebook trailer GW just dropped.

BREAKING Warhammer 40k Chapter Approved 2018 Teasers

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Big changes are coming for Warhammer 40k in the 2018 Chapter Approved! Don’t miss the latest teasers and previews from the Vigilus Open Day!

Karanak & Herald of Slaanesh Spotted at Vigilus Open

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A new Karanak and Herald of Slaanesh have been spotted in the latest Wrath and Rapture previews from Vigilus Open. Don’t miss this one!

New Genestealer Cult Models & Codex Rules LATEST

Genestealer Cult

New Genestealer Cult models were just spotted at the Vigilus Open. Check out the latest on new GSC and their rumored Codex rules as well!

New 40k Campaign Book & Primaris Space Marines for DEC


New Primaris Space Marines and a campaign book for Warhammer 40k are on the way for December it looks like. Don’t miss the latest from the Vigilus Open!

New Full Sized Titan Spotted From Forge World

psi titan warlord New Titans, Christmas Bundles, Orks, & a Demon Model LATEST

Don’t miss this one. We break down the awesome new Forge World Warlord Nemesis titan for Warhammer 40k that GW just revealed!

2018 Comprehensive Tabletop Black Friday Sales List

santa kharn

Black Friday 2018 sales are here and it is time to take advantage of all the offerings from many of your favorite game and hobby companies!

Chaos & Primaris in the Works? 26 Unsolvable Rumor Engines

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New Space Marines and Chaos are coming, but which is which? Check out the list of Rumor Engine mysteries and see if you can crack what bits these are!