Chaos & Primaris in the Works? 26 Unsolvable Rumor Engines

sm chaos wall hor question 1

New Space Marines and Chaos are coming, but which is which? Check out the list of Rumor Engine mysteries and see if you can crack what bits these are!

There’s been a lot of spikey bits on the rumor engines lately (no pun intended). Could a lot of Chaos and a little bit of Primaris be on the way? Check out these unsolved rumor engines and let us know what you think.

Chaos & Primaris in the Works? 26 Unsolvable Rumor Engine Bits

Table of Contents & Article Summary

rumor engine More to the Rumor Pile: 25 Rumor Engines to Debunk New Space Marines & Chaos? 25 Rumor Engine Mysteries

May 1, 2018

Candle in the Wind: New GW Rumor Engine PIC


Looks like the smoke coming off of a melting candle. This one appears to be a 3D print so it may be for something FAR in the release future.

May 8, 2018

Calling all Ork Experts: Latest Rumor Engine

Calling all Ork Experts: Latest Rumor Engine

Could this be the mouth on Ghazghkull Thrakka’s new model? Maybe a regular Ork Prime?

May 15, 2018

Calling All Tyranid Players: Latest Rumor Engine

rumor engine claw

Tyranid Claw or Slaaneshi pincer?

June 5, 2018

There’s a Pokey Bit on this Week’s Rumor Engine

rumor engine 6-5-2018

June 12, 2018

We Need A Scientist: Rumor Engine

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June 19, 2018

More Ork Teasers? New Rumor Engine

rumor engine 6-19-18Something is burning on this week’s Rumor Engine teaser! We’ve got a new picture today that looks like it could be an Ork weapon. Let’s take a closer look.

July 3, 2018

We Dont Mean to Harp Too Much

rumor engine 7-3-18 Rumor Engine: We Don't Mean to Harp Too Much

This week’s rumor engine is here and it’s looking like some kind of Aelven instrument with strings. Can you help us figure it out?

July 10, 2018

Could it be Leatherface

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Welcome back! Another rumor engine picture has been spotted this morning and it looks like something out of a horror movie.

July 17, 2018

This Week’s Rumor Engine is Making waves

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This week’s Rumor Engine is here and it’s making waves. take a look and give us your opinion on what you think it could be. Any help is welcome.

July 24, 2018

Rumor Engine: There’s a Gem in the Crown

rumor engine 7-24-18 Rumor Engine: There's a Gem in the Crown

This week’s rumor engine hit the internet this morning and it’s got us guessing. Help us find out what we could be looking at.

July, 31 2018

The Serpent’s Coil: Latest Rumor Engine Spotted

rumor engine 7-31-18 The Serpent's Coil: Latest Rumor Engine Spotted

A rumor engine is hot off the press this morning and we want your opinion on what it could be. Take a look and leave an educated guess!

August 7, 2018

The Floor is Larva! New Rumor Engine Pic SPOTTED

rumor engine 8-7-18 The Floor is Larva! New Rumor Engine Pic SPOTTED

The Floor is Larva! A new rumor engine pic was spotted this morning and it’s got people guessing what it could go to. Check it out with us.

August 14, 2018

Tyranid Warts? Latest Rumor Engine SPOTTED

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It’s that time of the week again and it looks like a Tyranid has some skin problems going on. What do you think it could be exactly? Let’s take a look.

August 21, 2018

This Week’s Rumor Engine: We Tyraneed Your Opinion

rumor engine 8-21-18 This Week's Rumor Engine: We Tyraneed Your Opinion

A new rumor engine has popped and it seems like we are looking at a top-down pic of a Tyranid. Check out the latest image and tell us what you think it is.

Aug 28, 2018

Chaotic Hot Head: This Week’s Rumor Engine

rumor engine 8-28-18 Chaotic Hot Head: This Week's Rumor Engine SPOTTED

A new Rumor Engine bit was previewed this morning and it looks like Chaos has some fashion sense after all. Let’s check it out.

September 4, 2018

Primaris Getting Transport? New GW Rumor Engine

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It looks like the Imperium might be getting a new model in the days ahead. Take a look at the Engineering spotted in this morning’s Rumor Engine.

September 11, 2018

Smoke Detected: This Week’s Rumor Engine

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Smoke is filling up the air again this morning with the latest rumor engine. Take a look and make your guesses as to what it could be!

September 18, 2018

Any Weapon is Better: GW Rumor Engine

rumor engine 9-18-18 Any Weapon is Better than No Weapon: GW Rumor Engine

It’s that time again! A brand new Rumor Engine pic has been spotted and it looks like they’re up in archaic arms. Take a look at the latest details.

September 27, 2018

Viking Boats in Warhammer: New GW Rumor Engine

rumor engine 9-25-18 Viking Boats in Warhammer? This Week's Rumor Engine

We’re back today with another Rumor Engine. By the look of it, Vikings are headed this way! Peek at the latest rumor engine yourself and drop your guess.

October 2, 2018

GW’s New Rumor Engine Has More Dakka

rumor engine 10-2-18 GW's New Rumor Engine Has More DakkaA new rumor engine is finally here this morning and we have two guesses that are the polar opposite. Help us figure out what we’re looking at.

October 9, 2018

GW Rumor Engine: A Tunic Fit For Nobility & Wizardry

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The new GW rumor engine is out and it looks like an unmistakable tunic and belt. The bigger question is who is wearing it?

October 16, 2018

Odd Armor Plating: GW’s Latest Rumor Engine

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We’re back with a new rumor engine this morning and it’s left us scratching our heads. Our best guess is that it’s some kind of armor. Take a look.

October 23, 2018

A Feather in Your Cap: New GW Rumor Engine

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GW’s brand new rumor engine is out this morning. Let’s take a look at what kind of hint into the future they’re giving us. What do you think it could be?

October 30, 2018

GW Rumor Engine: More New Space Marines?

GW Rumor Engine: More New Space Marines?

A brand new GW rumor engine popped up and it looks a lot like the back of a pressurized suit. Do you see something else here? Take a look!

November 13, 2018

GW Rumor Engine: Does This Look Like Chaos?

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A new Games Workshop rumor engine was spotted, and it looks like Chaos might be up to no good once again. Let’s break it all down!

November 20, 2018

GW Rumor Engine: What Plans are in the Works?

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It looks like someone might be planning something in GW’s latest rumor engine pic. Check it out and tell us what you think it is.

Latest Identified Bits

If you missed some of the bits that have already been identified earlier this year, you can check them out below. Thanks to our readers for sniping out some hard finds!

rumore engine header

Latest Confirmed Rumor Engine Releases:

May 22, 2018

Rumor Engine: Can I Have a Sword With You?

rumor engine sword

darkoath sword

This guy is a part of the Darkoath Warband coming to Nightvault. That sword is bigger than we thought…

June 26, 2018

We Need a Shaman: New Rumor Engine

rumor engine 6-26-18 We Need a Shaman: New Rumor Engine

darkoath warband

It was a staff after all! The Darkoath Warband Leader is holding onto it! What kind of powers do you think she’ll have in the game?

May 29, 2018

Rumor Engine: It’s up in Smoke

rumor engine may29

troggoth rumor engine

It turns out it’s just the mushroom’s head! We thought it might’ve been some kind of saff for AoS originally.

May 24, 2017

Another Wild New Rumor Engine From GW!

Rumour Engine May 24

speed freeks buggy

This is actually the tire treading from one of the vehicles previewed in Speed Freeks.

Aug 23, 2017

Double Barreled Rumor Engine Pic

Rumour Engine Aug 23 17 New Rumor Engine Pictures Left to Solve

speed freek nova 2 Behind the Scenes Q&A Reveals From GW's Latest Preview


This was mounted on the Wartrike with a Warboss. A brand new model previewed by GW!

Think you have identified a bit from above? Post it in the comments and keep us updated on our Facebook Hobby Group.