New Blightlord Terminators Death Guard 40k Rules SPOTTED!

Don’t miss the new Blightlord Terminators 40k rules that were spotted for the Death Guard ahead that are coming in their 2021 codex.

Recently we saw new rules from GW on Warhammer Community for the Miasmic Malignifier and also some changes to current units.

There’s also been a Blightlord Terminators datasheet spotted around the web! Let’s take a closer look at what we know is coming in the Death Guard Codex!

new-death-guard-rulesAs you all know by now, the book is being delayed until early next year, but you can still check out all the Death Guard rules previews that we have seen so far at the links below!

New Blightlord Terminators Death Guard 40k Rules SPOTTED!

There was an Ikea style sheet of their rules leaked earlier in the week, so we will look over them now. You can also check out the original source here. Let’s compare it to his old sheet and see what’s changed.

blightlord old 1


blightlord old 2

Old rules

blightlord new

New Rules


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New Bonuses: 

  • +1″ movement (up from 4″, now 5″)
  • +1 Attacks (up from 2, now 3, the champion has 4)
  • +1 Wound (up from 2, now 3)
  • Blightlauncher now flat 2 damage (was d3)
  • Flamespewer +3″ range (up from 9″, now 12″)
  • Balesword now +1 strength (was user)
  • Bubonic Axe +1 strength (was +1, now +2)
  • Flail of Corruption -1 strength (was +2, now +1)

What we don’t know:

  • Unique weapon rules? Will flail still spill over wound wise?
  • Plague Weapon trait?
  • extra ap on 6s to wound in melee?
  • Cataphractii armour?
  • Teleport strike?

Overall these are sweet changes. The only NERF coming to the DG terminators looks like it’s the flail, which let’s be honest, was broken. Definitely a warranted change. Even better yet, they still might be good as they kept the 2 damage, if they keep the rest of it’s rules, they’ll still be very good.

It’s nice to see other weapons get buffed as well to make decision making on loadouts more strategic.

death guard codexLook for the Death Guard codex to hit store shelves in early 2021, it was delayed, but it’s still not too far out!

Do you like the addition of terrain pieces into 40k? Are you excited about the new Death Guard Book? How do the stat changes look to you so far?

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